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What Is A Lift In Volleyball

What Is A Lift In Volleyball

what is your opinion about volleyball?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is your opinion about volleyball?​


Volly ball is so much fun, I really like it


make it the best answer

2. a) What is the text about?b) What happened to the battery if we lift in the wrong direction of the arrow?​

Jawaban: The Battery Wouldn't Detach

Penjelasan: If we lift the battery in the wrong direction of the arrow, the battery wouldn't (or would be hard to) detach.

Arti : "Kalau Kita Mencabut Batrainya tidak sesuai dengan arah panahnya maka batrainya tidak akan bisa (atau akan susah) untuk dicabut/ dicopot"

3. Tolong bantuannya plisss. •What does "football" mean in indonesia? •what does "basketball" means in indonesia? •what does "volleyball" mean in indonesia


1. Bola sepak/Sepak bola

2. Bola Basket

3. Bola volley/ voli


Iri? Bilang Boss! Hahai! Pal pale pal pale

4. Change to negative : The children play volleyball in the yard (3 Poin) The children doesn't play volleyball in the yard The children don't play volleyball in the yard The children play volleyball in the yard Do The children play volleyball in the yard ?​


The children don't play volleyball in the yard


Semoga Membantu


The children don't play volleyball in the yard.

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)

5. A:..................is your hobbyB: my hobby is playing volleyball​

jawaban : what(apa)

what is your hobby

(apa hobby kamu)

my hobby is playing volleyball

(hobi saya adalah bermain bola voli)

6. Arti dari my father is friendly everybody in the neighbourhood.He always goes to the neighbourhood meetings he is never absent from the cleaning day.He is a good volleyball player.He plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community center every saturday




Ayahku ramah setiap orang di lingkungan. Dia selalu pergi ke sekitar pertemuan dia tidak pernah …

7. Stanley, Sean and Shane are fitness enthusiasts. Stanley can lift a maximum of 120 kg. Sean can lift 60% of what Stanley can lift and Shane can lift 50% of what Sean can lift. What is the combined mass of weights which they can lift altogether?​


228 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sean can lift 60% of 120 kg, which is 60/100 * 120 = 72 kg.

Shane can lift 50% of what Sean can lift, which is 50/100 * 72 = 36 kg.

So the combined mass of weights which they can lift altogether is

120 kg + 72 kg + 36 kg = 228 kg

Stanley can lift a maximum of 120 kg.

Sean can lift 60% of what Stanley can lift.

60% of 120 kg:

60% × 120

= [tex]\frac{60}{100}[/tex] × 120

= [tex]\frac{6}{10}[/tex] × 120

= 72 kg

It means Stanley can lift 72 kg.

Shane can lift 50% of what Sean can lift.

50% of 72 kg:

50% × 72

= [tex]\frac{50}{100}[/tex] × 72

= [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × 72

= 36 kg

It means Shane can lift 36 kg.

Combined mass of weights which they can lift altogether:

120 + 72 + 36 = 228 kg

Hope this helps.

8. A : What are they doing?B : They are playing volleyball. ........​

A: Apa yang mereka lakukan?
B: Mereka bermain bola voli.

9. Yanto: What does Andry usually do at 4 p.m. in the evening? Yuda: He usually.... volleyball with his friends Yanto: Does he want to be a volleyball player? Yuda: Maybe A. is playing B. to play C. play D. plays

jawaban yang benar adalah D.plays

10. my father is friendly,too.he knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood.he always goes to the neighbourhood meetings.he is never absent from the cleaning day.he is a good volleyball player.he plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every Saturday.tolong artikan jadi bahasa Indonesia​

terjemahan dari my father is friendly,too.he knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood.he always goes to the neighbourhood meetings.he is never absent from the cleaning day.he is a good volleyball player.he plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every Saturday.


Ayah saya merupakan orang yang ramah. Ia kenal dengan hampir semua orang di lingkungan ini. Ia selalu ikut dalam rapat warga. Ia tidak pernah absen dari hari gotong royong. Ia juga merupakan pemain bola voli yang baik. Ia bermain bola voli dengan tetangga kita di pusat komunitas setiap Sabtu.

11. Go ... the lift is in front the watch store.​




Go to the lift ...



