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Lincoln Message To Congress In Special Session

Lincoln Message To Congress In Special Session

Explain the reasons (any three) for theLahore Session of the Congress in 1929 tobe called the Historical Session.​

Daftar Isi

1. Explain the reasons (any three) for theLahore Session of the Congress in 1929 tobe called the Historical Session.​


hai sebenernya kamu nanya SOSIOLOGI atau bahasa inggris sih

2. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. Voters elected Joh F. Kennedy to Congress in 1946. Lincoln was elected President in 1860. Voters elected Kennedy President in 1960. Both men were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the white house.Lincoln was shot on Friday. Someone shot Kennedy on Friday. Lincoln was shot in head. The gunman shot kennedy in the head. Lincoln was assassinated by a Southerner. A shouthener assassinated Kennedy. Lincoln was succeded by a shouherner name Johnson. A Southener named Johnson succeeded Kennedy. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson who succeed kennedy was born in 1908.When was Abraham Lincoln elected to be the US President?In 18461946In 1860In 1960Who were concerned with civil right?LincolnKennedyCongressLincoln and KennedyWhere did Kennedy loose his children?In his homeIn the parkIn the White houseNear the white houseWhich statement is not correct?Lincoln and Kennedy were the presidentBoth the men were shot by SouthenersWhite House was ever lived by LincolnLincoln and Kennedy were shot in the shoulder ​


1. In 1846

2. Lincoln and Kennedy

3. In the white house

4. Lincoln and Kennedy were shot in the shoulder

3. "our school plans to be in session"The underlined word has similar in meaning to(Session)...​



maaf kalau salah




session=sidang, serupa dengan discussion=diskusi

4. Please identify the conjunction that relates to chorological events in this below text by underlying it The Youth Pledge     The Youth Pledge on 28 October 1928 was a declaration made by young Indonesian nationalists. This declaration was proclaimed in the Second Youth Congress. There are three points covered in the declaration, which are one motherland, one nation and one language.     The first Indonesia Youth Congress was held in 1926. It was held in Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies. In the first congress, there were no formal decisions made but it promoted the idea of a united country. The second congress was held in October 1928. This congress was held at three locations. The first session was held to inspire the feeling of unity. The second session discussed about education and the third or the final session participants heard for the first time Indonesia national anthem created by Wage Rudolf Supratman. The third session closed with a youth pledge reading. At that time, the Youth Pledge was used for boosting the Indonesia army’s spirit. With the unity of the young nationalists, the Indonesian independence fighters got more motivation to fight against the colonialists.    Up to today, the date when the youth pledge was made is still remembered and celebrated. Many historians said that the Youth Pledge and the youth congress are one of the most important moments for Indonesia.​


Harap identifikasi konjungsi yang terkait dengan peristiwa korologis dalam teks di bawah ini dengan mendasari

Sumpah Pemuda

Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 1928 adalah deklarasi yang dibuat oleh pemuda nasionalis Indonesia. Deklarasi ini diumumkan di Kongres Pemuda Kedua. Ada tiga poin yang tercakup dalam deklarasi tersebut, yaitu satu ibu pertiwi, satu bangsa dan satu bahasa.

Kongres Pemuda Indonesia pertama diadakan pada tahun 1926. Bertempat di Batavia, yang merupakan ibu kota Hindia Belanda. Pada kongres pertama, tidak ada keputusan formal yang dibuat tetapi mempromosikan gagasan negara persatuan. Kongres kedua dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 1928. Kongres ini dilaksanakan di tiga lokasi. Sesi pertama diadakan untuk menginspirasi rasa persatuan. Sesi kedua membahas tentang pendidikan dan sesi ketiga atau terakhir peserta mendengarkan untuk pertama kalinya lagu kebangsaan Indonesia ciptaan Wage Rudolf Supratman. Sesi ketiga ditutup dengan pembacaan ikrar pemuda. Saat itu, Sumpah Pemuda digunakan untuk menggugah semangat TNI. Dengan persatuan kaum muda nasionalis, para pejuang kemerdekaan Indonesia semakin termotivasi untuk melawan penjajah.

Sampai hari ini tanggal dibuatnya sumpah pemuda masih dikenang dan dirayakan. Banyak sejarawan yang mengatakan bahwa Sumpah Pemuda dan kongres pemuda adalah salah satu momen terpenting bagi Indonesia

5. change the sentances into passive voice!1. they are going to hold next year's congress in jakarta

Next year's congress in jakarta are going to hold by themnext year's congress is going to be held in Jakarta (by them).

