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Matching 7 1 Key Terms And Descriptions

Matching 7 1 Key Terms And Descriptions

Identify the and the descriptions. number 1 as exampleno objects descriptions1. classroom. clean tidy....​

Daftar Isi

1. Identify the and the descriptions. number 1 as exampleno objects descriptions1. classroom. clean tidy....​


apa. judul. pertanyaan. 90%=63%

2. descriptions and funcition uterus

uterus adalah organ tebal dan berotot yang yang berbentuk simpleks (1 ruang). berfungsi untuk perkembangan embrio.

3. jawaban Matching Cause and Effect Exercises​


Cause and effect

The phone rang so (c)Anitaansweredit.It was raining so (j)wepulledoutanumbrella.Nana planted seeds in the garden and (h)flowersbegantogrow.The car was out of gas so (e)wecouldn'tcontinueourjourney.I was hungry so (a)Iboughtadoublecheeseburger.Silver is so flexible because (f)silversmithshavemanychoicesforworkingthemetal.Adit was prepared for the interview and (b)heisnowhiredbyabigcompany.There has been a great deal of rain and (d)thereservoirsarefull.A storm blew the roof off the house made (g)thefamilyhadtofindanotherplacetolive.Smoking is dangerous and (i)itcauseslungcancerandinducesotherdiseases.

Semoga membantu dan maaf kalau ada salah ya :)


4. q.• Key⁵⁵⁶ ÷ Key⁵⁵¹• 7! + 3! Nt : Bestiehh guwe nih -,​

• Key⁵⁵⁶ ÷ Key⁵⁵¹

= Key^556-551

= Key⁵

• 7! + 3!

= (7×6×5×4×3×2) + 3×2

= 5040 + 6

= 5.046

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] {key}^{556} \div {key}^{551} \\ {key}^{556 - 551} \\ = {key}^{5} [/tex]

7! + 3!

= + 3.2.1

= 5.040 + 6

= 5.046

5. read the descriptions and decide the objects

a. a tiger
b. the great wall of chinaa) Lion 
b) The Great Wall of China

sorry for if i got mistakes :(

6. the first three terms in geometric progression are (7x-7),(2x + 1),and (x-3) where x is a positive integer.find the value of x and find the sum of the first 5 terms of the progression

Kelas 8 Matematika
Bab Barisan dan Deret Bilangan

U1 = 7x - 7
U2 = 2x + 1
U3 = x - 3

(U2)² = U1 . U3
(2x + 1)² = (7x - 7) (x - 3)
4x² + 2 . 2x + 1 + 1² = 7x² - 21x - 7x + 21
4x² + 4x + 1 = 7x² - 28x + 21
7x² - 4x² - 28x - 4x + 21 - 1 = 0
3x² - 32x + 20 = 0
(3x - 2) (x - 10) = 0
3x - 2 = 0
3x = 2
x = 2/3

x - 10 = 0
x = 10

x = 10

U1 = 7x - 7
U1 = 7 . 10 - 7
U1 = 63 → a

U2 = 2x + 1
U2 = 2 . 10 + 1
U2 = 21

U3 = x - 3
U3 = 10 - 3
U3 = 7

r = U2 / U1
r = 21 / 63
r = 1/3

Sn = a . (1 - r^n)/(1 - r)
S5 = 63 . (1 - (1/3)^5)/(3/3 - 1/3)
S5 = 63 . (243/243 - 1/243) / (2/3)
S5 = 63 . 242/243 . 3/2
S5 = 7 . 121 /9
S5 = 847/9
S5 = 94 1/9

7. look at the people and descriptions be them.123345678​


1. A man is trying to do something with his phone.
2. There is a granny behind the man.
3. There is a man eating or reading (a book) behind the granny.
4. There is a woman with her son/nephew in line behind the man.
5. There is a little guy beside the woman aka his mother/aunt.
6. There is a man/guy eating a chikki/food/sack behind the woman (and her son)
7. There is a young gril in line holding her hand bag, waiting patiently for her turn to get to the front.
8. There is a man behind the young gril waiting in line for his turn, while he was looking at time.


