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Briefly Describe This Graph Of A Ferris Wheel

Briefly Describe This Graph Of A Ferris Wheel

5.Please describe this animal briefly!​

Daftar Isi

1. 5.Please describe this animal briefly!​

flying insects with large scaly wings. Like all insects, they have six jointed legs, 3 body parts, a pair of antennae, compound eyes, and an exoskeleton. The three body parts are the head, thorax (the chest), and abdomen (the tail end).

() semoga membantu ()

2. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ! Berdasarkan informasi diatas diperoleh bahwa diameter Ferris Wheel pertama adalah 75 meter yang terdiri dari 36 kabin dapat menampung 2.160 orang. Akan dibangun Ferris Wheel baru dengan proporsi yang sama dengan Ferris Wheel pertama. Jika Ferris Wheel baru berdiameter 112,5 meter maka banyak kabin dan maksimum penumpang yang dapat ditampung adalah ...................kabin dan ................orang


Diameter 1 = 75 m.

Kabin 1 = 36 kabin.

Penampung 1 = 2160 orang.

Diameter 2 = 112,5 m.


Kabin 2 dan Penampung 2?


54 kabin dan 3240 orang

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Rumus yang digunakan:

[tex] \frac{diameter \: 1}{diameter \: 2} = \frac{kabin \: 1}{kabin \: 2} = \frac{penampung \: 1}{penampung \: 2} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{75}{112,5} = \frac{36}{kabin \: 2} = \frac{2160}{penampung \: 2} [/tex]

Carilah kabin 2 nya.

[tex] \frac{75}{112,5} = \frac{36}{kabin \: 2} [/tex]

[tex]75kabin \: 2 = 112,5 \times 36[/tex]

[tex]75kabin \: 2 = 4050[/tex]

[tex]kabin \: 2 = 54 \: kabin[/tex]

Carilah penampung 2 nya.

[tex] \frac{75}{112,5} = \frac{2160}{penampung \: 2} [/tex]

[tex]75penampung \: 2 = 112,5 \times 2160[/tex]

[tex]75penampung \: 2 = 243000[/tex]

[tex]penampung \: 2 = 3240 \: orang[/tex]

Semoga Membantu.

3. describe briefly about profession of doctor

doctor is a professional who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairmentsJob Description of Doctor

Operationally, the definition of "Doctor" is a health worker (doctor) who became a first contact with the patient's doctor to solve all the health problems facing regardless of illness, organologi, ages,
and sex, as early and as much as possible, thorough, complete, continuous, and in coordination and collaboration with other health professionals, using the principle of effective and efficient services and uphold the professional responsibilities, legal, ethical and moral. The service is limited to the convening of basic medical competence acquired during medical education.

4. There are many kinds of rides in the....., for example ferris wheel and roller coaster. a amusement park. b. garden. c. park. d. town​

Jawaban:A. Amusement Park

Penjelasan: Karena di dalam taman bermain ada berbagai wahana, salah satunya ferris wheel (Biang lala)

5. state and briefly describe the 6 types of nutrition​


1. Carbohydrates, Carbohydrates are produced from the synthesis of CO2 and H2O with the help of sunlight and leaf green matter (chlorophyll) through photosynthesis. Carbohydrates are a source of calories for heterotof organisms can be obtained from rice, corn, wheat, sweet potatoes, cassava, potatoes, and sago. The function of carbohydrates is as a source of energy for activities.

2. Protein, Protein consists of essential amino acids (cannot be made in the body) and non-essential amino acids (can be made in the body). Serves as a body building and protective substance, and animal protein obtained from animal meat.

3. Fat Based on the source, fat is also divided into vegetable fats and animal fats. Vegetable fats are obtained from coconut, hazelnut, olives, peanuts and avocado. Meanwhile, animal fat is obtained from meat, cheese, butter, eggs, fresh fish, milk and fish oil. Fat serves as a provider of reserve energy, a carrier for essential food substances, and as a protector of the body's soft organs, as well as protecting the body from low temperatures.

4. Vitamin, Vitamins are complex organic compounds that are essential for the growth and biological function of living things. Vitamin deficiency can cause various diseases and avitaminosis.

5. Minerals, Minerals are inorganic substances and are needed by the body to help various activities that occur in the body, such as muscle work, blood circulation, blood clotting, and others.

