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Demonstration By A Group Of People

Demonstration By A Group Of People

from a group of people, 14 people like mathematics, 12 people like sciences, and 8 people like both, the number of people in a group is. . . .​

Daftar Isi

1. from a group of people, 14 people like mathematics, 12 people like sciences, and 8 people like both, the number of people in a group is. . . .​


The number of people in group is 18 peoples

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(14-8) + (12-8) + 8 = People

6 + 4 + 8 = People

18 = People

2. A group of people with one purpose ​



sekelompok orang dengan satu tujuan

3. 8. The following pie chart presents the blood groups for large sample of people.Group BGroup ABGroup AGroup 0(a) What is appproximate percentage of people with group A blood? If the pie isbased on a sample of 500 people, approximately how many of those 500 peoplehave group A blood?(b) What is the approximate percentage of people with group B blood? Assumingthe pie cahrt is based on sample of 500 people, approximately how many ofthose 500 people have group B blood?​


8. Diagram lingkaran berikut menyajikan golongan darah untuk sampel besar orang.

Grup B

Grup AB

grup A

Grup 0

(a) Berapa persentase perkiraan orang dengan darah golongan A? Jika pai itu

berdasarkan sampel 500 orang, kira-kira berapa dari 500 orang tersebut

memiliki darah golongan A?

(b) Berapa perkiraan persentase orang dengan darah golongan B? Asumsi

pie cahrt didasarkan pada sampel 500 orang, kira-kira berapa banyak

500 orang itu memiliki darah golongan B?


maaf y aku cuma tau artiny

4. Bahasa Indonesia nya a family is a group of people


artinya " keluarga adalah sekumpulan orang-orang"

a family is a grop of poeple

keluarga adalah sekumpulan orang - orang

semoga membantu^_^

5. Dialog bahasa inggris dengan tema a group of young people cleans the trash in the stafium

Writing Dialog with Given TopicJawaban

Dialog theme: A Group of Young People Clean the Trash in the Stadium

Patrick: Guys, I think we need to make a strategy about the cleaning method.

Hans: What do you mean?

Klara: I think what Patrick means it that, take a look: the stadium is giant! And we are only 4 people here. We have to work effectively by making a smart method so we can finish it as soon as possible.

Patrick: Yes, that's what I mean.

Nela: Okay, what about dividing section based on the entrance. There is four of us, and there are 4 entrance. North, South, West and East. Every of us responsible of your own area. What do you guys think?

Hans: That sounds genius, Nela!

Patrick: Yeah I agree with that.

Klara: Cool! Okay so let's divide. Patrick you will be responsible of the south. Hans in the north. Nela in the west and I am in the east. Deal?

Patrick: Awesome. Okay let's start working now guys.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang membuat dialog:




____________________________Detil JawabanKelas : SMAMapel : Bahasa InggrisKategori : Expression, WritingKata kunci : Making dialogKode: 10.5.2

6. This text for number 20 and 21. Community is a group of person living in the same place,or distric and having common interests, occupation, religion, etc. People who live in village belong to the farmer community, because most of them earn their living by working on the farm. If the people live near the beach and earn their living by catching fish, we can say the fisherman community. 20. What we call them for people who live by catching fish? a. tailor b. policeman C. fisherman d. teacher 21. What is a community? a. A group of people who live in a village. b. The people who live in city. C. A group of people who catch fish. d. A group of person living in the same place.​

1. c. Fisherman
2. d. A group of persin living in the same place.

Maaf jika jawaban saya salah, semoga membantu 20.C (fisherman)
21.D(A group of person living in the same place)

7. people takes care group of animals.they are


probably :vPeople takes care group of animals. They are zookeeper


8. a group of people who watch a show is called? ​

Jawaban: The audience

Penjelasan: A group of people who watch a show is called The audience.

I hope this helps


is a group of bunch of people that watch a show in a theater

9. In a group of 20 people, 11 people likes coffee, 12 people likes tea, 2 people don’t like any of the drink. find how many people like both drinks


5 people

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

In a group of 20 people, 11 people likes coffee, 12 people likes tea, 2 people don’t like any of the drink. find how many people like both drinks!

Jawab :

*20 - 2 = 18the number of people in the group was reduced by the number of people who disliked both drinks

After that

total the number of people who like coffee and tea*11 + 12 = 23

After that

subtract the number of people who like coffee and tea from the number of people who like drinks*23 - 18 = 5 then it is found that the number of people who like both drinks is 5 people

~<3~semoga membantu

10. 3. The group of people who act in a play.a. castb. audiencec. backstage crew​


jawabannya adalah A.cast

The answer is A
a. cast

11. atti kata mall is a large group of shops where people can buy what they need

Mall adalah sebuah jenis grup toko yang besar,dimana orang-orang dapat membeli apa yang mereka butuhkan.

12. Apa hukumnya "a group of people"? plural or singular?Bingung,karena "people" kan plural,sedangkan "a grup" singular. Help me everybody♥​


singular, karena "group" itu singular, dan "of people" itu cuma keterangan tambahan


13. Jawaban dari group pf people in a game

Jawaban dari sekelompok orang dalam permainan

14. The art of music or orchestra that played by a group of people is .... * a. Lenong Bocah b. Jali-Jali c. Kicir-Kicir d. Tanjidor





D. Tanjidor


Tanjidor is a Betawi art in the form of an orchestra

Semoga Membantu

15. A group of people were polled , and 20% ,or 700 , of them favored a new product over the best-selling brand . How many people were polled ?


3,500 peoples

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

If  20%  = 700 peoples then we can calculate the number of total people were polled as:

100/20 x 700 = 3,500 peoples

16. making a conversation about asking and giving Information in group one you discuss group consist of two people Next of the Class! week. I want​


membuat percakapan tentang bertanya dan memberi Informasi dalam kelompok satu yang kamu diskusikan kelompok terdiri dari dua orang Berikutnya dari Kelas! pekan. saya ingin

maaf kalau salah ya

like beri bintang dan follow aku ya kk

17. The sum of ages of a group of people is 4476. The eldest person is ≤79 years old. The youngest is ≥30 years old. No more than 3 people in the group are of the same age. What is the minimum number of people who are ≥60 years old?


Jumlah usia sekelompok orang adalah 4476.

Orang tertua berusia ≤79 tahun. Yang termuda berusia ≥30 tahun.

Tidak lebih dari 3 orang dalam grup yang berusia sama.

Berapa jumlah minimal orang yang berusia ≥60 tahun?

Semoga membantu

18. people take care group of animals who are they?

orang yg peduli terhadap kelompok hewan siapakah mereka?Orang yang mengasuh sekelompok hewan, siapakah mereka?


19. A group of people ...(paint) all the stadion walls all day long​


semoga membantu!! maaf klo salah..

20. a group of five people are talking about their hometowns


sekelompok lima orang berbicara tentang kampung halaman mereka

itu ya kk tolong like ikuti ya

jangan lupa beri bintang nya ya kk

maaf kalau salah

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