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A Farmer Has 2400 Ft Of Fencing

A Farmer Has 2400 Ft Of Fencing

a rectanguler building lot has a width of 75.0 ft and a length of 125 ft. determine the area of this lot in square meters.

Daftar Isi

1. a rectanguler building lot has a width of 75.0 ft and a length of 125 ft. determine the area of this lot in square meters.

Diketahui :

w = 75 ft= 75 x 0,3 m = 22,5 m

l = 125 ft = 125 x 0,3 m = 37,5 m

Ditanya :

Luas (A)?

Jawaban :

A = w x l

A = 22,5 x 37,5 = 843,75 m^2  

2. A farmer wants to fence up a rectangular plot of land measuring 4.56 meters by 3.12 meters. Each meter of fencing would cost him $8.50. Find the perimeter of the plot of land. ​

Answer : $130.56

Working way : Perimeter = (L+B)*2

L= 4.56 m

B=3.12 m

Perimeter = (4.56 m+3.12 m)*2=15.36 m

Price = $130.56

Sorry if its wrong bc im stupid

3. Which boxes have a volume of 120 cubic feet? Box A: length of 5 ft, width of 4 ft, height of 6 ft Box B: length of 7 ft, width of 7 ft, height of 6 ft Box C: length of 3 ft, width of 6 ft, height of 4 ft Box D: length of 10 ft, width of 3 ft, height of 4 ft 1; A and B 2; A and D 3; B and C 4; B and D Please help




Boxes A and D have a volume of 120 cubit feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we just have to find the volume for each box so we do...

The volume of box A is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 5 ft x 4ft x 6ft = 120

The volume of box B is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 7ft x 7ft x 6ft = 294

The volume of box C is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 3ft x 6ft x 4ft = 72

The volume of box D is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 10ft x 3ft x 4ft = 120

Now we can see that boxes A and D have a volume of 120 cubit feet.

4. It has four legs.it is a friend for farmer . Because sometimes it helps farmer in plowing rice fields.It is a


It has four legs.it is a friend for farmer . Because sometimes it helps farmer in plowing rice fields.It is a buffalo




5. It has four legs.it is a friend for farmer . Because sometimes it helps farmer in plowing rice fields.It is a


buffalo (kerbau)


maaf kalo salah


cow or buffalo :)


6. farmer Ben has.... (cow) and six.... (horse)​


Farmer Ben Has Six Tails (Cow) And Six Tails (Horse)

Semoga Membantu

7. rudy palmer he's a farmer,he has buffalos cows and sheep

petani rudy adalah petani , dia mempunyai kerbau , sapi dan domba

jadikan jawaban terbaik



Rudy Palmer, dia adalah seorang petani, dia mempunyai kerbau, sapi, dan domba

8. 3. A flower garden is in the shape of a right triangle. One leg of the triangle is 6 ft long and the hypotenuse is 12 ft long. What is the length of the other leg? A 14.6 ft B 10.4 ft C 13 ft D 12.8 ft tolong pake cara

A= 6
C= 12
B= ?

B^2= C^2- A^2



9. 10. The farmer has already milked the cows. (-) (?)

(-) The farmer hasn't milk the cows
(?) Has the farmer already milk the cows?(-) The farmer hasn't milked the cows
(?) Has the farmer already milked the cows ?

10. he has a rice field so he is a farmer artinya apa

dia memiliki sawah sehingga ia adalah seorang petanidia mempunyai sebuah sawah berarti dia seorang petani

*semoga bermanfaat*

11. Find the cost of fencing a circle with radius 7cm at rupees 30per m​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

circumference of cirle = [tex]2\pi r[/tex]

= 2 x 11/7 x 7 cm

= 22/7 x 7

= 22 cm

fencing cost = 30₹ / m

100 cm = 1m

= (22/100) x 30

= (11/50) x 30

= 330/50

= 33/5

= 6 3/5

= 6.8₹


Radius : 7cmCost of fencing per metre: 30m²


Cost of fencing with radius: 7cm


Circumference of Circle = 2πr

= 2 × 22/7 × 7

= 44cm

1 m = 1000cm =

so, 1000/44 = 0.44m

Hence, The circumference of Circle is 0.44m

Now, we have to find the Cost of Fencing!

Cost of fencing at m² = 30m²

Cost of fencing at 0.44m = ₹13.2

.°. Cost of Fencing at 0.44m is ₹13.2

12. What symbol of sport is it?a. shootingb. goldc. hockeyd. fencing​


A. shooting

maaf kalo salah....

13. A truck had an intial velocity of 40 ft/sec.it accelerated at 10 ft/sec and reached a final velocity a final velocity of 60 ft/sec.how far did this truck travel while it was accelerating ? (100ft)

The time used by the truck to reach velocity from 40 ft /sec to 60 ft/sec. Vt = Vo + a.t 60 = 40 + 10t t = 2 sec . The distance traveled for 2 seconds. x = Vo.t + 1/2.a.t² x = 40.2 + 1/2.10.4 x = 100 ft

14. what kind of job a farmer is?​


pekerjaan seperti apa seorang petani?


A Farmer manages farms, ranches, greenhouses, nurseries, and other agricultural production organizations. Farmers are involved in planting, cultivating, performing post-harvest duties, overseeing livestock, and supervising farm labor depending on the type of farm.


15. apa arti (fencing) dan (bridge)​


fecing : pagar

bridge: jembatan

semoga membantu


Fencing Artinya pagar

bridge Artinya jembatan

16. it has four legs, it is a friend for farmer. because sometimes it helps farmer in plowing rice fields it is a




it has four legs, it is a friend for farmer. because sometimes it helps farmer in plowing rice fields

it is a (buffalo)

terjemahan: ia memiliki empat kaki, itu adalah teman bagi petani. karena terkadang itu membantu petani dalam membajak sawah ini adalah sebuah (kerbau)

semoga bermanfaat

17. rudy farmer he's a farmer,he has buffalos,cows,and sheep ke bahasa indonesia ya tolong bantu

Petani Rudy,dia adalah seorang petani, dia punya Kerbau,Sapi,dan Domba

Rudy adalah petani. dia menernak kerbau, sapi, dan kambing.

18. The farmer has a buffalo menjadi kalimat present tense negatif


The farmer does not have a buffalo


Rumus Present Tense (have/has)

-negatif singular-


Negative: The Farmer doesn't have a buffalo

19. Mr. Bimo has been a farmer for long time. artikan ke bhs.indonesia pliiiis

Pak Bimo telah menjadi seorang petani sejak lama.Pak bimo sudah lama menjadi petani

20. pronoun. 1.Cobra is a dangerous type of snake. .......................has deadly poison.2.Slamet is a farmer. ....................... go to the rice field everyday.​


1. It

2. He

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :)))))))))))))))))

Jawaban:1. it

2. he


yang nomer 2 itu bisa 2 jawbn him or he tapiii tergantung pronounnya

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