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Incident Reports Such As Situation Reports And Status Reports Enhance

Incident Reports Such As Situation Reports And Status Reports Enhance

sugar,salt and reports are....noun

1. sugar,salt and reports are....noun

Uncontable noun ( Kata kerja yang tak dapat dihitung jumlahnya )uncontable noun
maaf kalo salah




dapat dilakukan dari panel reports -- account -- trial balance

sukses selalu:)

3. Kerjakan dengan benar, asal reports ​


D. 4/5.

Maaf kalauuu salahh

4. tolong kerjakan kalau ngasal gue reports!!!THANKS ​

6. laboratorium disamping kelas . subjeknya adalag laboratorium prediketnya adalag disamping kelas

الْمُخْتَبَرْ جَنِبَ الْفَصْلِی

7. pegawai didalam kantor

الْمُوَظَّفَت فِي المَكْتَبُ subjeknya adalah pegawai . prediketnya adalah didalam kantor

8. Lapangan dibelakang sekolah . subjeknya adalah lapangan . prediketnya adalah dibelakang sekolah

الْمَلْعَبُ وَرَاءَ الْمَدْرَسَت

9. kantin dibelakang sekolah

. subjeknya adalah kantin . prediketnya adalah dibelakang sekolah

الْمَقْصَفُ وَرَاءَ الْمَدْرَسَت ْ

10. kamar mandi disamping wc

subjeknya adalah kamar mandi , prediketnya adalah disamping WC

الْحَمَامِ جَنِبَ مِرْحَاضٌ

5. Professor Smith told his students that... A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays. B. the reports can turn over on Monday. C. they could hand in their reports on Monday. D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.


Professor Smith told his students that...

A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays.

B. the reports can turn over on Monday.

C. they could hand in their reports on Monday.

D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.


Professor Smith told his students that...

C. They could hand in their reports on Monday

=> Professor Smith told his students that they could hand in their reports on Monday

I hope this helps :)


C. they could hand in their reports on monday


karena kata yang dipakai itu menggunakan "could" yang berarti wajib atau harus, kalau memakai "can" terlihat kurang wajib

6. contoh simple writing reports?


contoh penulisan laporan sederhana

about my cat jerry

jerry is a very loving cat
he has green eyes
really fluffy fur
light brown fur
long tail
hes a very social cat
he loves going out and meeting people

7. yang bisa bahasa inggris aja!!!!! yang asal reports​


1. him

2. it

3. them

4. us

5. her

6. him

7. them

8. it

9. it

10. you

8. jwb yg benar ngasal sy reports​


-Saling membantu

-Bekerja sama

-Saling menghargai

Nb:Maaf ya kalo salah

9. Please mention structure of reports



report title

your name

submission date


overview of subject matter

methods of analysis




list of numbered sections in report and their page numbers


terms of reference

outline of report’s structure


headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory


states the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion

makes recommendations


list of reference material consulted during research for report


information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation

10. My friend and I... our experiment to the teacher three days ago. A. reports C. reports B. reported D. reporting​


karena ini kejadian lampau berarti past tense ya

Subject + Verb 2 + O

jadi jawabannya B. Reported

karena Reported merupakan bentuk lampau dari report


B. reported


karna udh tiga hari yg lalu yaa

11. " they are writing some reports "

Mereka sedang menulis beberapa laporanMereka sedang menulis beberapa laporan.

Moga bermanfaat

12. tolong buatkan reports text tentang gajah


Elephants are the largest surviving land animal on earth. The enormous mammals live in habitats varying from dense rain forests to grassy land, savannas, which spread over Africa and Asia. Their great size combined with thick, tough skins provides them protection from most predators. As they have only small number of enemies to be wary, they are usually nonviolent and calm. They indicate great fondness for each other, and females spend most of their lives as parts of a family herd.

Elephants can be found in Africa, on the Indian subcontinent and in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Most of those in Africa are now in game reserves. Elephants live in thorny scrub jungles, evergreen forests, swampy areas, grasslands and both dry and moist forests.

Based on their habitat, elephants are distinguished into three species; the African savanna, African forest elephant, and Asian elephant. African savanna elephant is the largest one among the three species, which may grows up to 7.500 kg in weight and stands 3 to 4 meters in height. While, the African forest elephant hardly ever reaches more than 2,4 meters in height. Most Asian elephant grows near 5.500 kg in weight and stands about 3 meters tall. The ears of African elephants are considerable larger than Asian elephants that they flap to cool off their body. All of three species have grayish to brown skin color with scarce of coarse body hair. Their skin is slack, wrinkled, and incredibly thick, especially on the shoulder it may be 1 inch or 4 cm thick.

