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Do Not Exceed The Speed Limit Or Drive Slower

Do Not Exceed The Speed Limit Or Drive Slower

you....Drive over the speed limit. it's dangerous​

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1. you....Drive over the speed limit. it's dangerous​


You shouldn't/can't drive over the speed limit. it's dangerous


You don't drive over the speed limit. that is dangerous



Anda .... Berkendara melebihi batas kecepatan. itu berbahaya

Maaf kalo salah ya,


2. the speed limit is 60 km / your.but prabu is draiving at 90. he___________(not drive) fast tolong bantu jawab kak​


59 second iwna9wowne8w


59 second


sorry if wrong

3. the roads are not safe now because many people do not drive carefully .they drive too fast .many pedestrians get accidents because they do not cross the road carefully or because they walk too close to the traffic

Jalanan sudah tidak aman sekarang karena banyak pengendara yang tidak hati-hati. mereka mengendara terlalu cepat. banyak pejalan kaki yang mengalami kecelakaan karena mereka tidak menyebrangi jalan dengan hati-hati atau karena mereka terlalu deket dengan jalan.

4. For the function f, find the indicated limit or function value, or state that it dose not exist.​


fuck .......................

5. Dosage : Adults the twelve years old and over take two teaspoonfuls as needed, Dosage not to exceed ten teasponfuls per day. Childern six years old to twelve years old take half of the adult dosage, not to exceed seven teaspoonfuls per day. Warning : Do not exceed the recommended dosage unless directed by a phycian. Do not add minister to children under six years old or to individulas with high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes. This preparation may cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking this medication. Chronic caugh is danger. If relief does not occur within three days, this continue use and consul your physician. what is the conclusion of the text above? plissss​

We’re required to adhere the dosage. It looks like the warnings are pretty perilous. To avoid overdose, adults have to take 2 two teaspoonfuls and children at the age of 6 to 12 are required to take half of adult dosage.

6. You'd better obey the speed limit. If

If you don't, you'll harm yourself

7. apa arti the speed limit it 60 km / hours​


artinya adalah kecepatan penuh per 60 km / hari


maaf kalo salah


the speed limit it 60 km / hours


8. apa arti kalimat drivers should obey the speed limit​


pengemudi harus mematuhi batas kecepatan



Arti kalimat: Drivers should obey the speed limit. Para sopir seharusnya menaati batas kecepatan.


Drivers (para sopir, karena ada s- yang membuat arti lebih dari satu, kalau driver sopir saj, satu orang.)

should (seharusnya, buka merupakan keharusan hanya sebuah saran kalau haerus maka menjadi must)

obey menaati.

the speed limit. (batas kecepatan, speed kecepatan, limit batas.

9. 5. As the road had become very slippery after the rain, I told the bus driver..... a, do not speed b. not to speed c. let us not speed d. not speeding e. he does not speed


a, do not speed


maaf klo salh


a, do not speed




( ^_^ )

10. The road are not safe now......many people do not Drive carefully


the road aren't safe now because many people don't drive carefully

11. 3. Ultrasonic wave is used to detect over speed car moving in a highway. The Anstrument consists of a transmitter and a receiver (see Figure-1). The receiver did not receive any signal during 0.2 second as a car with 5 m long passing through the sensor. a. What is the speed of the car. b. If the speed limit is 80 km/hour, could you proof whether the car is over speed or not. ​


a. 25 m/s

b. the car is over speed


The receiver did not receive any signal during 0.2 second as a car with 5 m long passing through the sensor, it means that using

[tex]\text{velocity} = \frac{\text{displacement}}{\text{time interval}}[/tex] translated into [tex]\text{car speed} = \frac{\text{car length}}{\text{off-signal period}}[/tex],

we get

[tex]\text{car speed} = \frac{5\ m}{0.2\ s} = 25\ m/s[/tex].

To check whether the car violate the speed limit, we need to convert the unit from [tex]m/s[/tex] into [tex]km/h[/tex],

[tex]\text{car speed} = 25 \frac{m}{s}\times\frac{1\ km}{1000\ m}\times\frac{3600\ s}{1\ h} = 90\ km/h > \text{the speed limit}[/tex]

So, the car is over speed.

