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Identify The Major And Minor Products Of The Following Reaction

Identify The Major And Minor Products Of The Following Reaction

What are the products of the reaction between lithium and water ?​

Daftar Isi

1. What are the products of the reaction between lithium and water ?​


Lithium reacts intensely with water, forming lithium hydroxide and highly flammable hydrogen. The colourless solution is highly alkalic. The exothermal reactions lasts longer than the reaction of sodium and water, which is directly below lithium in the periodic chart.

2. Identify the cause and the effect of the following sentences!​


2. cause : Dhita did part-time job

   Effect : She earned extra money to pay her tuition

3. cause : It is raining again

  Effect : We decide to stay at home

4. Cause : Rian didn't study hard

   Effect : He got a low score

5. Cause : A strong wind

   Effect : it destroyed many buildings and houses

6. Cause : chili plant regularly watered by my mother

   Effect : it produced dozens of chilies

7. Cause : Nia had a motorcycle accident

   Effect : she broke her arm


3. in each of the following sentences underline and identify the subject and the predicate​

a. flowers(s) withered(p)

b. barbara(s) was stung(p)

c. dog(s) leaped(p)

d. jonh and i(s) were (p)

e. iron fence(s) surrounded(p)

f. the door(s) the shed....(p)

g .i(s) had.(p)

h.the boy(s) shot(p)

i. the man and.....(s) were killed(p)

j.the tree(s) grew(p)

4. read the following text and answer the questions: 1. Identify the text structure ! 2. Identify the tenses! 3. Identify the social function!​


1.Sebutkan struktur teks!

2.Tentukan tensesnya!

3.Sebutkan fungsi sosial!!


Maaf kalau salah

5. Tugas 1 Read the following report text and identify the generic structure of the text and give the reasons!







Karena cara mencari unsur general/intrinsik pada teks bahasa inggris hampir sama dengan di bahasa indonesia. Yang membedakannya hanyalah bahasanya saja.

Maaf kalau saya kurang tepat

6. if the mass of the products of the reaction above was 45g,what was the mass of the reactants?


karena itu bisa pakai mandiri

7. Read the following advertisement! Then identify the structures of the advertisement​


1. Purpose : to charity

2. Name of product: they sale some clothes that provided by charity stores in and around Redhill. The event organizer is Redhill highschool. All proceeds to charities.

3. User: The user is a student

4. Contact person: Please call Lily at 328-39302


8. Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->

substitution reaction

CH3-CH2-OH + HBr --> CH3 - CH2 - Br  + H2O

I hope its helps...


9. Guess the answers of the following riddles! Then identify the structure!



1. Our age

2. It is a berry.

3. I am a map.

4. It is a clock.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Riddles (teka-teki permainan kata) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Our age karena sesuatu yang terus naik dan tak pernah turun adalah usia kita semua

2. Berry karena dalam Bahasa Inggris, buah yang namanya terdengar seperti harusnya hidup di bawah tanah adalah "berry" terdengar seperti "burry (mengubur)"

3. Map karena sesuatu yang terdapat gedung, gunung, sungai tapi tidak ada ikannya adalah peta (map)

4. Clock karena memiliki dua tangan penunjuk dan menunjuk 2 kali ke angka dua belas adalah sebuah jam dinding

Semoga membantu ya.

10. identify the main clauses and the subordinate clauses and used in the following sentences. besides, express the function of each of the subordinate clause

Subject : English
Category : Complex Sentence

main clause = induk kalimat/kalimat utama
subordinate clause = anak kalimat

1. main clause = apples and pears have five seeds containing carpels
subordinate clause = which are surrounded by a fleshy covering
function : as an adjective

2. main : i think
sub : that you can cut the trees with an act
function : as a noun

3. main : stone fruits are those
sub : in which the fruit develops from the one-cell ovary
function : as an adverb of place

4. main : have you given any thought to the fruits
sub : that we should raise next year
function : as an adjective

5. main : in the united states many orange fruits will be still green
sub : when the first frost comes
function : as an adverb of time

11. What is the relative minor of C major?


A minor .................

12. Read the following food label . identify the structure of the label​

Bacalah petunjuk/arahan uang tertera pada label makanan, lalu identifikasikan struktur pada label tersebut

13. Discuss the meaning of the following statement: โGood mission statements identify theutility of a firmโs products to its customers.โ answer

pernyataan misi yang baik mengidentifikasikan keutuhan produk peusahaan kepada pelanggannya.

14. Identify the parts of the following letters​


headingdatesalutationbodyclosingsignaturePost Script / extra information

15. Identify the noun head of the following noun phrases.​


kata bendanya mana ya ka?


Maaf soal kurang jelas

16. yang dimaksud dengan Identify the topic and topic sentence of the following paragraph?​


yang dimaksud dengan mengidentifikasi topik dan kalimat topik dari paragraf berikut?


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

jangan lupa like, dan follow

jadikan jawaban terbaik/tercerdas

17. Study the following dialog identify the expression of congratulations and the responses by completing the table below​


Pelajari dialog berikut mengidentifikasi ungkapan selamat dan tanggapan dengan melengkapi tabel di bawah ini


Itu artinya

18. Read the following report text and identify the generic structure of the text and give the reasons! Of text report thanksgiving day


Bacalah teks laporan berikut dan identifikasikan struktur generik teks dan berikan alasannya!

19. Read the following report. Then identify the structure of the report


Baca laporan berikut. Kemudian identifikasi struktur laporan tersebut...

nggak ada teks nya?

20. identify the adverb clauses in the following sentences and tell the kind of each adverb clause

1. tanaman akan tumbuh bila hujan turun terus-menerus
2.tanah ini cocok untuk tanaman yg tumbuh karena itu akan subur

3. pohon itu teduh, untuk beberapa waktu petani akan beristirahat dibawahnya
4.jangan menganggu dia, apapun yg dia lakukan
5.sangat deras hujan turun, sungai itu akan menyebabkan banjir
6. pohon akan tumbuh dimana mereka ditanam
7.setiap yg terjadi, pasti telah diharapkan
8. pemerintah bertanya kepada petani beras, untuk segera menanam beras, karena disana stok nya tidak cukup
9. irlandia terkenal dengan perkebunan kentang. namun dimusnahkan oleh org tdk tanggung jawab
10. tanaman itu menghancurkan tanaman lain, jika mereka tdk membunuh lagi
11. buah-buahan akan cepat membusuk karena ,terdiri dari banyak air
12.banyak gula yg dimasukkan ke dalam jus,sebagai perasa nyaSubject : English
Category : Adverbial Clause

An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb. It means that an adverbial clause modifies an adjective, a verb or verb phrase, or other adverb.

Answers :
8. adverb clause of condition
9. adverb clause of reason
10. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
11. adverb clause of condition
12. adverb clause of comparison degree
13. adverb clause of cause and effect
14. adverb clause of place
15. adverb clause of manner
16. adverb clause of time
17. adverb clause of time
18. adverb clause of condition
19. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
20. adverb clause of concession

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