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Other Receivables Do Not Include

Other Receivables Do Not Include

tuliskan 5 contoh dari kalimat to tell other to do something, to ask other to do something, to tell other not to do something, to ask other not to do something!!

Daftar Isi

1. tuliskan 5 contoh dari kalimat to tell other to do something, to ask other to do something, to tell other not to do something, to ask other not to do something!!

1. (tell other to do something) You must read the book
2. (ask other to do something) Can you turn off the radio?
3. (tell other not to do something) Don't put that in the box
4. (ask other not to do) You can't turn off the lights

2. the words that do not include nouns? a.pen b.book c.bag d.right

~ Answer:d. right

Right isn'tnoun. It is adjective. Pen, book, and bag are noun.


~ Introduction:

Setiap kata memiliki golongan dan peranannya tersendiri. Setiap kata yang masuk ke dalam golongan kata tersebut berperan aktif dalam keberlangsungan setiap kalimat.

Parts of speech terdiri atas:

verb,pronoun,noun,adjective,adverb,preposition,conjunction,article, daninterjection.

~ Discussion:

Halo, sobat cerdas! Noun menunjukkan bentuk nominal dimana ini merupakan kata yang menunjukkan keberadaan suatu benda baik hidup dan mati. Noun dilengkapi dengan adjective sebagai kata pemanis yang berperan melengkapi atau menambahkan informasi yang dimiliki subyek/obyek tersebut.

Pen adalah barang yang digunakan untuk keperluan tulis-menulis (pena).

Book adalah barangdari lembaran kertas yang dijilid yang terdapat tulisan di dalamnya untuk dibaca (buku).

Bag adalah baranguntuk menyimpan barang-barang lain yang berukuran pas atau lebih kecil dari benda tersebut (tas).

Right menunjukkan arah kanan atau barat. Adapun right menunjukkan sesuatu yang dianggap tidak salah atau selurus dengan pemahaman orang atau fakta (benar).

Right termasuk katasifat (adjective).

~ Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.

Good luck! ✿

3. Why do planets not collide with each other? Explain

because the planet has an orbit of his own

4. example dialog to tell each other todo or not to do

Riva: "Hey, Zara, Annie. Mrs. Imel told me that you are good writing essay. Would you mind to give me some advices, because I have to write an essay?"  Zara: "Of course! First of all, you have to choose proper type, style, and format of writing an essay."  Annie: "She's right. You have to choose the right language too. Once you start writing your essay, especially in the introduction, you have to include a thesis statement."  Riva: "I see. Let me take a note." *writing* "Hmm is it good if I put many facts in my essay?"  Annie: "It's good, but don't overwhelm your essay with information and facts. Though essays should be meaningful and detailed, learn to filter the information and choose only important points."  Zara: "Also, if you want to include mention of something that you have read, even if you are not using a direct quotation,  it is best to reference the source of the information. This way, your examples will be more convincing and form more reliable evidence of the points you wish to prove."  Riva: "Thank you, Zara, Annie!"  Zara: "--and one more: don't let typos ruin your essay, understand?"  Riva: "Of course I do! Thank you so much!"

5. which of the following do noun pharase not include? a.nouns b.modifying words c.advrebs d.all of the above

jawaban :A. nouns

semoga membantu




maaf kalo salah

6. what do the duties of managers include? ​



apa yang termasuk tugas manajer?


Tugas manajer adalah sebagai seseorang yang mampu untuk mengarahkan, memimpin, mengoordinir, serta melakukan pengembangan terhadap perusahaan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan

to ensure the daily functioning of a department or group of employees. Staffing: Most employers expect their managers to interview, hire, and train new employees.

Semoga membantu.
Semangat teruss belajarnyaaa

7. do elephants like to isolate themselves from other elephants?why or why not?

no. because the elephants are live in the group

8. You ______________ quiet so you do not disturb other peopleapa yang harus di isi ???​

have to be

maap kalo salah

9. what do regulatory signs includedan jawaban no ngasall !​

a series of wheels but bumpy.

maaf kalo salah.

10. Who want to try give the other sentences? What we can do at school and what we can not do at school?​


study and those who don't ditch

11. which nutrition is not include in the cookies

nutrisi mana yang tidak termasuk dalam cookie ?

nutrisi mana yang tidak termasuk dalam cookienutrisi mana yng tidak dimasukkan di dalam biskuit?

12. they do not know each other Ubah kalimat diatas dalam bentuk simple past tense

they didn't know each other
They didn't know each other

13. 1. Do they know each other?A. Yes, they doB. No, they do notC. Yes, she doesD. No, she does nottolong d bantu y kk...mksh​


A. yes, they do


Apakah mereka mengenal satu sama lain?

A. Ya, mereka melakukannya

B. Tidak, mereka tidak melakukannya

C. Ya, dia melakukannya

D. Tidak, dia tidak

itu klo di terjemah kan:)

14. Do Not take with any other paracetamol containing product

jangan mengambil produk apapun yang mengandung parasetamol

jangan mengkonsumsi produk lain yang mengandung paracetamol

15. apa artinya •not include your name, email address or common passwords


tidak termasuk nama anda, alamat email atau kata sandi yang umum.


biasanya ada kesalahan input huruf atau kata saat login ke suatu website.

16. arti dari do not fish in the lake on any other day except sunday

jangan memancing di danau pada hari lain kecuali hari minggu

maaf kalau jawabannya salah

17. 5. Like most other students, Satria likes English very much, ....a. does he?b. does not he?c. did not he?d. do not they?e do they?​


A. does he


semoga membantu ".

18. 3. When do you use informal expressions? Explain. 4. When would you likely introduce your self? 5. Introducing you self to someone does not mean that you are just telling your name. The introduction can include other details such as

3. When i talk to my friend not in a formal action
4. when i meet someone new
5. My age, where i live

19. do elephants like to isolate themselves from other elephants?..why or why not?...

Elephants don't isolate themselves from other elephants, because they live together in family groups; they help each other when in trouble, and they join together to care for and rescue their young.

[maaf kalo salah ya :)]no, because,because they live together in family groups; they help each other when in trouble, and they join together to care for and rescue their young.
kan udah ada di bacaannya

20. 7. Do Budi and Desi know each other?A Yes, they do.B. Yes, he does.C. No they do not.D. No, they are not​


a yes they do


karena di dalam soal itu terdapat lebih dari satu orang maka menggunakan "they" dan karena kata pertama soalnya adalah"do"maka jawabanya juga ada kata "do"

moga membantu dan jadikan jawaban terbaik, (:

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