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Which Details Reveal Courage As A Māori Value

Which Details Reveal Courage As A Māori Value

Details of setting that reveal character from the early life of riley story?

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1. Details of setting that reveal character from the early life of riley story?


Artinya : Detail setting yang mengungkap karakter dari awal kehidupan cerita riley?

2. A text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe 25and reveal a particular person, place, or thing is called as ...​

Jawaban: descriptive text


Descriptive Text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan dengan jelas sifat-sifat yang melekat pada sesuatu, baik itu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan mau pun benda mati. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah memberikan informasi dengan jelas mengenai objek yang digambarkan kepada pembaca.

3. sebuah memori cache dari bagian database sederhana yg berisi key dan value adalah pengertian dari​




Harusnya sih bener

4. The text which describes particular person,thing,animal,and public place in details is..​


Description text


Description text describe particular object in details

5. the value of acidity and basicity of a solution is stated as​


The range of values from 0 to 14 that describes the acidity or basicity of asolution.

i hope it's correct..

6. pengertian bakat courage​

kemampuan dasar seseorang untuk belajar dalam tempo yang relatif pendek di bandingkan orang lain. namun hasilnya justru lebih baik bakat merupakan potensi yang dimiliki oleh seorang sebagai bawaan sejak lahir.

contoh seorang yang berbakat melukis akan lebih cepat mengerjakan pekerjaan lukisannya di bandingkan seorang yang kurang berbakat.

maaf jika jawabannya salah

7. In which part the fact and details are explained?​



8. Which of the following is a primary activity in the value chain .....


Main activities include:Incoming logisticsoperationOutbound logisticsMarketingServicesupport activities consist of:ProcurementTechnology developmentHuman Resource ManagementEnterprise infrastructure


Kegiatan utama mencakup:Logistik masukoperasiLogistik keluarPemasaran Layananaktivitas pendukung terdiri dari:PengadaanPengembangan teknologiManajemen sumber daya manusiaInfrastruktur perusahaan

9. apa arti dari "reveal

artinya itu mengungkapkan atau menyatakan1. mengungkap(kan)
2. menampakan
3. menyatakan
4. memperlihatkan
5. menyingkap(kan)

10. the frations which has value equivalent to 12 1/2 persen to

12,5 % = 12,5/100 = 125/1000 = 1/8jawabannya adalah 1/8 maaf ya klu salah

11. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample is known as....


Sample statistics, such as mean, median, deviation, etc.

12. 6. Moral value is a thing that we can consider as a learning. Moral value in a Narrative text can be seen in ...​


D. Reorientation


Karena Reorientasi berisi kesimpulan dan pesan moral dari isi cerita narasi.

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya^•^

13. A value meal in a fastfood restaurant cost 75 pesos each write function P which determine the price you need to pay for value meal

Let the unit of value meal = x
P = 75x pesos

14. A car which costs 7500 now has a value of 3000 what is the percentage depreciation in its value



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4500/7500×100%= 60%

15. the correct statement about vector quantity or scalar quantity is... a. Vector quantity is the quantity which has the magnitude / value and direction b. scalar quantity is the quantity which has the magnitude / value and direction c. vector quantity is the quantity which has the magnitude / value only d. scalar quantity is the quantity which has the direction only

The correct answer is A and I am absolutely sure about that :)The correct answer of that question is A

16. apa arti dari "reveal? Jawab dong

1 memperlihatkan; menunjukkan.

2 memberitahukan; mengumumkan; membocorkan.

She was ashamed after her secret was revealed. Dengarkan pengucapan

Dia menjadi malu setelah rahasianya bocor.

3 menyatakan.

4 mengungkapkan.

17. Yang bergaris bawah pada ayat Lä a'budu mä ta'budün artinya​


kalimat tersebut memiliki arti : " aku tidak menyembah apa yang kamu sembah "

18. 7. Which of the following does not symbolize abuffalo?a. StatusC. Strengthb. Couraged. Cowardice​


D. Cowardice


Cowardice artinya pengecut

Biasanya kerbau tidak memiliki rasa pengecut di itu hewan barbar

19. spinach - edible -high - nutrional - flowering plants - is - a - an - which - value- has ? urutin dong

spinach is a flowering plants which has value nutrional an high edible

#semoga membantu))
dpinach is a flowering plants which has value nutrional high edible...

20. Which statement is true about a Value Stream that successfully uses Devops?


It alleviates the reliance on the skill sets of Agile teams

It increases the transaction cost

X It lessens the severity and frequency of release failures

It removes the need to automate processes


jadikan jawaban terbaik ....

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