8. Jelaskan konsep lock and key ??

konsep lock and key (gembok dan kunci) => ini adalah salah satu dari teori kerja enzim dalam mencocokkan substratnya, yang cara kerjanya hampir menyerupai gembok dan kunci.

semoga membantu^_^

Kata kunci :

Lock and key

Pembahasan :

Teori lock and key merupakan salah satu teori dari mekanisme kerja enzim. Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa enzim diumpamakan sebagai gembok karena memiliki sebuah bagian kecil yang dapat berikatan dengan substrat. Bagian ini disebut dengan sisi aktif.

Sementara itu, substrat diumpamakan sebagai kunci karena dapat berikatan secara pas dengan sisi aktif enzim. Hubungan antara enzim dengan substrat terebut akan membentuk ikatan yang cukup lemah.


Kelas : XII

Mapel : Biologi

Kategori : Metabolisme, katabolisme, anabolisme

Sub kategori : Metabolisme sel

Kata kunci : Lock and key

Kode soal : 4

Kode kategorisasi : 12. 4. 2


9. kalimat gerunds of verbs and write the descriptions of people

Gerung as Subject (sebagai subjek) 1. Smoking is bad habit for teenagers.     (Merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk untuk para pemuda)
2. Losing you is my hardest part of my life.    (Kehilangan kamu adalah bagian terberat di hidupku)
3. Making plan is the next step to become better.    (Membuat rencana adalah langkah selanjutnya untuk menjadi lebih baik)
4. Playing football is my hobby     (Bermain sepakbola adalah hobiku)
"my best friend Lenka"

I would like to talk about my best friend Lenka. I am so lucky to have her.
Without her I would not be as happy as I am now. I have known her for my whole life. We are neighbors so I see her often.

Lenka is small and quite slim. She has got an oval face with bright blue eyes and a big mouth. She has long brown wavy hair but she usually wears it in a ponytail. She is quite beautiful, especially when she smiles.

She always seems to be in a good mood. We have nearly the same hobbies and sometimes the same opinions. She always brings out the best in me by being positive and cheerful.

She is like a part of my family. I trust her as much as I trust my close family member. I find her very honest; she always says what she thinks. It can be useful sometimes .For example when we go shopping she tells me frankly what fits me and what not.

We are really close to each other; she can tell if I'm lying even if I am keeping a straight face! I don't know how she does it! I don't know how it is possible but I am never bored with her.Sometimes she tends to be stubborn, she never admits her fault. But she is stubborn only with her parents, but we have never argued.I hope our friendship will be long and won't ever end.

tolong jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

10. Buatkan 1 Soal matching tentang song b.inggris​


pilih salah satu!

Write Message / moral value of the song!Who is the singer?What is the social function of the song above?What is Themes of song ?

cmiiw dan semoga membantu

11. look for a set of computer images and descriptions right​


Computers are electronic devices that work systematically and carefully to process various kinds of data. Such as numbers, voice and image data


Semoga harimu menyenangkan

12. Jelaskan mekanisme lock and key pada virus

mekanisme “Lock and Key” , artinya seperti kunci dan anak kuncinya, artinya serangan virus itu spesifik terhadap organisme yang akan diserang virus.

13. Activity 1 reading comprehension Activity 3 matching situation and expressions

Asking and giving suggestion adalah ungkapan bahasa Inggris dalam meminta dan memberi saran.


Contoh ungkapan meminta pendapat.

Do you have any ideas for me?Do you have any suggestions for me?Can you tell me what should I do?

Formula Ungkapan Memberi pendapat.

You should + Verb 1

You had better + Verb 1

You ought to + Verb 1

I recommend you to + Verb 1

Mari kita bahas soal.



Who has a suggestions to go shopping? Yuni (dialog baris ketiga)what problem does Bella do? She wants to buy a jacket, but she doesn't know where should she buy (dialog baris keenam)Does Yuni offer something? What. is it? Yes. She recommends her to buy in Fashionista boutique because it sells various kind of clothes and the prices are cheap (dialog baris ketujuh)What will they do after shopping? They will have lunch in Sandy's Resto. (dialog baris keduabelas)

Activity 3.

