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A 15 Kg Mass Weighs 60 Newtons On Planet X

A 15 Kg Mass Weighs 60 Newtons On Planet X

If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?

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1. If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?


as it is given that

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

here we know that Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs

so its mass in kg is given as

m=130 1/2.2=59.1 kg

now to find the weight in Newton unit we can say


W=59.1 * 9.8


so 130 lbs weighs as 579 N in SI units



2. When an astronaut stands on a weighing scales on Earth, they read 60 kg. The astronaut travels to planet X which has half the gravitational force of the Earth. a What is the astronaut's mass on Earth? b What is her weight on Earth? c What is her mass on planet X? d What is her weight on planet X? Describe four ways in which the picture shows the effects of forces on objects.






3. The ratio of Li Na’s mass to her father’s mass is 2 : 5. Li Na weighs 30 kg. Find her father’s mass ///



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

DIKETAHUI Lina : Father = 2 : 5, andLina's mass = 30 kg.DITANYAFather's mass = ...?CARA

[tex]F = \frac{5}{2} \times 30 \\ F = 5 \times 15 \\ F = 75 \: kg[/tex]


4. Julia's Great Dane weighs 45 kg and Jake's Chihuahua weighs 15 kg. How much bigger, as a percentage, is Julia's dog?

julia dog is 300% bigger than jake's

5. The ratio of Li Na’s mass to her father’s mass is 2 : 5. Li Na weighs 30 kg. Find her father’s mass. pls bantu akuuuuu


her father’s mass is 75kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

lina : father

2 : 5

30 : n

30 : 2 = n : 5

15 = n : 5

n = 15 x 5

n = 75

6. herry weighs 40kg hendra weighs 45kg hendy weighs 5kg lighter than herry what is the total weighs of them? they weighs kg​


In total, they weigh 120kg.


Herry = 40kg

Hendra = 45kg

Hendy = 40kg - 5kg (35kg)

40kg + 45kg + 35kg = 120kg

Semoga membantu :)


120 Kg


to be known:

Herry weighs = 40KgHendra Weighs = 45KgHendy weight 5Kg lighter than Herry (Hendy lebih ringan 5Kg daripada Herry) = 40Kg - 5Kg = 35 Kg

Herry weighs + Hendra Weighs + Hendy Weighs

= 40Kg + 45Kg + 35Kg

= 120Kg

So, their total weight is 120Kg.

7. the mass of 100 books is 196 kg each book weighs the same what is the mass of each book in kg? cepet jawabnya ya lagi perlu


1,96 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

100 books = 196 kg

each book weight is same (semua buku beratnya sama)

196 ÷ 100 = 1,96

so, the mass of each book is 1,96 kg

Semoga membantu

8. Shinan weighs 32 kg. Hafidz weighs 33 kg. hafiz weighs ... than Shinan *5 poinMost weightweightestweightweighter​




weightest = terberat

weight = berat

weighter = lebih berat

9. Metana (CH4) adalah suatu gas yang didapatkan pada beberapa planet dan ruang antar planet berapakah? a) massa molekul metana b) mass sebuah molekul metana (dalam kg)

a. Mr = Ar C + 4 Ar H
Mr = 12 g/mol + 4 x 1 g/mol
Mr = 16 g/mol

b. Mr = 16 kg/kmol

a. mr = 12g/mol + 4 × 1 g/mol
= 16 g/mol
b.mr = 16 kg/mol

10. kotak A memiliki masa 3 kg, kotak B memiliki mass 15 kg perbandingan kotak A dan B adalah.​

→ Kotak A : Kotak B

→ 3 kg : 15 kg

→ (3 ÷ 3) : (15 ÷ 3)

→ 1 : 5

[tex]\purple{\boxed{\blue{\boxed{\green{\star{\orange{\ \: \: \mathcal{JK} \: \: \: {\green{\star}}}}}}}}} [/tex]


Kotak A : Kotak B

3 : 15 (keduanya dibagi 3)

1 : 3

Semoga membantu

11. -The swordfish weighs around 650 kg.-The dugong weighs around 420 kg.-The bottlenose dolphin weighs around 180 kg.(big)​


1. the swordfish is bigger than the dugong.

