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Match The Key Terms With Their Definitions

Match The Key Terms With Their Definitions

Match the words with their definitions. Write the letter.​

Daftar Isi

1. Match the words with their definitions. Write the letter.​

1. C

2. E

3. B

4. F

5. G

6. A

7. D

Semoga membantu...

2. Match the words with their definitions.Tolng jawabkan..​


1. d

2. c

3. e

4. b

5. f

6. a


"Match the words with their definitions" artinya cocokkan kata dengan definisinya

3. match the words with their definitions and write your translation nekt the english word​


Season = Musim

Heavy = Berat

Nature = Alam

aku tau itu ajah

4. Match the words with the correct definitions

















5. match the following terms with the meanings​


1. First name (k. forename)

2. Nationality (n. the status of belonging to a particular nation)

3. Previous Address (g. the address you lived before)

4. Gender (f. female or male)

5. NA/Not Applicable (b. you must not fill in)

6. Postcode (l. zip code)

7. Alternative phone number (i. another number you can be contacted to.)

8. Email (o. the system for using computers to send messages over the internet.)

9. Signature (j. your name, written in your own characteristic way.)

10. DOB (a. date of birth)

11. Marital status (m. single, married, or divorced)

12.Occupation (c. job)

13. Mother Tongue (d. first language)

14. Block capitals (h. capital letters)

15. Contact to (e. phone numbers or mobile phone)


Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas, kita hanya perlu mencari tahu arti dari kata yang ditanyakan. Untuk itu, mempunyai perbendaharaan kata bahasa Inggris yang banyak akan menghemat waktu kita dalam mencari jawabannya.

Beberapa tips untuk manambah perbendaharaan kata dalam bahasa Inggris:

Mulai dari kata yang sering kita gunakan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Lalu cari kata padanannya dalam bahasa Inggris, menggunakan kamus terjemahan online/hardcopy. Terus menerus menggunakan target kata yang ingin kita kuasai, baik dalam menulis atau berbicara, karena otak kita hanya merekam kata/informasi apapun yang terus menerus diulang. Untuk tujuan ini, mempunyai teman bicara dalam bahasa Inggris akan sangat menolong. Jika tidak mungkin, gunakan kata yang ingin kita pelajari dalam tulisan (bisa berbentuk jurnal pribadi/diari pendek, atau jenis tulisan apapun yang kita sukai.) Perlahan, kata - kata tersebut akan menjadi bagian dari perbendaharaan kita.

Materi lebih lanjut tentang vocabulary dapat disimak pada link berikut ini  




6. task 12 match the words with their definitions and write your translation nekt the english word

1. D. the power of the earth, not of people
2. C. something that shows the months of the year
3. A. Very old
4. E. a person who build thing
5. B. Many kilos

7. Match the following words with appropriate definitions

Perintah pada soal ialah "Match the following words with appropriate definitions", dimana artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah cocokkan kata-kata berikut dengan definisi yang tepat". Sayangnya tidak ada kata-kata yang bisa kita temukan definisinya.


Pada soal di atas, kita diminta untuk mencocokkan beberapa kata-kata dengan definisi yang tepat. Contohnya, jika kata yang tertera adalah kata "Travel", maka kita harus mencari definisi yang tepat yaitu "Go from one place to another". Bisa juga ketika ada kata "Glass", maka kita harus mencari definisi yang tepat yaitu "Something we use for having drink at home".

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang match the words or the phrases with the meaning https://brainly.co.id/tugas/17816142

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4      

8. match the word in column A with their correct definitions in column B​


Scholarship: money given to a person by a organization to help pay for his/her education

Raise:lift or move to higher position

Expense:the cost required for something

Poverty:the state of being poor

Submit:present a document to a person for consideration

Tuition:a sum of money charger for teaching by a school, college or university

Challenge:a new or difficult task that test one's ability or skill

Obstacle:a thing that blocks one's way

Recipient:a person who receives an item

Notify:formally or officially tell a person about something

9. The following words are terms used in the previous text. Consult your dictionary and match them with their correct meanings.​

Find the meanings of those words.

1. Innocuous
B. Completely harmless (= causing no harm).

Terjemahan: Tidak berbahaya

2. Perpetrator
D. Someone who has committed a crime or a violence or harmful act.

Terjemahan: Pelaku kejahatan

3. Retaliate
F. To hurt someone or do something harmful to them beacuse they have done or said something harmful to you.

Terjemahan: Membalas / membalas dendam

4. Persists
A. To continue trying to do or doing something in a determined, but often unreasonable way.

Terjemahan: Bersikeras / bertahan / bergigih.