Alya is going to go to the beach : You should remember to wear sunscreenYour sister has bad breath : You should brush your teeth regularlyputra is good at swimming : why don't you participate in competition?Vera has lost her key : Let me help you find itYour team is confused where they will have a study group : You can study at my houseGilang forgot to bring his wallet to school, so he cannot have lunch : You can use mineLisa's cellphone is broken : Can I buy you something?Vita's leg is sprained : I'll help you go to the clinicthe movie is interesting : You should watch itWinda missed her bus : You can go with us. We'll take you home

Pelajari lebih lanjut Contoh dialog asking & giving suggestions https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2919391Contoh dialog lainnya https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2919391


Detil jawaban





KataKunci:Asking suggestions, giving suggestions, should

14. Pada kondisi apa terjadi teori lock and key ?

saat dimana sisi aktif enzim dan sang substrat memiliki bentuk yang sama, sehingga enzim dan substrat itu cocok, seperti kunci yang memiliki bentuk yang pas dengan lubang gemboknya

semoga membantu

15. plug in the key and ​


plug in the key and? DOOR

Maaf kalau salah")




16. perbedaan lock and key

Lock and Key adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Fischer (1898). Enzim diumpamakan sebagai gembok yang mempunyai bagian kecil dan dapat mengikat substrat. bagian enzim yang dapat berikatan dengan substrat disebut sisi aktif. substrat diumpamakan kunci yang dapat berikatan dengan sisi aktif enzim

Yu jika lock itu pakek L jika  key itu pakek K   #maaf gaes

17. create phrases for accepting and rejecting suggestion by matching the beginnings and endings together​

Jawaban :

Regina: I think I’ve gained weight because my favorite jeans don’t fit me anymore. What do you think I should do? (Sepertinya berat badanku bertambah karena celana jean kesukaanku tidak muat lagi. Menurutmu apa yang harus aku lakukan?)

Cady: I think you should take some exercise. (Menurutku kamu harus berolahraga)

Regina: What kind of exercise do you think is the best to lose weight? (Menurutmu olahraga macam apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan?)

Cady: I don’t know about that. How about asking my sister? She’s an athlete, so she maybe knows what exercise that is the best to lose weight. (Aku tidak tahu mengenai itu. Bagaimana jika bertanya kepada saudariku saja? Dia adalah seorang atlet, jadi mungkin dia tahu olahraga apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan)

Regina: That’s a great idea. Let’s ask your sister. (Itu ide yang bagus. Mari kita tanya saudarimu)


semoga membantu:)

18. Quiz [10/2] [Matching]1. apa itu kubus?​

Bangun ruang


Kubus adalah salah satu bangun ruang yang memiliki ciri ciri,diantaranya :

Memiliki 6 sisi Memiliki 12 rusuk sama panjang Memiliki 8 titik sudutMemiliki sudut yang berbentuk siku sikudll


1.apa itu kubus?​


kubus ada bangun ruang tiga dimensi yang memiliki volume / isi. volume kubus adalah perhitungan seberapa banyak ruang yang bisa ditempati dalam suatu kubus.


Ciri-ciri kubus

1. Mempunyai 6 sisi

2. Mempunyai 12 rusuk

3. Mempunyai 8 titik sudut

4. Mempunyai 12 diagonal sisi sama panjang

5. Mempunyai 4 diagonal ruang

6. Mempunyai 6 bidang diagonal

Rumus volume kubus

V = s × s × s

Rumus luas permukaan kubus

L = 6 × s × s


v = volume

l = luas

s = sisi

Semoga membantu

Salah → report aja ya

Good luck

19. if the sum of the 2nd and 8th terms is 40 and the sum of the 3rd and 6th terms is 36, what is 5th terms?


maaf kuarang jelas coba transelete ke indo

20. 7. Look at the following job descriptions!(1) Checking the flight tariff.(2) Checking the weather forecast.(3) Flying the cargo(4) Planning the flight.(5) Assisting pilot.The correct statements about Paul's jobdescriptions are shown in number ....a. (1),(2),and(3) c. (2),(3),and(4)b.(1),(2), and(4) d. (3),(4),and (5)​


d. (3),(4),and (5)


jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

semoga membantu

jangan lupa follow dan like

maaf kalau salah


3.flying the cargo 4.planning the flight 5.assisting pilot

give me the brainliets answer and i hope this helps,sorry if wrong if wrong report

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