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Who Is Khan When Was The Document Written

Who Is Khan When Was The Document Written

when was the text of the proclamation written... and who was the author...?​

Daftar Isi

1. when was the text of the proclamation written... and who was the author...?​


17 Agust 1945 early days


2. 1.what kind of the letter is it?2.who was the writer ?3.to whom was the letter written?4.what did the writer want?5.when was the letter written?​

1. application letter

2. karina

3. manager of bromo resto

untuk 4 5 aku gabisa jawab karena lampiran isi suratnya ga lengkap

3. 1.Active : When did Tina write the message? Passive: ____________________________ a.When is the message written by Tina? b. When was the message written by Tina? c. When has been the message written by Tina? d. When was the message written?


B.When was the message written by Tina?


1. Kapan Tina menulis pesannya?


A. Kapan pesan ditulis oleh Tina?

B. Kapan pesan itu ditulis oleh Tina?

C. Kapan pesan itu ditulis oleh Tina?

D. Kapan pesannya ditulis?

jadi jawabannya bisa B juga bisa C

jadikan yang terbaik ya kalau ada yang salah tinggal di kasih rating 1

4. -Qwhat is a novel, and when was the first novel written? nt: short. ​

Langkah langkah dan penjelasan:

Novel is a long prose essay that contains a series of stories from a person's life with the people around him and highlights the character and nature of each actor.

lan Watt, historian of English literature, wrote

in his book

The Rise of The Novel (1957) that first novel appeared in the 18th century.

Written 1,000 years ago, the epic story of 11th-Century Japan, The Tale of Genji, was written by Murasaki Shikibu, a woman. Written 1,000 years ago, the Japanese epic The Tale of Genji is often called the world's first novel.

nt:my answer was deleted, for some reason?

hope it's useful :)

5. 1.who is the sender of the letter2.what is the information in the letter 3.when was the letter written4.how was kanara's condition in the summer5.what did kanara and friends do around the campfire​


1. Kanara Yustin Ardaya

2. Kanara talked about her uneventful summer, as well as her hiking trip in September.

3. October 19, 2021

4. Kanara had a cold and was sick for two weeks, thus missing youth camp.

5. Kanara and her friends sang songs around the campfire.

6. who is the written message for?


Is the written message for?

Adalah pesan tertulis untuk

Semoga Membantu

7. 1. what occasion is the card written? 2. when does the card write? 3. who sends the card?​

2.Is on 22/July/2021

3.Maria send the card.


sorry my english is not good

8. jawab kartunya dgn pertanyaan: 1.when is the greeting card written? 2.who send the greeting card from? 3.who is the greeting card for? 4.what is the greeting card about? Tolong Jawab Mks


2. Shilmi, yayang

3. Uncle Ipan and Aunty Rike, Meysiska

4. Wedding card, get well soon card

Smoga membantu ya.

1.our monthly and quick recovery
2.Shilmi and Yayang
3.uncle ipan and aunty rike,and
4.kalo yg kedua itu tentang get better soon card and yg satu itu congratulation card
yang nomor satu kk gak tau jawabannya maaf kalo salah yg nomor 2 sampai 4 itu

9. 1.what is the text about?2.what happened to Lombok Island?3.who is Sutopo Purwo Nugroho?4.what event is being reported in the text above?5.what is the writer's purpose ti write the text?6.who is the source of the news above?7.when was the news written?

1. Aftershocks in lombok island.
2. Two powerful aftershocks
3. National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPNB)
4. Two powerful aftershocks that cause landslide and panic.
5. To report the situation.

*the picture isn't complete.

10. Questions:16. Who is Nickelo Anjelo?Answer:17. When was the letter written?Answer:18. What lesson was never forgotten by the writer?Answer:.19. What is the impact had in the writer after his teacher told him about his regret?Answer:20. Who is the recipient?Answer:​


16. Graduated student.

17. October 14th, 2016.

18. The dreams in the future.

19. To realize that anything is really possible for everyone.

20. English teacher.


SemogamembantuDanmaafkaloadasalah(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ



11. Tolong dibantu kk Master English1. Who is Mr. Abduallah? 2. What does Alisa inquire? 3. When was the letter written? 4. Who is the sender? 5. Who has a plan to celebrate a birthday party? 6. Where will the party be held? ​


1. Who is Mr. Abduallah?


2. What does Alisa inquire?


3. When was the letter written?


4. Who is the sender?


5. Who has a plan to celebrate a birthday party?


6. Where will the party be held?


The school principal of SMA Pratama She would like to know if it is possible to use the classroom after school. 1st December 2017AlisaKadek in the classroom


1. Siapa Pak Abdullah?

Arti jawaban: Kepala sekolah SMA Pratama

Alasannya: Berdasarkan teks di bawah nama Pak Abdullah terdapat keterangan jabatannya.

