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Find The Antiderivative That Satisfies The Given Condition

Find The Antiderivative That Satisfies The Given Condition

LEVEL 3Find the greatest integer x that satisfies the given7.inequality.(a) 11x < 36(c) -3x -8(b) 8x <72(d) -5x > 308.Find the smallest integer x that satisfies the giveninequality(a) 4x > 12(b) 5x > -64(c) - 6x < 71(d) -13x -52​

Daftar Isi

1. LEVEL 3Find the greatest integer x that satisfies the given7.inequality.(a) 11x < 36(c) -3x -8(b) 8x <72(d) -5x > 308.Find the smallest integer x that satisfies the giveninequality(a) 4x > 12(b) 5x > -64(c) - 6x < 71(d) -13x -52​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7.a. x= 3

b. x = ?? question not clear

c. x = 9

d. x = -6

8. a. x = 4

b. x = -12

c. x = -12

d. x =?? question not clear

2. LEVEL 3Find the greatest integer x that satisfies the given7.inequality.(a) 11x < 36(c) -3x -8(b) 8x <72(d) -5x > 308.Find the smallest integer x that satisfies the giveninequality(a) 4x > 12(b) 5x > -64(c) - 6x < 71(d) -13x -52​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7.a. x= 3

b. x = ?? question not clear

c. x = 9

d. x = -6

8. a. x = 4

b. x = -12

c. x = -12

d. x =?? question not clear

3. Quiz (Math) [+50]f(x) = x³ - 6Find the Antiderivative​

semoga membantu dan terimakasih

4. total color blindness, ……………. , is the result of a defect in the retina. a rare condition that


total color blindness, a rare condition, student who always cheat deteriorate their mental capacity, is the result of a defect in the retina.

5. please find an english song video shows the confition of the world that is suferring from covid-19 (it could be giving spirit to the victim or the condition of the country) terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia​


Carilah sebuah musik video berbahasa inggris yang menunjukkan kondisi dunia yang sedang berjuang melawan covid-19 ( boleh tentang memberi semangat pada para korbannya atau kondisi negaranya)


1.Wal Wabaa'(Sabyan)



actually , kita bisa menemukan sendiri,karena semua orang berbeda pendapatnya karena tidak semua lagu yang bertema mengenai covid19 dapat memberi semangat pada para korban. tergantung pesan yang disampaikan

6. Tolong di read the condition sentence below and answer the question that follow each one.

1. Do I have fair skin? Yes
- Do I get bad sunburns? Yes

2. Am I afraid to watch scary movies? No
- Am I going to that show? Yes

3. Do I have a lot of homework tonight? Yes
- Am I going to your party tonight? No
- Do I want to go to your party? Yes

smoga terbantu :)

7. How do the speakers that the condition​



artinya ;

bagaimana kondisi speaker itu?

jawab ;

1. the condition of the speaker was fine ;

: kondisi speaker itu baik baik saja

2. The speaker had broken wires ;

: speaker itu telah rusak kabel nya

3. speaker battery is low ;

: baterai speaker itu hampir habis

semoga bermanfaat buat Kaka

semoga berkah

8. how is the plants condition of the ocean in the area that you know?​


bagaimana kondisi tanaman laut di daerah yang Anda tahu?


itu artinya,,semoga bermanfaaat

9. 7.Find the greatest integer x that satisfies eachinequality(a) 8x ≤ 32(b) 2x + x <-31​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]a. \: 8x \leqslant 32 \\ x \leqslant \frac{32}{8 } \\ x \leqslant 4 \\ \\ b. \: 2x + x < - 31 \\ 3x < - 31 \\ x < \frac{ - 31}{3} [/tex]

semoga bermanfaat,, jadikan sebagai jawaban tercerdas yaa

terimakasih ^^

10. The government supposed to contemplate that the economical condition they lead now is in _______ (bad) condition in the history.a. worstb. more badc. even badd. the worste. the most bad​


The government supposed to contemplate that the economical condition they lead now is in the worst condition in the history


jadi maksud dari kalimat tersebut pemerintahan yg sedang terjadi paling buruk sepanjang sejarah

11. why did ronggowarsito criticize the condition of keraton surakarta that time?​


mungkin saya tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan nya karena tidak ada teks nya


jadi, saya hanya bisa menterjemahkan nya saja menjadi

"kenapa ronggowarsito mengkritik kondisi keraton surakarta saat itu? "

maaf kalo salah

semoga bermanfaat and stay at home :)

12. Whose condition can we find in the reorientation of a recount?​


yang kondisinya dapat kita temukan dalam reorientasi recount

13. state the largest number that satisfies[tex]2x \leqslant 5[/tex]​

2x ≤ 5

x = ?


2x ≤ 5. Artinya "2x merupakan hasil unsur dari (2 × x) lebih kecil atau sama dengan 5"

2x ≤ 5 = (2 × x) ≤ 5

= (2 × 2) ≤ 5

= 45

2x ≤ 5 = (2 × x) ≤ 5

= (2 × 2,5) ≤ 5

= 55

Maka, x = 4 dan2,5

14. Find the smallest prime number which satisfies the innequality 3x> 64

Semua bilangan prima termasuk bilangan asli. Diperoleh
[tex] 3x > 64 \\ x > \frac{64}{3} \\ x > 21\frac{1}{3} \\ x \ge 22[/tex]
Maka bilangan prima terkecil x adalah 23.23 maaf klo salah ...

15. He only said that the patient arrived in a feverish condition, the word he refers to


The patient has a fever and he needs treatment to recover

Sorry if wrong

May be useful

16. The condition for candidates to join the bid is that it must

strong and hold with anything

maaf kalo salah:)

17. Determine the value of x that satisfies the value of the square number below 24x+14 = 64x+2.....​


24x+14 = 64x+2

24x+14 = (26)x+2

24x+14 = 26x+12

4x + 14 = 6x + 12

14 – 12 = 6x – 4x

2x = 2

X = 1

~one more goes to the experts :)

18. The condition for candidates to join the bid is that it must

Healthy, have a strong mental not just look, not crazy

19. The smallest even integer that satisfies 2x > 16 is



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2x > 16

x> 16/2

x> 8.

Bilangan yang memenuhi: 9, 10, 11, 12.

Genap terkecil yang memenuhi= 10

20. Next, remember that the denominator cannot be 0. This means that x+2≠0→x -2 and x-3 0→x 3. Since x=1/7 satisfies the condition that the denominator is not 0, we can conclude that the value of x is is the solution of (x-1)/(x+2)=(x+1)/(x-3) is x=1/7. 4. The solution to inequality >5 is .... ​

explanation and steps:

Since the sign of the inequality is , choose a region with a positive or zero sign, namely x≤2/3 or x≥4. The intersection of the results that have been obtained and the conditions are so that the solution to the inequality > 5 is x<-1 or x>17/3.

more clearly:

x≤2/3 or x≥4. The intersection of the results that have been obtained and the conditions are so that the solution to the inequality > 5 is x<-1 or x>17/3.



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