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Potassium Iodide And Lead Ii Nitrate

Potassium Iodide And Lead Ii Nitrate

apa manfaat potassium iodide???

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1. apa manfaat potassium iodide???

menghalang idengan berkesan penyerapan iodin berradioaktif kedalam kelenjar tiroid manusia.

2. Potassium nitrate is used in

kaliium nitrab di gunakan untuk gigi sensitif
senyawa yang mengandung nitrogen yang secara kolektif mengacu pada saltpeter atau saltpetre.

potassium nitrab used for sensitive teeth nitrogen-containing compounds that collectively refers to the saltpeter or saltpetre .


Uses of potassium nitrate in agriculture, industry, solar energy plants, food and pharma.

3. afua mixes a solution of potassium iodide with a solution of lead nitrate.birth of the solutions are clear and colourless.the resulting mixture is cloudy and yellow.the yellow precipitate is lead iodide,one of the products on this reaction.what is the name of the other products​


Potassium nitrate KNO[tex]_{3}[/tex]


2KI + Pb(NO[tex]_{3}[/tex])[tex]_{2}[/tex] ------> 2KNO[tex]_{3}[/tex] + PbI[tex]_{2}[/tex]



4. Allah SWT created the earth with abundance of minerals. A sample mineral contained only chloride, iodide and nitrate anions. A titration was carried out to determine the chloride and iodide content. Standardized silver nitrate was used as titrant, and a silver wire immersed in the solution was used to monitor the solution’s electrochemical potential as the precipitates formed. The concentration of the standardized silver nitrate solution was 0,1 M. The burette initial reading was 1.35 mL, and the volumes at the two end points were 12.75 ml and 40.95 mL. Given that the original sample was 0.5 g, what is the percentage difference between iodide and chloride in the sample? (Ksp AgCl = 1,78 x 10-10, AgI = 9,8x10-17), (Molar mass, g.mol-1 for I=126,9, Cl=35,55) (Note: please write the answer IN NUMBER, WITHOUT writing the unit)




ngabisa bahasa Inggris

5. berapa jumlah mol atom potassium yang terdapat dalam 3.04 g potassium? Diketahui massa atom relative potassium adalah 49.1 g / mol.

mol = massa : Mr/Ar
mol = 3.04 g : 49.1 g/mol
mol = 0.0619 mol

6. Au + naturium nitrate + naturium hidroksida

Au + NaOH + NaNO3 --> Na[AuO2] + NaNO2 + H2O

7. when lead is heated in oxygen. lead(II)oxide id formed write a word equation for this reaction

balanced equation

2Pb + O₂ → 2PbO2Pb + O₂ → 2 PbO
2Pb(s) + O2(g) →2PbO(s)

8. the reaction of potassium and silver with dilute acid​


reaksi kalium dan perak dengan asam encer

9. name and lead the seasons below​



name = beach season = summer


sorry if wrong

10. Between potassium sulfate and calcium sulfate, which one has more neutrons?



britania raya(kerjaan inggris)(tapi dibedakan inggris sama britania raya,kalau irlandia utara itu milik inggris.

Between potassium sulfate and calcium sulfate, which one has more neutrons?


namanya ratu elizabeth 2.

11. Apa itu Potassium hydroxide ?

Potassium hydroxide itu kalium hidroksida (KOH) ...

12. 2. A reaction between 70.0 g of copper(II) oxide and 50 mL of 2.0 M nitric acid produces copper(II) nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 and water. (a) Write the balanced chemical equation for the above reaction. (b) Determine the limiting reactant. (c) Calculate the mass of excess reactant after the reaction. (66.02 g) (d) Determine the percentage yield if the actual mass of copper(II) nitrate obtained from the reaction is 8.5 g (90.62%)​


a. The balanced chemical equation for the reaction above

   CuO + 2[tex]HNO_{3}[/tex] → [tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex] + [tex]H_{2}O[/tex]

b. he limiting reactant:  nitric acid ([tex]HNO_{3}[/tex])

c. the mass of excess reactant after the reaction = 67,97 g

d. the percentage yield if the actual mass of copper(II) nitrate obtained from the reaction is 8.5 g = 50,47%


Persamaan reaksi dari reaksi tersebut adalah:

CuO + 2[tex]HNO_{3}[/tex] → [tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex] + [tex]H_{2}O[/tex]

mol CuO = [tex]\frac{massa}{Mr}[/tex]

              = [tex]\frac{70}{79,5}[/tex]

              = 0,88 mol

mol [tex]HNO_{3}[/tex] = V x M

                 = 50 mL x 2 M

                 = 100 mmol = 0,1 mol

Pereaksi pembatas dapat ditentukan dengan membagi mol reaktan dengan keofisienya. Reaktan yang hasil baginya lebih kecil merupakan pereaksi pembatas.

