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Food Chain For Temperate Grasslands

Food Chain For Temperate Grasslands

apa food chain di laut?

1. apa food chain di laut?

jawaban terlampir....

2. urutan dari food chain


3. apa arti every food chain

deretan setiap makananDeretan setiap makanan

4. How does the food chain begin?

Producer (Ex : Grass) will be eaten by Primary Consumer (Ex : Grasshopper) etc.

5. If herbivore on a food chain is extinct then


The carnivore on a food chain is also extinct


karena karnivor memakan herbivor

6. Contoh food chain hewan? (Bahasa Inggris)​


seperti ini lion is in top of food chain


bikinlah hewan yang terkuat terbuas dan yang memakan hewan terbanyak di atas

7. If herbivore on a food chain is extinct, then. . . .

carnivore number (herbivore's eater) will decrease and become extinct, and the herbivore's food will increasecarnivore will be following to extinct, because there are no herbivore to eat

8. Apa yang Anda ketahui mengenai food chain ?

food chain adalah makan dari cinamakanan yang berasal dari china atau berbagai negara asia

9. Explain how acid rain will affect the food chain. ​


Acid rain can cause serious problems for many different animals and plants. As a result, the entire food web is affected. For example, acid rain can cause phytoplankton in lakes to die. Insects, which rely on phytoplankton for food, now have less food to eat, and they begin to die as a result.

10. if hebivore on a food chain is extins extinct, then

it will affect the food chain because of carnivorous animals would die while the number of producers such as plants will continue to increase without runaway
I hope this helps :)

11. how does an underwater food chain work​


Phytoplankton - zooplankton - minnows - killer whales - decomposers


maaf kalo salah

12. sebutkan pengertian dari rantai makanan [food chain]

Rantai makanan adalah suatu peristiwa makan dan dimakan antara makhluk hidup dengan urutan-urutan tertentu. Dalam rantai makanan terdapat makhluk hidup yang berperan sebagai produsen, konsumen, dan sebagai dekomposer (pengurai). 

Semoga Membantuperistiwa saling makan dn memakan d alam liar

13. ... is for serving soup... is for draining food.... is for heating food.... is for frying food.... is for cooking food,... is for greating food,... is for keeping food fresh.... is for putting on food.ini memang gak ada gambar ya​

1. bowl

2. ?

3. microwave

4. fry pan

5. pan

6. ?

7. fridge

8. plate

semoga membantu :), maaf yaa itu ada 2 yang aku gtauu

14. what the meaning of food chain and food web​

ini b ingriss bukan biologi

Food Chain (Rantai Makanan) itu cuma kyk 1 garis aja gitu, contoh:

rumput > belalang > katak > ular > elang

Food Web (Jaring makanan) itu berarti ga cuma segaris, tapi bercabang-cabang, contoh:

rumput → belalang → katak → ular → elang

    ↓→→→ ulat → ayam →→→→→→↑

daaan seterusnya...

15. what is the difference of food chain and food web english biology


food chain = organism in the habitat are linked to each other through feeding

food web = number of food chain in a habitat are linked together to show how food and energy pass-through the habitat




maaf kalau salah

16. - Quiz Malam -Test your IQ in science-------------------------------------------------------------1. Why do different habitats have different food chains?2. What's the producer in a forest food chain?3. What's the producer in a marine food chain?​


Perhatikan cairannya lebih dekat.

Seperti zat padat, zat cair ada di sekitar kita. Sekitar 70% permukaan bumi ditutupi air laut. Tubuh manusia hampir dua pertiganya terdiri dari air.

Mari kita jawab:

Saya berharap dapat bekerja sama dengan Anda.

17. if herbivore on a food chain is extinct, then

Carnivore will extinc too because some of the carnivore eating herbivore

18. if herbivore on a food chain is extinct then​

Then carnivore would likely to extinct as well. Because they (carnivore) doesn’t have anything to eat

19. defination of food chain

Food chain = A food chain is a linear sequence of links in a food web starting from a species that are called producers in the web and ends at a species that is called decomposers species in the web.

20. the food chain begins with plant

rantai makanan dimulai dengan tanaman

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