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Draw A Reasonable Mechanism For This Reaction

Draw A Reasonable Mechanism For This Reaction

Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->

Daftar Isi

1. Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->

substitution reaction

CH3-CH2-OH + HBr --> CH3 - CH2 - Br  + H2O

I hope its helps...


2. 7. I drew a picture for my mum this morning. Change the sentence above into negative form! A. I didn’t draw a picture for my mum this morning. B. I drew didn’t a picture for my mum this morning. C. I didn’t drew a picture for my mum this morning. D. I not draw a picture for my mum this morning


A. I didn't draw a picture for my mum this morning.


karena ini adalah text irregular, kata kerja yang tadi termasuk v2 diganti ke verb1, irregular text menggunakan Did, oleh karena itu jawabannya adalah A.

3. 2. The equilibrium constant Kp for the reaction2SO3 +2SO2(g) + O2(g)is 1.8 x 10-5 at 350°C. What is Kc for this reaction?​


Jawaban terlampir di foto ya!



4. apakah "please draw this picture" termasuk requests?

Please yang artinya tolong/meminta sesuatu dapat dikategorikan sebagai permintaan/request

5. The price of this car is not reasonable,and neither is this one

artinya : Harga mobil ini tidak masuk akal, dan tidak ada yang satu iniharga mobil ini tidak masuk akal,dan juga tidak satu ini

6. with a pen, draw a pattern for an ondel - ondel dress​


dengan pulpen, gambar pola gaun ondel-ondel



Dengan pena, gambar pola gaun ondel-ondel

Semoga bermanfaat

7. draw a creative card to give a compliment for your friend?​


yang happy birthday day?

draw a creative card to give a compliment for your friend?=menggambar kartu kreatif untuk memberikan pujian untuk temanmu?

(The Picture of Creative card above this post)

8. Draw-like-let's-a circle-this



Penjelasan:let's draw this like A circle

9. For each enzyme reaction there is


Most enzymes work uniquely, which means that each type of enzyme can only work on one kind of compound or chemical reaction


Semoga Membantu Dan Bermanfaat!

10. Word equation for the reaction of astatine with iron


Persamaan kata untuk reaksi astatin dengan besi


suruh apasih aku artiin aj

11. ada 19 box mechanism dengan berat bersih part 15kg per box jika dalam 1kg mechanism ada 318 pcs berapa jumlah total mechanism


90630 pcs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

banyak mechanism dalam 1 box = 15 x 318

banyak mechanism 1 box = 4770

banyak mechanism dalam 19 box = 4770 x 19

banyak mechanism 19 box = 90630

19 box
1 box = 15 kg
1 kg = 318 buah

1 box = 15 kg x 318 buah = 4.770 buah
19 box = 19 x 4.770 buah = 90.630 buah

12. name the things below.1. this thing is to help you draw straight lines.it is called....2. this thing is for observing tiny things it is called.. 3. this thing is for sweeping the floor.it is called ..4. this thing is for writing letters on a whiteboard .it is called...5. this thing is for sharpening a pencil.it is called...​


1. Ruler

2. Microscope

3. Broom

4. Marker

5. Sharpener

(Maaf kalau salah)


1. Ruler

2. Magnifying glass

3. Broom

4. Chalk

5. Pencil Sharpener

Maaf kalau salah

13. Draw The Cloc'k in this picture​


1. 03.40

2. 08.20

3. 10.40

4. 09.30

5. 07.15

6. 10.20

7. 02.40


9. 01.30

10. 11.18

14. word equation for reaction between calcium and water


Jawaban ada di gambar ya


Semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya :)

15. why is the thermite reaction useful for welding rails?​


Thermite welding is widely used to weld railroad rails.The weld quality of chemically pure thermite is low due to the low heat penetration into the joining metals and the very low carbon and alloy content in the nearly pure molten iron.

16. when lead is heated in oxygen. lead(II)oxide id formed write a word equation for this reaction

balanced equation

2Pb + O₂ → 2PbO2Pb + O₂ → 2 PbO
2Pb(s) + O2(g) →2PbO(s)

17. Why is concentration vs reaction rate linear for first order reaction ?

The reason why on order 1 reaction the concentration and reaction rate is linear for first order reaction, That's because experiments have shown that the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration.


Reaksi primer adalah reaksi yang laju reaksinya sebanding dengan konsentrasi reaktannya. Dengan kata lain, menggandakan konsentrasi menggandakan laju reaksi. Reaksi primer dapat memiliki satu atau dua reaktan, seperti dalam kasus reaksi dekomposisi. Reaksi primer dapat didefinisikan sebagai reaksi kimia di mana laju reaksi bergantung secara linier pada konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Dengan kata lain, reaksi primer adalah reaksi kimia yang lajunya berubah berdasarkan perubahan konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Jadi orde reaksinya adalah 1.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi laju reaksi pada link berikut :


#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

18. this animal is used to draw a carrriage. it is a​


it is a horse. horses draw carriages

19. Draw-like-let's-a circle-this


Let's draw a circle like this


Mari menggambar sebuah lingkaran seperti ini


20. draw a circle around the last word in this sentence

gambar sebuah lingkaran di antara kata terakhir dalam kalimat ini

jadikan yang terbaik (Mark as brainlest) kalau bermanfaat

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