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According To Your Textbook A Commemorative Speech

According To Your Textbook A Commemorative Speech

According to the textbook, ________ is the most commonly used cable medium !

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1. According to the textbook, ________ is the most commonly used cable medium !




Twisted-pair cabling is often used in data networks for short and medium-length connections because of its relatively lower costs compared to optical fiber and coaxial cable.

2. another student in your class asks to share your textbook, saying "can i share your textbook ?" you agree and say :​


my pleasure/ofcourse you can.

semoga membantu


no problem



3. 5 steps to follow in giving a good speech 1. get prepared. think about what you want to say. what is your message? 2. organize your message in a logical order. 3. choose your words and phrases carefully. 4. visualize your speech and visualize yourself giving your speech. 5. deliver your speech with grace and dignity. what does the text talk about? a. how to write a good speech how to choose a good speech. a. how to give a good speech a. how to present a good speech a. how to prepare a good speech.




Teks di atas membicarakan tentang langkah-langkah yang dapat diikuti untuk memberikan pidato/orasi yang baik.

How to write a good speech = cara menulis pidato yang baik.How to choose a good speech = cara memilih pidato yang baik.How to present a good speech = cara memberikan/menampilkan pidato yang baik.How to prepare a good speech = cara menyiapkan pidato yang baik.


4. Please, explain about main factors of speech error according to the expert!


hmmm apa

n entah?

aku teh ga faham atuh

5. what is song according to your opinion? ​


artinya what is song according to your opinion artinya

menurut kalian lagu apa?

6. 1 according to your opinion ,is lina a very good story​


1 menurut pendapat anda,apakah Lina cerita yang sangat bagus?

7. maka a dialogue according to situation below: Your friend is going to participate in a competition to celebrate the independence day. and you show your hope to your friend.​


you : I heard that you are goung to join a competition next week, is it true?

friend : yes, it is true

you : Ah, i see. what competition will you join?

friend : I will join the speech competition.

you : great. I know you'll do great. Good luck.

Friend : thank you so much.


8. 5 steps to follow in giving a good speech 1. get prepared. think about what you want to say. what is your message? 2. organize your message in a logical order. 3. choose your words and phrases carefully. 4. visualize your speech and visualize yourself giving your speech. 5. deliver your speech with grace and and dignity. 1. what should you do after you know what to say? a. organize your messenge b. select your words c. visualize yourself d. deliver your speech​


a. organize your message

9. according to your opinions, what must you do as a child to the parent

you should respect your parents ,love them alot, and treat them the best you ever had.

10. what is HOPE according to your opinion?​


Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.[1] As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation."


hahaha aku liat wikipedia



if I think hope is j-Hope:v

because I'm a kpopers

that's in my opinion...

11. u.Call 80Another student in your class asks toshare your textbook, saying "Can Ishare your textbook?" You agree andsay:No problem!b. Not at all!No way!d. Not at this time!lot fromanda.C.​


A. No problem


12. what is WISH according to your opinion?​


Wish adalah ingin

do you want something

wish could be hope

sorry if wrong: ')

In my opinion Wish means you want something, for example.. you want some ice cream, and then you make a wish.. and the wish = I wish I can get some ice cream today :))

comment if u do not understand what I mean

13. according to your opinion ,nabila is a .......girl

nice girl ??

maaf kalo salah

14. According to your text, visual illusions demonstrate


menurut teks mu, ilusi visual menunjukkan

15. Change to indirect speech. Jorge said to me "your mother has a horror novel?"

Jawaban: Jorge said to me if my mother had a horror novel.


Jorge said to me + if (karena ini pertanyaan) + your menjadi my (karena jorge ngomongnya sama me) + has menjadi had (karena Jorge said to me, jadi tensenya mundur dari simple present ke simple past) + a horror novel

Semoga membantu. Semangatt!!

16. according to the text, using oil to massage your head will..

A improve blood circulation
ada di point no 3: stimulate circulation

17. a woman said,"I'd like to go over your statement."inderect speech: ​


the woman said she would like to go over your statement

18. what is CONGRUTALION according to your opinion?​


Did you mean congratulation?

If so, congratulation is used to express joy or acknowledgement

1. In my opinion, congratulation means give someone appreciate of what someone doing

Or it can be

2. Congratulation in my opinion means I feel happy for what someone doing

But, I prefer the first one.. u can use the first one if u want :))

19. 1. Make a conversation about Expressing Like, according to your experience. 2.Make a conversation about expressing of Dislike, according to your experience. ​


1. Contoh percakapan expression of like:

Tom: Hi, Andy! What are you reading right now?

(Tom: Hai, Andy! Apa yang sedang kamu baca saat ini?)

Andy: Hi, Tom! I’m reading comic. Do you like comic?

(Andy: Hai, Tom! Aku sedang membaca komik. Apakah kamu suka komik?)

Tom: Yeah! I’m crazy about comics. I can spend a lot of time reading comics on weekend.

(Tom: Ya! Aku tergila-gila dengan komik. Aku bisa menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membaca komik di akhir pekan.)

Andy: Really? What comics do you like to read?

(Andy: Sungguh? Komik apa yang kamu suka baca?)

Tom: I really like Detective Conan, Doraemon, and Donald Duck.

(Tom: Aku sangat suka Detektif Conan, Doraemon, dan Donald Duck.)

Andy: Oh, I like Doraemon too. It’s so funny.

(Andy: Oh, aku juga suka Doraemon. Itu sangat lucu.)

Tom: By the way, I have many Doraemon comic series. You can borrow it anytime.

(Tom: Ngomong-ngomong, aku punya banyak seri komik Doraemon. Kamu bisa meminjamnya kapan saja.)

Andy: Wow! Thank you. I’m so glad to hear that.

(Andy: Wow! Terima kasih. Aku senang sekali mendengarnya.)

2. Contoh percakapan expression of dislike:

Farah: What will you do this weekend?

(Farah: Apa yang akan kamu lakukan di akhir minggu ini?)

Nadya: Uhm, I haven’t thought about it. I guess I’ll just rest at home.

(Nadya: Uhm, aku masih belum memikirkannya. Aku rasa hanya beristirahat di rumah.)

Farah: How about if we go out to watch a movie?

(Farah: Bagaimana jika kita pergi nonton film?)

Nadya: That sounds nice. What movie do you want to watch?

(Nadya: Kedengarannya menarik. Film apa yang ingin kamu tonton?)

Farah: Insidious. Do you like it?

(Farah: Insidious. Kamu menyukainya?)

Nadya: Oh, no. I don’t like horror movies. Can we choose another movie?

(Nadya: Oh, tidak. Aku tidak suka film horor. Bisakah kita pilih film lain?)

Farah: Of course. No problem.

(Farah: Tentu saja. Aku tidak masalah.)

20. Make a dialog giving information according to your words​

Artinya:Buatlah dialog yang memberi informasi sesuai perkataan Anda

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