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Linda Sets An Appointment With An Electrician

Linda Sets An Appointment With An Electrician

the secretary asked me... with Mr. Donia. did I have an appointmentb. how was my appointmentc. whether I had an appointmentd. when is my appointmente. that I had an appointment​

Daftar Isi

1. the secretary asked me... with Mr. Donia. did I have an appointmentb. how was my appointmentc. whether I had an appointmentd. when is my appointmente. that I had an appointment​


c. whether I had an appointment


( a ) kalau kalimat pertanyaan, harusnya pakai "you"

( b ) harusnya "how my appointment was"

( d ) tentu salah karena menggunakan simple present tense. "..." diisi dengan kalimat simple past tense

( e ) bisa jadi jawaban kalau kalimatnya "the secretary said ..."

2. terjemahan has mr.ahmad got an appointment with the manager

apakah pak ahmad mpy janji dg manajer?

3. Have you ever made an appointment with a dentist ?


pernahkah kamu membuat sebuah janji dengan seorang dokter gigi?

4. 20. Geri : Why you didn't come to myparty last night? Linda :I am sorry. Mymother was sick. I must accompanyher to the doctor. From the dialoq wecan conclude that Linda.....*O Canceling an appointmentO Agreeing an appointmentO Refusing invitationO Greeting​


O Canceling an appointment


Canceling an appointment


Geri menanyakan alasan Linda tidak datang ke pesta kemarin malam. Pertanyaan Geri telah menunjukkan bahwa Linda membatalkan niat/jadwalnya untuk datang ke pesta tersebut.

5. apakah making an appointment itu​

making an appointment itu membuat janji


Making an appointment yaitu bentuk ekspresi yang di gunakan untuk membuat perjanjian bertemu dengan seseorang pada waktu tertentu (yang telah di tentukan).

6. Make an appointment artinya​


membuat janji.



buatlah sebuah petunjuk



7. languange feature make an appointment ​

Making an appointment in English typically involves the following language features:

Verbs: "make," "schedule," "reserve," "book," "request," etc.Nouns: "appointment," "meeting," "visit," "reservation," etc.Time expressions: "tomorrow," "next week," "at 2 PM," "on Tuesday," etc.Modals: "can," "could," "would," "should," "may," etc.

Examples of making an appointment in English could be:

Can I make an appointment for next Wednesday at 3 PM?I would like to schedule a visit with the doctor.I am calling to request an appointment for next Monday at 9 AM.I was wondering if it's possible to book a meeting for next Friday.May I reserve an appointment for the day after tomorrow?

It's important to note that the language used may vary depending on the context, formality and the culture you are in.

8. What is reservation and an appointment?​

a reservation is an arrangement to keep something.an appointment is a formal arrangement with someone. For example, a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, a consultant.

semoga membantu :)

Dalam bahasa indonesia: Appointment itu membuat janji untuk bertemu, atau bisa juga berarti posisi jabatan dan bisa juga posisi furnitur di ruangan

Reservation itu memesan atau booking, misal memesan kamar di hotel, memesan meja di restoran, memesan tempat di suatu lokasi.

Dalam bahasa inggris:

Appointment is making an appointment to meet, or it could mean a position of position and it could be a position of furniture in the room

Reservation is ordering or booking, for example booking a room at a hotel, ordering a table at a restaurant, ordering a place at a location.

semoga membantu:)

9. You have an appointment with someone now, but you cannot come.call him/her


You have an appointment with someone now, but you cannot come.call him/her

Kamu punya janji dengan seseorang sekarang, tapi kamu tidak bisa datang. Hubungi dia


smoga brmnfaat

10. Dewi : ……………………. yuni : i’d love to, but i’ve an appointment with a friend tomorrow

Berikut kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog:

Dewi: Would you like to go to beach with me tomorrow?

Yuni: I'd love to, but I have appointment with a friend tomorrow.


Pada soal di atas, kita diminta untuk melengkapi dialog menggunakan kalimat yang tetap dan sesuai dengan jawaban Yuni. Berikut terjemahan dari dialog di atas:

Dewi: Maukah kamu pergi ke pantai denganku besok?

Yuni: Saya mau, tapi saya punya janji dengan seorang teman besok.

Kita melengkapi dialog dengan mengajak Yuni untuk pergi ke suatu tempat. Hal ini dikarenakan jawaban yang tersedia adalah ia tidak bisa ikut karena memiliki janji besok.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang melengkapi dialog bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8990717

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4                    

11. tolong dijawab ya kak1. are you an electrician? ​


apakah kamu adalah seorang tukang listrik?


arti : apakah kamu seorang tukang listrik?

jawabannya tergantung pada diri sendiri. kalo emang tukang listrik berarti YES, kalo bukan berarti NO

12. A person who sets elictric sistems ia an


IT or electrician


Electricians were originally people who demonstrated or studied the principles of electricity, often electrostatic generators of one form or another.


A person who sets elictric sistems ia an lT or electrician.


Seseorang yang mengatur sistem listrik adalah seorang LT atau tukang listrik.


