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All Purpose Vehicle For Short

All Purpose Vehicle For Short

1.who writes the short message 2.for whom is the short message. 3.what is the purpose of the short artikan dalam bahasa indonesia

1. 1.who writes the short message 2.for whom is the short message. 3.what is the purpose of the short artikan dalam bahasa indonesia

1.siapa yang menulis pesan singkat
2.dari siapa pesan singkat itu
3.apa tujuan dari pesan singkat

2. purpose of short message?

To send a quick message to a friend or family member.

3. write a short text about your intention or Purpose for doing an activity.share with me.​

eating healthy and exercising

I always try to eat healthy most of the time, and I always try my best to at least do exercises (running, walking, etc). I do this everyday because I want to live a healthy live.

Purpose: because I want to live a healthy live.

(sorry if I got it wrong, I'm still learning) xD

4. Jelaskan tentang subanalysis for training purpose​

Subanalysis for training purposes adalah salah satu analisa jabatan yang bertujuan untuk menentukan langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh dalam mengajarkan sesuatu pekerjaan kepada tenaga kerja baru untuk keperluan latihan dan untuk berpendidikan.

5. purpose of asking for advice

The purpose of asking advice is so that we can get the best solution to every problem that is facing.

6. the purpose of short functional text

to inform
to announcement
to tell
to advertisementklo advertisement ~ to advertise / to promote
klo anoucement ~ to anounce
klo message~ to tell / to inform
klo invitation~ to invite

7. what is the purpose of short massage, notice,caution,warning​


-「Short messages」To send an important message to other people, friend, or family.

-「Notice」to announce or display information to a specific group of people.

-「Caution」to warn people to do or not do something

-「Warning」to enable the deployer of the warning system to prepare for the danger and act accordingly to mitigate or avoid it.

semoga membantu :)

8. A vehicle needs......for the machine​


A vehicle needs fuel ( bensin ) for the machine




maaf kalo salah kalo bener jadikan jawaban terbaik yya

9. contoh-contoh short functional text dan tulislah tujuannya (the purpose is)dari masing-masing contoh

- Memo

Purpose of memo : To deliver information from the main power staff of a company or formal institution to their employee.

- Short Message Service

To inform someone about important information to do as quickly as possible.

- Announcement

Purpose of announcement is to deliver about important news or information to do for the members of the institution.

- Notice

Purpose of notice : To warn people to do or not to do.

10. what are the purpose of sending short messages? specify 7

to be easy to read, not tortuous, in order to understand the purpose, more simple, more time efficient, more efficient, more cost-effective

11. Monas is the short for​


National Monument


monas singkatan dari monumen nasional

maaf kalau salah

12. Design a generalization-specialization hierarchy for a motor vehicle sales company!


artinnya: Rancang hierarki spesialisasi-generalisasi untuk perusahaan penjualan kendaraan bermotor..

contohnya perusahaan pembuatan motor yamaha,honda,suzuki,dll



13. Write a short message asking for a suggestion. Short message: ..................................... Response: ............................................

Short Message: Hello, Good Morning. Can i ask a question? Is there any homework? Thank you.
Response: Hi, Good Morning. Yes, there is. Not at all.sm: Auditorium now!
respone: omy

14. what the purpose of short massage

to inform an urgent informationApa Judul Dari SMS ITU?

15. what is the purpose of short massage, notice,caution,warning​


Short message: To send an important message or information to other people, friend or family.

Notice: To give notice of something.

Caution: Caution is short and simple information that is addressed to others to avoid danger or risk careful attitude or manner of behavior.

Warning: Warning (warn) is a sentence of expressions that is used to warn someone usually placed in certain places to attract the attention of the reader.

16. make a short dialog using expression of purpose and agreement​


membuat dialog singkat menggunakan ungkapan tujuan dan kesepakatan


maaf itu di apa kan karna aku tidak tahu ku artikan saja ya

jika aku salah mengartikan nya maaf ya

17. sebutkan 3 contoh purpose for

purpose untuk apa ya?

18. For no 1-20Doni physical appearanceFatShortShort hair​


Tanpa 1-20

Penampilan fisik doni



Rambut pendek

19. all trees .... short

all trees are short

semoga benerAll trees are short........

20. sebutkan kegunaan short cut all+f4 pada microsoft word

kegunaanya adalah untuk menutup progam yang sedang aktif dimicrosoft word

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