5. Interfere
C. To involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful.

Terjemahan: Mengganggu / mencampuri urusan

6. Apt
E. A connection or relationship between two or more facts, numbers, etc.

Terjemahan: Cocok / sesuai / yang kena

10. match the following words with appropriate definitions

1. Commander (pemimpin)
= D. an officer in military unit (pemimpin di unit militer)
2. Ultimatum
= A. peremptory (utk dipatuhi)
3. Combatant (org/bangsa yg berperang)
= J. someone who fights (org yg berkelahi)
4. Soldier (prajurit)
= B. who served in army (yg bertugas di pasukan)
5. Independence (kemerdekaan/kebebasan)
= H. freedom (kebebasan)
6. Residents (penduduk asli/lokal
= F. who was born there (yg lahir di situ)
7. Revolutionary (org yg berpikir revolusioner
= C. markedly new (hal baru yg mencolok)
8. Evacuation (pengosongan)
= E. leaving place (meninggalkan tempat)
9. Militia (wamil)
= G. trained but not part as regularly (dilatih tapi bukan bagian secara regurel)
10. Headquarters
= i. the military installation (instalasi militer)

Semoga Membantu

11. match the words in the box with the Definitions​



12. Task 12 match the words with their definitions and write your translation nekt the english word​






10. tujuan

13. match the words with their definitions and write your translation next to the English...ini soal ya kak ​

Stone = rock (H)Shadow = a dark area (J)Ancient = very old (A)Builder = a person build things (E)Heavy = Quality of being difficult to understand (G)Season = something that shows the months of the year (C)Heavy = many kilos (B)Nature = the power of Earth .. people (D)Religious = about faith,worship (I)Purpose = Reason (F)


Stone = BatuShadow = BayanganAncient = KunoBuilder = Tukang BangunanHeavy = SulitSeason = MusimHeavy = BeratNature = AlamReligious = Kepercayaan/Keyakinan/AgamaPurpose = Alasan

Semoga membantu.

14. Match the job in columns A with the definitions in columns b

Match the job in columns A with the definitions in columns B

Lifeguard: j) a person who saves lives at a beach or at a swimming pool.Actor: f) a person who acts in a play or a movie.Librarian: i) a person who works at a library.Surgeon: d) a person who performs surgery at a hospital.Flight attendant: b) a person who looks after the passengers on the plane.Lecturer: h) a person who gives lectures, usually in a university.Garbage collector: g) a person who collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street.Accountant: e) a person whose work is related to money and accounts of a company.Disk Jockey: c) a person who plays recorded music on radio or TV.Broadcaster: a) somebody who tells us the news on radio or television.


Soal diatas merupakan contoh soal dari materi jobs and occupations. Jobs merupakan tugas yang dikerjakan oleh suatu profesi, sedangkan occupation merupakan profesi yang diambil untuk menghasilkan uang dalam jangka waktu tertentu.

Contoh profesi atau occupations yang sering kita temui yakni:

Lifeguard (penjaga pantai)Actor (aktor)Librarian (pustakawan)Surgeon (ahli bedah)Flight attendant (pramugari)Lecturer (dosen)Garbage collector (pengumpul sampah)Accountant (akuntan)Disk Jockey (joki cakram)Broadcaster (penyiar)

Pelajari lebih lanjut:Materi tentang jobs and occupations: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28454840Materi tentang job vacancy: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/33437359Materi tentang application letter: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/30211771


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 7

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Jobs (present simple)

Kode: 7.5.6


15. match the words in column a with their correct definitions in column B then read it loudly ​


School = H

Animal = C

Classroom = J

Notebook = G

Library = A

Archipelago = I

Island = B

Sea = E

River = F

Country = D


Semoga bsa membantu.....

16. Match the words with their definitions and write your translation next to the English words


artinya yaitu Cocokkan kata-kata dengan definisi mereka dan tulis terjemahan Anda di sebelah kata-kata bahasa Inggris

17. Match the words in the box with the definitions.​


1. herd

2.sign up














18. B. Match the words in italics in sentences 1-10 with their definitions


1. B

2. E

3. G

4. I

5. F

6. C

7. J

8. H

9. D

10. A

19. read the following words loudly and match with appropriate definitions​

device - j

message - f

data - c

remove - i

slide - e

slot - d

sim card - g

connect - h

20. match the following terms their synonyms tolong dibantu ya

1 D
2 J
3 E
4 B
5 H
6 G
7 I
8 C
9 F
10 A

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