2. Apa yang ditanyakan Alisa?

Arti jawaban: Dia ingin tahu apakah mungkin menggunakan ruang kelas sepulang sekolah

Alasannya: Berdasarkan teks di akhir kalimat dalam paragraf pertama.

3. Kapan surat itu ditulis?

Arti jawaban: 1 desember 2017

Alasannya: Hanya tanggal itu yang tertera dalam teks surat di atas.

4. Siapa pengirimnya?

Arti jawaban: Alisa

Alasannya: Berdasarkan teks nama yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini adalah Alisa.

5. Siapa yang punya rencana untuk merayakan pesta ulang tahun?

Arti jawaban: Kadek

Alasannya: Berdasarkan kalimat "Kadek has plan to.." dan kalimat "She is going to..." yang berarti Kadek yang punya rencananya.

6. Di mana pesta akan diadakan?

Arti jawaban: Di dalam kelas

Alasannya: Karena teks berisi Alisa yang menanyakan atas penggunaan kelas setelah pulang sekolah ke kepala sekolah untuk pesta.


Reading the text : brainly.co.id/tugas/45173731


Kelas : 10

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Reading

Kode : 10.5

12. 1.what is the text about?2.what happened to Lombok Island?3.who is Sutopo Purwo Nugroho?4.what event is being reported in the text above?5.what is the writer's purpose ti write the text?6.who is the source of the news above?7.when was the news written?

1. to tell abou tlombok island

2.the lombok island never hitted disasters

3.He obtained his bachelor's degree in geography at Gadjah Mada University in 1993, and he became the best graduate there that year. He obtained a master and doctorate degree in hydrology at the Bogor Agricultural Institute.

4.to tell exprience of the lombok island

5.to tell if  lombok island never hitted disasters


7.lombk island and sutopo porwo nugroho

13. 1 when was the letter written ? 2. what what is the cause of larasati's absence ? 3. how long will Larasati be abent ? 4. who is didit mulyanto ? the letter of the what is the intention above ?​


what is the cas of larasati absence

14. When was the letter written..


in accordance with the wishes of the author

15. pertanyaannya1.who sent the letter?2.who received the letter?3.when was the letter written?4.what type of personal letter is dona's?5.what is the main idea of the text?bantu jawab hm(:​

1. Dona did.

2. Melodi did.

3. On 5 October 2017.

4. A goodbye letter.

5. The main idea of the text is: Dona is saying goodbye to Melodi because she finished her postgraduate degree and will be leaving to Denpasar.

»Semoga membantu ya!

16. pertanyaan1. when was the letter written?2. what is the name of the company?3. who writes the application letter?4. where is the vacancy being advertised?tolong kasih tahu jawabannya dong plis​

1. january 23,2018

2.prosperous company

3. terdapat di bawah sincerely disitu terdapat nama jawabannya tidak terfoto

4.25 saint john court

17. What is the activity in the announcement?Where does the students practice singing?When does the students practice singing?Who is the announcement written for?Who make the announcement?​


- Meeting of singing

- Alamanda music studio

- Friday, February 24, 2008

- for all students of singing class

- Mrs. Ayu

18. 1.when is the greeting card written? 2.who send the greeting card from? 3.who is the greeting card for? 4.what is the greeting card about? Tolong Jawab Mks


1.Kapan kartu tersebut di tulis?

2.Siapa yg mengirimkan kartu tersebut?

3.Ditujukan utk siapa kartu tersebut?

4.Tentang apa kartu tersebut?


1.On 24th august 2018

pd tgl 24agustus2018



4.about a congrulate birthday

ttg selamat ulang tahun


Foto soalnya ada?

Jwb random gpp ya:)

maaf kalau salah:)

19. D. who received the letter? melodi received the letter when was the letter written ? 15 October 2017 What type of personal letter is Dor Informal letter​


D. siapa yang menerima surat itu? melodi menerima surat itu kapan surat itu ditulis? 15 Oktober 2017 Apa jenis surat pribadi itu surat Dor Informal

20. 4.)Why is the text written?5.)who sends the text?​

4) Why is the text written?

Mengapa teks tersebut ditulis?

It is written to tell the readers that they are invited to the marriage and wedding ceremony (Ini ditulis untuk menyampaikan kepada para pembaca bahwa mereka diundang ke pesta pernikahan)

5) Who sends the text ?

Siapa yang mengirim teks?

The text is sent by Tiara Putri Andini

(Teks tersebut dikirim oleh Tiara Putri Andini)

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