Elephants feed on a wide variety of plant parts, such as leaves, twigs, fruit, flowers, and roots, from about eighty different plant species. They use their trunks for pulling clumps of grass out of ground and for plucking leaves and branches from trees and bushes. Ravenous savanna and forest elephants may use their full weight to topple a tree trunk, consuming all edible parts after the tree has fallen. Wild Asian elephants consume larger amount of grasses, counting rice, than their African cousins do. Southeast Asian rice farmers must defend their crops from elephant herds on the move.

The relationship between elephants and humans dates from the ancient times and it is mentioned in several mythologies and religions. In Hinduism, Ganesha, the god who brings good fortune, has the head of an elephant. Besides that, humans also have used them in war and as work animals for centuries. In Asia, people continue to use them for transportation and as beasts of burden. The trained one performs in circus all over the world.

Budayakan menulis ya sob :)

13. bantu Jawab dong jangan ngasal yaa, ngasal reports ​

Jawaban: Hai sesama sobat brainly coba dong saya minta salinan video itu untuk membantu sobat :) :) :)

Penjelasan: tolong yaa

14. my superior....... all the reports​


received (menerima) ?

Maaf ya kalau salah;)


my superior likes all the reports​

Penjelasan: Semoga membantu, maaf apabila ada keslhan

15. Sebutkan 5 Ikon yang terdapat pada Group reports

Group Reports berada di Microsoft Access. 5 ikon yang ada di Group Report :
1. Report

Report Wizard

Report Design

Blank Report


Semoga Membantu.... ( >_< )

16. yang bisa bahasa inggris aja!!!!! yang asal reports ​


1. I believe Sam - I believe him.

Sam (laki-laki) ➔ him

2. We study English - We study it in the morning.

English (bahasa Inggris) ➔ It

3. The teacher teaches the students - He teachers them math.

The students (siswa-siswi, jamak) ➔ Them

4. Carla calls David and I - She calls us.

David and I (orang pertama, jamak) ➔ Us

5. She is my favorite singer - I really like her.

She (dia, perempuan) ➔ Her

6. I like to talk to Tyler - I like to talk to him.

Tyler (laki-laki) ➔ Him

7. They like sports - They play them every day.

Sports (olahraga, jamak) ➔ Them

8. The bookstore is next to the bank - The bookstore is next to it.

The bank (bank) ➔ It

9. Wow! I really like this scarf - I want to buy it.

Scarf (syal) ➔ It

10. Dad wants to talk to you and Jenny - He wants to talk to you.

You and Jenny (orang kedua, jamak) ➔ YouObject PronounObject pronoun secara sederhana berarti kata ganti sebagai objek.Objek ➔ Menerima aksi.

Subject Pronoun    Object Pronoun

          I                           Me

       You                        You

        He                         Him

        She                        Her

          It                            It

        We                          Us

       You                         You

       They                      Them


We love our teachers. We love them.I adore Jessica. I adore her.She likes Jack. She likes him.You manage the other children and I. You manage us.

17. Tolong dibantu jangan asal-asalan, Nanti Aku REPORTS​







mendekati bilangan yg terdekat


jawaban ny adalah


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

aku males njelasin nya

18. the president ........ the reports in her

4. (B) will discuss
5. (C) will graduate

Sorry if any of the anwers is wrong. Hope I help!4. ini A-D bisa jadi jawabannya, tapi mending kamu pakai B. will discuss
5. C. will graduate

semoga membantu! :D

19. bantu dong ngasal, ga Pake cara Reports ​


luas bangun pada gambar di atas adalah 347(B)

20. tolong artikankalau ngasal gue reports!!!​


1.Al mimsakhati artinya penghapus

Fi artinya didalam

Al Muq lamati artinya kotak pensil

jadi Penghapus didalam kotak pensil

2. Al Adaawatu artinya perlengkapan

Al Madrosiyyati dari kata Al Madrosah yang artinya sekolah

Fii artinya didalam

Al Khaqiiyybathi artinya Tas

Jadi Perlengkapan sekolah didalam tas

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