Electricity is the flow of electrons from atom to atom in a conduit or an energy that is very influential on human daily life. This electrical energy is used and used to drive various electronic devices that function to facilitate human work.


Listrik adalah aliran elektron-elektron dari atom ke atom pada sebuah penghantar atau suatu energi yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan manusia sehari-harinya. Energi listrik ini digunakan dan dimanfaatkan untuk menggerakkan berbagai alat elektronik yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia.


13. In order to make an appointment with a doctor, which number would one call?​


in order to make an appointment with a doctor which number world on call?


untuk membuat janji dengan dokter nomor dunia mana yang dihubungi?

14. Dewi : ..... Yuni : I'd love to, butI've an appointment with afriend tomorrow​


Dewi: hi, let's have a lunch together tomorrow!

Yuni : I'd love to, but  I've an appointment with a  friend tomorrow​

dijamin bnr ttp smngt

15. make dialog with your friends to making an appointment at least 10 sentences ​

Ana: Hi, Dave. What are you doing this Saturday? (Hai, Dave. Apa yang akan kamu lakukan hari Sabtu ini?)

Dave: I’m going to the Coldplay’s concert. (Aku akan pergi ke konsernya Coldplay)

Ana: Really? Me too! (Benarkah? Aku juga!)

Dave: How about we go to the venue together? (Bagaimana jika kita berangkat ke lokasinya bersama?)

Ana: Actually, I’m going with my cousin, but you’re welcome to join us. (Sebenarnya aku akan pergi dengan sepupuku, tetapi kamu boleh gabung dengan kami)

Dave: I’ll come with you if it’s that okay for your cousin. (Aku akan pergi bersama kalian jika sepupumu tidak keberatan)

Ana: She’ll be happy to see you. (Dia akan senang bertemu denganmu)

Dave: Great! (Bagus!)

Ana: So… where should we meet? (Jadi… di mana kita harus bertemu?)

Dave: I’ll drive and pick you up at your house at 5. How about that? (Aku akan mengemudi dan akan menjemput kalian di rumahmu pukul 5. Bagaimana kalau begitu?)

Ana: Sounds good. (Kedengarannya bagus)

Dave: All right. See you both at 5 on Saturday! (Baiklah. Sampai bertemu kalian berdua pukul 5 hari Sabtu)

Ana: Yeah. See you. (Ya. Sampai bertemu)

16. buat dialog make an appointment! tolong dibantu​

Patricia: Hello, I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor, please. (Halo. Saya ingin membuat janji bertemu dengan dokter.)

Receptionist: Have you been here before? (Apakah Anda pernah ke sini sebelumnya?)

Patricia: No, I haven’t. (Belum pernah.)

Receptionist: Okay. What is your name? (Siapa nama Anda?)

Patricia: It’s Patricia Sanchez. (Patricia Sanchez.)

Receptionist: Alright, Mrs. Sanchez. Can I arrange an appointment today at 1 p.m.? (Baik. Nyonya Sanchez. Apa saya bisa jadwalkan untuk bertemu dokter hari ini pukul 1 siang?)

Patricia: Sure. No problem. (Baik Tidak ada masalah.)

Receptionist: Please fill this registration form to proceed this appointment. (Mohon isi formulir pendaftaran ini untuk menyetujui jadwal ini.)

Patricia: Sure. (Reading the form carefully.) Should I fill in the medical insurance number column? I don’t have medical insurance. (Baik. [Membaca formulir itu dengan seksama.] Apa saya harus mengisi kolom nomor asuransi kesehatan? Saya tidak punya asuransi kesehatan.)

Receptionist: You can skip that. (Anda bisa mengosonginya.)

After a moment. (Setelah beberapa lama.)

Patricia: Here you go. (Ini formulirnya.)

Receptionist: Thank you. You have been arranged to see the doctor at 1 p.m. (Terima kasih. Anda telah dijadwalkan bertemu dokter pukul 1 siang.)

Patricia: Okay. See you. (Baik. Sampai jumpa.)

sumber : https://www.sederet.com/tutorial/contoh-percakapan-membuat-janji-bertemu-dokter-doctor-appointment/

17. Dewi : ..... Yuni : I'd love to, butI've an appointment with afriend tomorrow​



maaf klw slh dan smg membantu

18. What is an electrician responsible for?


Install, maintain and repair electrical control, wiring, and lighting systems. ... Perform general electrical maintenance. Inspect transformers and circuit breakers and otherelectrical components.

19. etiquette when make an formal appointment?

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kata kunci: formal appointment, ethic

When you have an appointment with a client or other party in a formal situation, you need to do some stuff dealing with such matter. Here are some of them:
- make sure you contact your client in advance to confirm your availability for the appointment or unavailability with the proper reason.
- dress properly and prepare the necessary data for the talk.
- come on time or earlier as your client might be having another agenda afterwards.

20. Yunita:guys, I have to go now. I have an appointment with my friend? Reni:...

Reni : ok! you can going now! bye

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