6. Fiber, helps reduce cholesterol, prevents diabetes, constipation, and improves bowel movements. Some foods that are rich in fiber are brown rice, nuts, seeds, nuts and seeds.


sorry if it's wrong, hope it helps

6. This is a map of an amusement park. Fill in the directions.roller coasterFerris wheeltrain ridemagic showcornerQUA ARXwave poolzatboat rideof the Ferris wheel.(a)The magic show corner is(b) The Ferris wheel isof the wave pool.(c)The roller coaster isof the train ride.(d) The magic show corner isof the roller coaster.(e) The wave pool isof the magic show corner.(f) The magic show corner isof the boat ride.​













7. Apa arti ferris wheel,merry-go-round!Wow!they are all fun.where am i?

Ferris wheel : Biang lala
Merry Go round : Kuda Putar
Wow mereka semua menyenangkan, diamana aku?Ferris wheel itu bianglala 
Merry go round itu komidi putar
waw asik bingits
Dimana aku?

Amusement Park 

8. 1. I am proud to be a student of this junior high school because2. Describe this school3. Describe the teachers in this school4. Describe the facilities in this school5. Describe the school leader in this school​


1. because this school is one of the best school in the city and have a great reputation for their graduate

2. this theacher always give all of the best to help their student future not only on academic but as a human being as well

3. the facilities of the school is complete and being well maintenance so student can use it so effectively for their activity

4. the school leader not only respected but he/she also kind and wise .. he / she is a great example for future leader of the next generation

9. describe dinda's personality briefly

artinya? : Menggambarkan kepribadian dinda secara singkat

10. Describe briefly what is frequency and period of an oscillation. *​


Kesimpulannya frekuensi adalah jumlah getaran dalam satu detik. Dan kebalikan dari frekuensi itu adalah periode, yaitu banyaknya waktu dibagi banyaknya ayunan dan disimpulkan periode adalah jumlah waktu dalam satu getaran.


11. Describe briefly the following hobbies! A.gardening B.philately


=> Gardening is an activity to plant some types of plants that are done when we relax.
=>Philately is an activity and a hobby related to activities to collect stamps and other postal items.


12. Describe briefly the definition of transition signal at least 2 definitions based on experts!

Transition signal adalah istilah yang digunakan dalam menuliskan sebuah teks. Ini digunakan untuk menyambung kalimat demi kalimat agar memudahkan pembaca memahami teks tersebut.


Transition signal yang juga disebut frase penghubung adalah kata atau frasa yang menghubungkan antar paragraf atau bagian dalam Bahasa Inggris. Fungsinya adalah untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara satu bagian dengan bagian lainnya. Transition words dapat digunakan baik pada konteks tertulis maupun pada konteks lisan, seperti narasi dan pidato.

Penggunaan transition words akan sangat berguna untuk membangun pemahaman pembaca atau pendengar lebih baik. Transition words membantu pembaca atau pendengar dalam memahami alur yang hendak disampaikan. Transation words menjadi jembatan yang juga membuat rangkaian kalimat tidak hambar dan membosankan.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi Transition Words pada link berikut ini https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4561120



13. They went on ferris wheel and roller-coaster rides.They watched a parade ,too.It was very crowded .A lot of people were watching the parade. cari kata yang sudah berlalu dari kalimat di atas

they went on ferris wheel and roller-coaster rides.
they watched a parade.
it was very crowded.

14. Describe the characters of this artist! ​


3.he has a long hair

4.he has a blue shirt

5.he has a black jeans

6.he has singing

7.he has a black hair

8.he has a white skin

9.he is holding the mic


I hope my answer is correct

15. Dayu ..... going to play on the Ferris wheel. Please write into positive,negative and interrogative sentence! *​


+ Dayu is going to play on the ferris wheel.

- He isn't going to play on the ferris wheel.

? Is he going to play on the ferris wheel?


kalau (-) dan (?) gapake nama gapapa, boleh diganti ke He atau She.

Dayu itu cewe atau cowo? kalau cewe tinggal ganti ke She. disesuaikan yaa

16. Wanda and her little sister like taking many kinds of ride in the ... , for example roller coaster and ferris wheel.


i thinks it's Recreation areas


im sorry if i am mistaken

maybe “play ground or fun world”

semoga membantu!

17. make the graph of this equation : 2x + y = 2!

Semoga Bermanfaat

18. describe ir.soekarno personality briefly

Soekarno was born in Surabaya on June 6th1901. Ir. Soekarno is also well-known as the founding Father of Indonesia was the first president known as proclaimer with Dr. Mohammad Hatta.

He graduated from Technische Hoge School (*Bandung Institute of Technology), Bandung In 1926.

On July 4th 1927, Soekarno founded the PNI (Indonesian National Party) to achieve the independence. His charisma and intelligence made him famous as an orator who can excite people.

19. A ferris wheel can accommodate 96 people in 24 minutes . How many people could ride the ferris wheel in and hour?​

1 hour = 60 minute

60:24= 2,5

2,5×90 =240

20. describe dinda personality briefly

Jelaskan tingkah kamu Dinda dengan sang at jelas :P

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