2. the dugong is biggerthan the bottlenose dolphin.

3. the swordfish is biggerthan the bottlenose dolphin.


1. the swordfish is thebiggestof all.


-Ikan todak beratnya sekitar 650 kg.

-Dugong beratnya sekitar 420 kg.

-Lumba-Lumba hidung botol beratnya sekitar 180 kg.

12. The weight of an object on Planet X is twice that of its weight on Earth and one third of its weight on Planet Y. If an object on Earth weighs 100 units, what is its weight on Planet Y?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Berat sebuah benda di Planet X dua kali lipat dari beratnya di Bumi dan sepertiga dari beratnya di Planet Y. Jika sebuah benda di Bumi memiliki berat 100 unit, berapa beratnya di Planet Y?

13. PLS BANGET AKU BUTUH CEPETWhich object has the greatest weight?A. A an object of mass 10 kg in a 15 N / kg gravitational fieldB. B an object of mass 15 kg in a 13 N / kg gravitational fieldC. C an object of mass 20 kg in a 9.0 N / kg gravitational fieldD. D an object of mass 50 kg in a 3.0 N / kg gravitational field


Jawabannya adalah B


Soal tersebut mencari Weight (Berat). Adapun rumusnya adalah W= M×G

Jadi,yang paling berat adalah B karena

W = M×G

W = 15×13

W = 195 Newton.

14. Mr Large has a mass of 90 kg on Earth. He travels to Planet Zogg where the gravity is only half as strong as it is on Earth.What will Mr Large’s weight be on Planet Zogg? Explain your answer. Pelajaran (Science)

w = m . g

w = 90 . 1/2 . 9,8

w = 441 N

•Usaha dan energi


- m = 90kg


- w = ?


w = mg

w = 90 × ½ × 10

w = 45 × 10

w = 450N

15. The pressure due to the atmosphere is 100,000N/m2. If 10 newtons are equivalent to 1kg how much mass is pressing down on every square centimeter of our body?


Diketahui :

P = 100.000 N/m²10 N = 1 kg

Ditanya :

Tekanan dalam bentuk = kg/cm²

Jawab :

100.000 N/m² = ......... ( kg/cm²)

= (100.000 : 10)/(1 x 10.000)

= 10.000/10.000

= 1 kg/cm²

16. The ratio of Li Na’s mass to her father’s mass is 2 : 5. Li Na weighs 30 kg. Find her father’s mass. pls bantuu akuuu kak plssszzzz..


Ratio berat Li Na dan bapak Li Na = 2 : 5

Bila berat Li Na adalah 30 kg

Maka berat bapaknya adalah


_ x 30


5 x 15 = 75 kg

So , her father's mass is 75 kg

Semoga membantu!

17. A rocket on a launch pad experiencesgravitational force of 3.67 x 105 N. Calculate themass of the rocket,[Mass of the Earth = 5.97 x 1024 kg,radius of Earth, r = 6.37 x 106 m]​

Jawaban:2 miliaran


18. Student A weighs 33 kg, student B weighs 29 kg while student C weighs 40 kg. What is the average weight of the students? Mata Pelajaran: Matematika Inggris

[3]  34 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given that (the)
Number of students (n) = 3
ma = 33 kg, mb = 29 kg, mc = 40 kg

Find the average weight (Avg.)

Avg. = (ma+mb+mc)/n
Avg. = (33+29+40)/3
Avg. = 102/3
Avg. = 34 kg

So the average weight among the
three students is 34 kilograms (option 3)


19. Ed weighs 32 kg. Ellie weighs 33 kg. Ed weighs ___ than Ellie.

Karena berat badan Ed lebih ringan dibandingkan Ellie, jadi

Ed weights is more lighter than Ellie

Semoga membantu :)

20. Mass of a banana is 0.1 kg. Given a formula to calculate weight, w = m x g, where w is weight, m is mass, and g is strength of gravity. Calculate weight of a banana on Earth. [strength of gravity on Earth 10 N/kg] *


mass= 0.1 kg

gravity = 10 N/kg

weight = mass×gravity

= 0.1×10 = 1

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