6. 1)Bunga sends a message in order to tell daniel about..... 2)she asks daniel to....... 3)daniel has to ........... after receiving the message tolong bantu... terimakasih....

1. Bunga sends a message in order to tell daniel about her new phone number
2. she asks daniel to save her new phone number
3. daniel has to save her new phone number and reply her message as soon as possible after receiving the messageher new bbm code.
add she and tell about school
add the new bbm code

7. Jelaskan peran aktif Indonesia dalam penyelenggaraan special session dewan HAM (ssdham)​

Kelas : 10

Mapel : Sejarah

Indonesia kembali terpilih menjadi anggota Dewan HAM PBB periode 2020-2022.

Sebanyak 174 suara dikantongi Indonesia dalam pemilihan yang dilaksanakan di markas besar PBB di New York, Kamis (17/10/2019).

Selain Indonesia, tiga negara Asia Pasifik lain yang menjadi anggota Dewan HAM PBB adalah Jepang, Korea Selatan, dan Kepulauan Marshall.

Dewan HAM PBB beranggotakan 47 negara melalui pemilihan langsung maupun rahasia pada Mejalis Umum PBB dengan distribusi geografis.

Bukan kali ini saja Indonesia terpilih menjadi anggota Dewan HAM PBB.Seperti diberitakan oleh Harian Kompas, 15 Mei 2006, Indonesia terpilih menjadi anggota Dewan HAM PBB periode 2006-2007 dengan jumlah dukungan sebanyak 165 suara.

Namun, terpilihnya Indonesia ini disambut dengan suara beragam.

Dewan HAM PBB yang baru saja melakukan reformasi masih tetap menjadi sorotan karena sering terjadi politisasi.

Pada tahun 2007, Indonesia kembali terpilih menjadi anggota Dewan HAM PBB periode 2007-2010.

Indonesia memperoleh 182 suara dari 190 negara anggota yang memiliki hak pilih, seperti dikutip dari Harian Kompas, 19 Mei 2007.

8. a greeting card is a card (with a picture in front and a message inside) that you send to someono on their brithday or on a special occasion/holiday

Sebuah kartu ucapan adalah kartu (dengan gambar di depannya dan pesan di dalam) yang kamu kirim kepada seseorang pada hari ulang tahun mereka atau pada acara khusus / liburan.


9. Write message a plan to visit a sick friend in the hospital

Hi friends i have a planed to cisit you at the Hospital

10. how to write a formal message in email with attachment

Writing Subject for Email with Attachment

Some people will not open an email attachment unless they have an idea what is attached. This is why the subject of your email should clearly state the purpose. The title you have chosen to give your email may sometimes reflect that it has an attachment and shows that the body of your message will be short. For example;

Title: Report, 2016 Carnival

Title: List of names of shortlisted candidates

The titles above do not only give a clue that your email may have attached files but they also give an idea of what to expect in the attachments.

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In writing formal message in English, several rules need to be applied since it is evidently for other party or company/ institution. Here they are:
- no phrasal verb if possible
- no shortened form of words (e.g: I'm, he's, it's)
- passive voice usage is emphasized. 

Here's the sample of letter of inquiry:

Dear Ms.Rivarola,
I am writing to inquiry the product in the catalogue you sent me in March, 27 consisting of the jerseys available at the moment. I hereby attach the catalogue below.
I am interested in purchasing Argentina jerseys in 1980s with the code ARG80M23R for a dozen. However, when I contacted the customer service by phone on April, 3, it was said that the stock had not been in the adequate number for my order despite the fact that it is written available for any number of order in the catalogue.
I would be much grateful if you could assist me for my order. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Best Regards,

Wardhana Idham A

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: formal letter/ message


11. The Youth Pledge The Youth Pledge on 28 October 1928 was a declaration made by young Indonesian nationalists. This declaration was proclaimed in the Second Youth Congress. There are three points covered in the declaration, which are one motherland, one nation and one language. The first Indonesia Youth Congress was held in 1926. It was held in Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies. In the first congress, there were no formal decisions made but it promoted the idea of a united country. The second congress was held in October 1928. This congress was held at three locations. The first session was held to inspire the feeling of unity. The second session discussed about education and the third or the final session participants heard for the first time Indonesia national anthem created by Wage Rudolf Supratman. The third session closed with a youth pledge reading. At that time, the Youth Pledge was used for boosting the Indonesia army’s spirit. With the unity of the young nationalists, the Indonesian independence fighters got more motivation to fight against the colonialists. Up to today, the date when the youth pledge was made is still remembered and celebrated. Many historians said that the Youth Pledge and the youth congress are one of the most important moments for Indonesia. 1. Please Analysis the Generic Structure of the text above! 2. Please Analysis the Linguistic features on Paragraph 3 A. Past action verb B. Specifict participant C. Adverb of time