Jawabannya : To

12. Change to negative : The children play volleyball in the yard (3 Poin) The children doesn't play volleyball in the yard The children don't play volleyball in the yard The children play volleyball in the yard Do The children play volleyball in the yard ?​


The children don't play volleyball in the yard


semoga membantu

13. my father is friendly,too. he knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood. he always goes to the neighbourhood meetings.he is never absent from the cleaning day. he is a good volleyball player. he plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every Saturday.


Arti :

Ayah saya juga ramah. Dia tahu hampir semua orang di lingkungan itu. Dia selalu pergi ke pertemuan lingkungan. Dia tidak pernah absen dari hari pembersihan. Dia adalah pemain bola voli yang bagus. Dia bermain bola voli dengan tetangga kami di pusat komunitas setiap hari Sabtu.

Semoga membantu ^^

14. arrage these words into good sentences ussually-in- volleyball - THEY-the- afternoon-playA.play volleyball they usually in the afternoonB.They ussually play volleyball in the afternoonC.They ussually in the afternoon play volleyballD.They play volleyball in the afternoon ussuallyjangan jawab sembarangan​


B. they usually play volleybay in the afternoon


ussually-in- volleyball - THEY-the- afternoon-play


B.They usually play volleyball in the afternoon


mereka selalu bermain voli di saat sore hari


maaf kalau salah


Semoga bermanfaat ❤️

15. 1.Who is Clara?2. does clara like singing?3. what kind of sport does she like to play?4. does clara play football in a girls' team?5. with whom does she play volleyball?6. with whom does she play volleyball?7. what is clara like?8. what does she want to be?why?​


1. Salma niece

2. No, she didn't like it

3. Basketball, volleyball, and football

4. No, she only girl in the team

5. With other boys

6. with her brothers

7. (tolong foto yang bagus jadinya gabisa liat tulisan bawahnya kepotong itu fotonya...)

8. (ulang fotonya yaa soalnya tulisannya yg difoto aku gabisa liat kepotong bawahnya)

16. arti are six players in a volleyball team

6 pemain dalam tim bola voliEnam pemain dalam sebuah tim bola voli

17. Does Rio turn off the lamp ?......A. No, he does notB. Yes, he doesC. No, he does notD. Yes, It isMy mother always .......... shopping in the traditional marketA. opensB. goesC. swimsD. saysChange to negative : The children play volleyball in the yardA. The children doesn't play volleyball in the yardB. The children don't play volleyball in the yardC. The children play volleyball in the yardD. Do The children play volleyball in the yard ?​


1. B.Yes,he does

2. B.Goes

3. B.The children don't play volleyball in the yard


Semoga bermanfaat

18. terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia.... My father is friendly,too.He knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood.He always goes to the neighbourhokd meetings.He is never absent from the cleaning day.He is a good volleyball player.He plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every saturday

Ayah saya juga ramah. Dia tahu hampir semua orang di lingkungan itu. Dia selalu pergi ke pertemuan tetangga. Dia tidak pernah absen dari hari pembersihan. Dia adalah pemain voli yang bagus. Dia bermain bola voli dengan tetangga kita di pusat komunitas setiap SabtuAyahku juga ramah. Dia tau hampir semua orang dalam lingkungan rumah. Dia selalu mendatangi rapat lingkungan. Dia tidak pernah tidak hadir pada hari bersih-bersih. Dia adalah pemain bola voli yang baik. Dia bermain bola voli dengan tetangga kami dalam pusat komunitas setiap hari sabtu.

19. my father is friendly,too. he knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood. he always goes to the neighbourhood meetings.he is never absent from the cleaning day. he is a good volleyball player. he plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every Saturday.


Ayah saya juga ramah. dia tahu hampir semua orang di lingkungan itu. dia selalu pergi ke pertemuan lingkungan. Dia tidak pernah absen dari hari pembersihan. dia adalah pemain bola voli yang bagus. dia bermain bola voli dengan tetangga kami di pusat komunitas setiap hari Sabtu.


itu terjemahannya

semoga membantu:)

20. There are... players in volleyball

six players
. sekian…ada pemain di voli itulah jawabannya terima kasih.

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