12. the roads - carefull - do - not - people - many - drive - because - are - safe - not - now

the roads are not safe now because many people do not drive carefully

13. KEEP DISTANCEwhat does this sign mean?A.don't drive to fastB.don't be too far from this vehicleC.don't be too close to this vehicleD.don't drive over the speed limit

C. Don't be too close to this vechicle.
karena yang dimaksud dengan keep distance adalah jaga jarak, arti tanda nya yaitu jangan  terlalu dekat dengan kendaraan ini.

semoga membantu :)
C. don't be too close to this vechile

14. Woman : we'll never make the fligh in timeMan : not at the speed you're drivingQ : what would the man advise the woman to do ?A. Drive fasterB. Drive, not go by planeC. Slow downD. Not to worry​


A. Drive faster


woman : kita tidak akan pernah terbang tepat waktuman : bukan pada kecepatan yang Anda kendarai

Q : Apa yang akan mereka sarankan untuk dilakukan wanita itu?

A.drive faster

b.Drive ,not go by plane

c.slow down

d.not to worry

jawabnnya adalah A.

15. speed limit 80 KMwhat does the notice mean​


inggris : you can only rive at 80KM/Hour

indo : batas kecepatan 80km/jam


speed - cepat, kecepatan

limit= batas

semoga membantu

jadikan terbaik ya :)

16. would the puddle dry faster or slower on windy days?

windy days middle dry orbecause rice is in desperate need of water substances that sngat many

semoga membantu ^_^

17. Woman : we'll never make the fligh in timeMan : not at the speed you're drivingQ : what would the man advise the woman to do ?A. Drive fasterB. Drive, not go by planeC. Slow downD. Not to worry​


A.Drive Faster


Maaf jika salah ya


A. Drive Faster


Karena dalam situasi tersebut, mereka sedang terlambat dan buru-buru. Sehingga, apabila perempuan tersebut menyetir dalam keadaan lambat maka akan telat. Sehingga, laki-laki tersebut menyarankan untuk ... mengendara lebih cepat lagi. (Drive Faster)


B. to agree to something or to give a permission


Dalam bahasa indonesia consent adalah izin.

19. 2. Apa artinya "Storage: Keeprefrigenerated. Once openedconsume within a day. Do not exceedthe use by date​


Penyimpanan: Simpan

didinginkan. Setelah dibuka

konsumsi dalam sehari. Tidak melebihi

penggunaan menurut tanggal



20. Dosage : Adults the twelve years old and over take two teaspoonfuls as needed, Dosage not to exceed ten teasponfuls per day. Childern six years old to twelve years old take half of the adult dosage, not to exceed seven teaspoonfuls per day. Warning : Do not exceed the recommended dosage unless directed by a phycian. Do not add minister to children under six years old or to individulas with high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes. This preparation may cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking this medication. Chronic caugh is danger. If relief does not occur within three days, this continue use and consul your physician. what is the conclusion of the text above?​


Dosis: Orang dewasa yang berusia dua belas tahun ke atas mengambil dua sendok teh sesuai kebutuhan, Dosis tidak boleh melebihi sepuluh sendok teh per hari. Anak berusia enam tahun hingga dua belas tahun menggunakan setengah dari dosis orang dewasa, tidak lebih dari tujuh sendok teh per hari. Peringatan: Jangan melebihi dosis yang disarankan kecuali diarahkan oleh seorang phycian. Jangan menambahkan pelayanan kepada anak-anak di bawah enam tahun atau pada individu dengan tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, atau diabetes. Persiapan ini dapat menyebabkan kantuk. Jangan mengemudi atau mengoperasikan mesin saat minum obat ini. Caugh kronis adalah bahaya. Jika bantuan tidak terjadi dalam tiga hari, ini terus digunakan dan konsul dengan dokter Anda.

apa kesimpulan dari teks di atas?

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