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Determine Whether Each Statement About Alcohol Is True Or False

Determine Whether Each Statement About Alcohol Is True Or False

state whether the statement is true or false

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1. state whether the statement is true or false



Maaf Kalo salah :''D

Semoga Membantu  ^^

2. Read the article. Check true or false for each statement about the future, then write true information for each false statement

Baca artikel yang di lampirkan lalu jawab pertanyaan berikut. Cek apakah setiap pernyataan benar atau salah, lalu tuliskan informasi yang benar berdasarkan dari artikle untuk setiap pernyataan yang salah.

3. read the text carefully based one the text,state whether each statement is True of false​


Bacalah teks dengan cermat berdasarkan apakah setiap pernyataan benar atau salah

4. Say TRUE or FALSE! Fable is a kind of narrative story about animals. *TRUEFALSE​


Answer: True,

According to Oxford Dictionary,  Fable is defined as a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially one with animals as characters; these stories considered as a group.

5. III. Make certain about this statement below is True or False."The fuction of procedure text is to entertainor amuse the readers."true or false?pls bntu​



we have to support the truth

6. Determine whether the statement is true or false. if true, provide a prooffor n € N, 2n - 8 < n² - 8n + 17materi induksi matematika kelas 11tolong ya, makasih​

Pernyataan salah.

Bukti :

Pilih n = 5, maka :

2n - 8 = 2(5) - 8

= 10 - 8

= 2

= -15 + 17

= (25 - 40) + 17

= (5)² - 8(5) + 17

= n² - 8n + 17

Jadi, terdapat n = 5 sedemikian sehingga 2n - 8 = n² - 8n + 17 ≮ n² - 8n + 17

7. 6. Listen to the monologue. Decide whether the statement is True (T) or False(F). If it is False, make some corrections. soal di gambar​


1. The motorized vacuum cleaner was invented by Hubert Cecil Booth of England in 1911. (False)

The motorized vacuum cleaner was invented by Hubert Cecil Booth of England in 1901.

2. Electrocardiography is a trans-thoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the kidney over a period of time. (False)

Electrocardiography is a trans-thoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of theheart over a period of time.

3. A refrigerator consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from the inside of the fridge to its internal environment. (False)

A refrigerated consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from the inside of the fridge to its external environment.

4. A fly-swatter usually consists of a small triangle or round of thin metallic, rubber, or plastic mesh, attached to a lightweight wire or plastic handle. (False)

A flyswatter consists of a small rectangular or round thin metallic, rubber, or plastic mesh), attached to a lightweight wire or plastic handle.


Untuk soal nomor 5, saya tidak bisa menjawabnya karena soal di atas berdasarkan monolog yang seharusnya dilampirkan. Untuk soal nomor 1-4 merupakan kebenaran umum (general truth) yang informasinya dapat ditemukan di mesin pencarian.

Pelajari lebih lanjut A laptop is a portable small personal computer pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28486970


8. Choose these statement (Pernyataan benar atau salah)Pilot is someone who flies a plane. True or FalsePilot is someone who brings a plane. True or False​


1. Pilot is someone who flies a plane.

Answer: True

2. Pilot is someone who brings a plane.

Answer: False

9. true or false about the pictures​

Jawab :

7. False

8. True

Penjelasan :

7. Karna banyak guru yang setuju adalah "yes but with limitation" bukan berarti semua guru menyetujuinya berarti false

8. Bila 200 guru dikali 15% maka = 15 orang berarti true

#Terimakasi sudah bertanya di brainly, semoga membantu!

#Semangat Hyung:'


8. true


bila 200 guru dikali 15% maka= 15 orang berarti true

10. state whether the statements are true or false about simple past tense​

1. F (harusnya “rode” bukan “rides”)
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F (harusnya “were” bukan “was)
6. T
7. T
8. F (harusnya “buy” bukan “bought” karena sudah ada kata “didn’t”)
9. T (tapi lebih tepatnya “an english course” daripada “english course”)
10. T

11. part ll true falsestate true if the statemen is true ,or state false if the statement is false based on the dialogue! minta tolong apa artinyaa:)​


Bagian II benar salah

nyatakan benar jika pernyataan itu benar, atau nyatakan salah jika pernyataan itu salah berdasarkan dialog!

semoga membantu

thank you

12. mark the statement T (true) or F (false)​

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. False




They just befriendNo, it's their first timeHakim is his last nameShe comes from BandungShe isYes, he isThe number is 36What for?Yes, they areMaybe they are lived in the same housing area, but in different streets.

13. Write true or false for the statement given.​



14. Choose "True" if the statement is true or "False" if the statement is false. 1. Circulation is the transport of materials in living things. * True False 2. Life stops when circulation stops. True False





semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik

^_^  ^v^

15. true and false statement about persian pottery


16. Read the following text and decide whether the statement are true (T) or false (F) Tips on printer maintenance​


T perawatan printer sesuai prosedur pemakaian


Bacalah teks berikut dan tentukan apakah pernyataan tersebut benar (T) atau salah (F)

Tips perawatan printer

17. Choose True, if the statement is correct or False if the statement is wrong​


the writer got it from his grandfather (false)

it's brown and looks like a toy car (true)

18. Circle true or false based on these statements below1. She is study now. (true or false) 2. He is cooking breakfast. (true or false) 3. He are painting a beautiful view. (true or false) 4. They are playing football. (true or false)5. They is eating noodle. (true or false) ​


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

n.) she,he,it - is

you, we, they - are


semoga membantu ^ᴗ^

19. true or false about the pictures.​


True, False


1. True

2. False


1. true

2. false

semoga membantu

20. State whether the following statements is true or false


the following statement are from the chapter and their answers are given beau









maaf kalau salah

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