A. past action verb artinya kata kerja tindakan masa lalu

12. The word special in the second paragraph is closets in meaning to:

"Kata spesial di paragraf kedua, paling dekat artinya:"
No text no answer ✖
Tidak ada teks tidak ada jawaban ✖
Smoga membantu^^

13. "Our school plans to be in session"The underlined word has similar in meaning to(session)..A) AffairB) DateC) Consultation D) ErrandE) Period​




"Sekolah kami berencana untuk masuk sesi"

Kata yang digarisbawahi memiliki arti yang sama dengan (sesi) ..

A) Perselingkuhan

B) Tanggal

C) Konsultasi

D) Tugas

E) Periode

E. Period

Jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik~

14. The Youth Pledge ◦ The Youth Pledge on 28 October 1928 was a declaration made by young Indonesian nationalists. This declaration was proclaimed in the Second Youth Congress. There are three points covered in the declaration, which are one motherland, one nation and one language. ◦ The first Indonesia Youth Congress was held in 1926. It was held in Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies. In the first congress, there were no formal decisions made but it promoted the idea of a united country. ◦ The second congress was held in October 1928. This congress was held at three locations. The first session was held to inspire the feeling of unity. The second session discussed about education and the third or the final session participants heard for the first time Indonesia national anthem created by Wage Rudolf Supratman. The third session closed with a youth pledge reading. ◦ At that time, the


Sumpah Pemuda

◦ Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 1928 adalah deklarasi yang dibuat oleh pemuda Indonesia

nasionalis. Deklarasi ini diumumkan di Kongres Pemuda Kedua. Ada tiga

poin-poin yang tercakup dalam deklarasi tersebut, yaitu satu ibu pertiwi, satu bangsa dan satu


◦ Kongres Pemuda Indonesia pertama diadakan pada tahun 1926. Diadakan di Batavia, yaitu

ibu kota Hindia Belanda. Dalam kongres pertama, tidak ada keputusan formal yang diambil

tetapi itu mempromosikan gagasan negara persatuan.

◦ Kongres kedua diadakan pada bulan Oktober 1928. Kongres ini diadakan di tiga lokasi.

Sesi pertama diadakan untuk menginspirasi rasa persatuan. Sesi kedua membahas tentang

edukasi dan sesi ketiga atau terakhir peserta mendengar untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia

lagu kebangsaan yang diciptakan oleh Wage Rudolf Supratman. Sesi ketiga ditutup dengan seorang pemuda

membaca janji.

◦ Pada saat itu,

15. In about 80 words, write a message to Alex giving some advice​


dalam sekitar 80 kata, tulis pesan untuk Alex memberikan beberapa nasihat


itu artinya

16. closing, there The news about a congress held by language office. This congress was held to preserve regional languages in Southeast Sulawesi. There were more than 20 speakers presented their papers on language, literature and teaching. Before closing, there were recommendations to do after carrying out the congress. The number of presenters participating in the congress was ....

more than 20 speakers

17. haw many jobs are in congress​


Berapa banyak pekerjaan di Kongres

Maaf bila ada salah kata dan maaf bila salah

18. This congress was held to preserve regional languages in Southeast Sulawesi. There were more than 20 speakers presented their papers on language, literature and teaching. Before closing, there were recommendations to do after carrying out the congress. The number of presenters participating in the congress was ....

More than 20 speakers

19. he(be)............active again in the congress lately​


he (be) (is) active again in the congress lately.


Am digunakan pada I.

Are digunakan pada You.

Is digunakan pada She, He dan It.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

Simak lebih lanjut di Brainly.co.id - https://brainly.co.id/tugas/30145308#readmore

20. closing, there The news about a congress held by language office. This congress was held to preserve regional languages in Southeast Sulawesi. There were more than 20 speakers presented their papers on language, literature and teaching. Before closing, there were recommendations to do after carrying out the congress. The number of presenters participating in the congress was ....

There are 20 more participating
#Sory klo Slah

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