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During A Clothing Store Bargain Days

During A Clothing Store Bargain Days

terjemahkan clothing store​

Daftar Isi

1. terjemahkan clothing store​

toko pakaian

maaf klo salah

toko pakaian #maaf klo slh y

semoga bermanfaat:)

2. translate bob's bargain department store​


toko bob serba ada...

maaf kalo salah


artinya = terjemahkan toko serba ada bob

maaf kalau slh semoga bermanfaat

3. 1.) Go police station2.)clothing store​


no 1 dan 2 dari mana-kemana aja

4. make a dialogue based on the situation you and your friend are in the clothing store. you want to buy a t shirts

Buatlah Sebuah Dialog Situasi Dari Kamu Dan Teman Kamu Di Toko Baju . Kamu Pergi Untuk Membeli Sebuah Kaosa : look at this cute shirt, the blue one
b : yeah its cute, but i prefer pink color
a : umm, okay i wantto buy this blue one
b alright, lemme buy the pink one

5. contoh percakapan 2 orang tentang clothing store yang ada attentions,understanding,dan opinion dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris?

A : Excuse me. Can I help you, sir?
B : I want to buy a dress for my wife. She likes blue dress.
A : What about this? It is the best dress in our store. Isn't it?
B : Yes, it is so nice. But, I don't have money as much. Do you understand what I'm talking about?
A : Sure. I will give you a diskon.

6. The average wage of a worker during a fortnight comprising 15 consecutive working days was $100 per day. During the first 7 days, his average wages were $90/day, and the average wages during the last 7 days were $95 /day. What was his wage on the 8th day


how what is that ??? you cool

7. it rained 18 days during the month of april. what percent of the days during the month of april did not rain?


40% of the days did not rain during the month of april

8. (5).....i bought it at the sun store two days ago. artinya apa


aku membelinya di Sun Store dua hari lalu

9. contoh percakapan 2 orang tentang clothing store yang ada attentions,understanding,opinion dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris?

a- You give all your attention to you current business. Is that jean store really means a lot to you?
b- I need your understanding regarding the store. I don't have the same opinion at all when you said that I was too much too young to run such store. 

10. Mrs. Fatimah go to a clothing store for 1 suit. The price of 1 suit was Rp.135.000 how much did she pay for it if the clothing store give her 25% discount? Cara nya gimana ya? Makasih sebelumnya

caranya :
hrga pakaian = Rp135.000
discount = 25%
berapa yang harus dibyar setelah discount 25%?
jawab :
potongan hrga = Rp135.000 . 25%
                        = Rp33.750
Jadi hrga yg hrus dibyar adalah senilai Rp135.000 - Rp33.750 = Rp101.250

11. 1.the drug store lies in the ... of clothing store?2.the DRPD buliding lies in the ... of the promotion buliding?*tolong ya kak ini tugas besuk dikumpulin​


1. Across the street = diseberang jalan

2. Across the street

atau bisa ditambah *in front = didepan

semoga bermanfaat

Across the street atau in front of
Across the street artinya diseberang jalan
In front of artinya di depan dari...

12. buatlah dialog bahasa inggris dgn tema you and your friend are in a clothing store. you want to buy a T-shirtbantu jawab ya..

Andre: Hi Doni
Doni: Hi Andre
Andre: What do you do in this distro?
Doni: Im gonna buy a T-shirt
Andre: Me too
Doni: Okay lets buy it together
Anis : Hey Shina, you look want to find something. What do you want to buy?
Shina : As look as, I need a black T-shirt whats looking good for me
Anis : I want to buy that's to
Shina : Let us choose what we want to buy

13. buatlah kalimat bahasa inggris1.A Market=We Will go to shopping at the=A Marketcontoh diatas 1.A clothing store:2.A drug store:3.A bakery:4.A drug store:5.A fruit store:6.A green grocer:7.A butcher:8.A book store:10.A florist:tolong dijawab ya TERIMA KASIH​


1. I want to go to a clothingstore and buy some clothes

2. I want to go to a drug store, and buy a medicine for me/my sick family

3. I want to buy cake at the bakery store

4. no 4 sama ya seperti yang no 2

5. I want to buy a fruit, at the nearest fruit store

6. I want to buy vegetables,Go to a green Grocer

7. I want to buy some meat, at a butcher store

8. I want to buy a book in the a book store

9. I want to buy beautiful flowers,at the florist shop


maaf kalau kurang tepat ! :)

14. 11. Girl: Where do you buy candies?Boy: I buy it in the ...,a. butcherb. florist storec. confectionery stored. clothing store12. Girl: Where do you buy medicine?Boy: I buy it in the ....a. drugstoreb. shoes storec. fishmongerd. butcher​


11. c 12.a



11.B.florist store


15. write definitions for these places1. clothing store2. drugstore3. internet cafe4. music store5. post office​


1. Clothing store is a store where men's clothes are sold

2. Drugstore is a retail store where medicines and miscellaneous articles are sold

3. Internet cafe is a place that offer the use of computers with high bandwidth Internet access on the payment of a fee

4. Music store is a retail business that sells musical instruments and related equipment and accessories

5. Post office is a local office where mail is received, sorted, and delivered, and where stamps and other postal materials are sold.

16. the clothing store has 12 plastic bag clothes, every plastic bag contains 15 pieces of clothing. After one week the remaining 25 pieces of clothing were left. How many pieces of clotihing are sold ?


12 x 15 = 180

180 - 25 = 155

17. The store owner gives costumers discount during its grand opening weak so that...​


week* so that customers will be interested on the products and will be planning on spending money on it.

18. the clothing store has 12 plastic bag clothes, every plastic bag contains 15 pieces of clothing. After one week the remaining 25 pieces of clothing were left. How many pieces of clotihing are sold ?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The total amount of clothes is 180°. If 25 were left, then the clothes sold are 180-25=155

19. Which of the following sentences are grammatically correct? A. I've usually taken buses during my work days as a construction worker. B. I usually take the bus during my work days as a construction worker. C. I've done took the bus during my working days as construction worker. D. I'll take the bus when I worked as construction worker.


jawabannya maaf jika salaahh

20. Many people go to the mall for shoppingbuy things they need at the mall. For example, dohiers pre plot of stores in the mall Generally, those stowith the stores nameFor example,THINGSSTORESStationery storeCondy storeElectronic StoreMusic storeClothing store​




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