[tex]\frac{mol CuO}{koef CuO}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{0,88}{1}[/tex] = 0,88

[tex]\frac{mol HNO_{3} }{koef HNO_{3} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{0,1}{2}[/tex] = 0,05

Hasil bagi yang lebih kecil adalah [tex]HNO_{3}[/tex] jadi pereaksi pembatasnya adalah [tex]HNO_{3}[/tex]. Sehingga:

mol CuO yang bereaksi = [tex]\frac{koef CuO}{Koef HNO_{3} }[/tex] x mol [tex]HNO_{3}[/tex]

                                        = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x 0,05

                                        = 0,025 mol

mol [tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex]  hasil reaksi =  [tex]\frac{koef Cu(NO_{3})_{2} }{Koef HNO_{3} }[/tex] x mol [tex]HNO_{3}[/tex]

                                        = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x 0,05

                                        = 0,025 mol

mol [tex]H_{2}O[/tex] hasil reaksi =   [tex]\frac{koef H_{2}O }{Koef HNO_{3} }[/tex] x mol [tex]HNO_{3}[/tex]

                                        = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x 0,05

                                        = 0,025 mol

              CuO      +    2[tex]HNO_{3}[/tex]     →    [tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex]     +      [tex]H_{2}O[/tex]

Awal :     0,88 mol    0,05 mol

Reaksi :  0,025 mol  0,05 mol        0,025 mol            0,025 mol


Akhir :    0,855 mol     -                    0,025 mol             0,025 mol

Reaktan yang bersisa diakhir reaksi adalah CuO sebanyak 0,855 mol. Massa CuO = mol x Mr

                   = 0,855 x 79,5

                   = 67,97 g

[tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex]  yang dihasilkan adalah 0,025 mol.

Massa [tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex]  = mol x Mr

                              = 0,025 x 171,5

                              = 4,29 g

%[tex]Cu(NO_{3})_{2}[/tex]  = [tex]\frac{4,29}{8,5}[/tex] x 100%

                    = 50,47%

Materi tentang pereaksi pembatas dapat disimak pada link:



13. apa itu potassium nitrat

Pupuk KNO3 ( Potassium Nitrat) merupakan salah satu pupuk kimia yang banyak dicari karena manfaatnya. Kalium dan Nitrogen merupakan nutrisi utama bagi tumbuhan.

14. name and lead the seasons below​





15. Between potassium sulfate and calcium sulfate, which one has more neutrons?

Sumpah teu terang naon anu anjeun carioskeun :)




maaf kalo salah

16. When 10 cm³ of 0.5 mol dm3 sodium sulphate solution is added to excess lead (II) nitrate solution, a white precipitate is formed. Calculate the mass of precipitate formed.


To solve this problem, we need to use the fact that a mole of a substance is a unit of mass equal to the atomic or molecular weight of that substance in grams.

We know that the concentration of the sodium sulphate solution is 0.5 mol/dm³, and that we have added 10 cm³ of the solution. Therefore, the number of moles of sodium sulphate in the solution is 0.5 x (10/1000) = 0.005 moles.

Sodium sulphate has a molecular weight of 142.04 g/mol, so the mass of sodium sulphate in the solution is 0.005 x 142.04 = 0.7102 g.

When sodium sulphate is added to lead (II) nitrate, a white precipitate of lead (II) sulphate is formed. The formula for lead (II) sulphate is PbSO4, and its molecular weight is 303.34 g/mol.

Thus, the mass of lead (II) sulphate precipitate formed is 0.005 x 303.34 = 1.5167 g.

Therefore, the mass of precipitate formed is 1.5167 grams.

17. hasil Kali kelarutan timbal (II)iodide adalah...

Pb2I ---> Pb2+ + I2- ksp = s.s Ksp = s2PbI2 ⇔ Pb2+ + 2I-
   s           s        2s

Ksp PbI2 = [Pb2+] [I-]²
Ksp PbI2 = [s] [2s]²
Ksp PbI2 = 4s³

Semoga Membantu

18. Which of the following chemicals is a nonelectrolyte?a. molten naphthalenab. sodium hydroxide solutionc. aqueous sulfuric acid solutiond. aqueous ethanoic acid solutione. aqueous potassium iodide solution

The First thing that you must knew about Electrolyte Solution, Have the Criteria:
- The Solution that Perfect Ionized 
- Strong Acid or alkali (have strong electrolyte) and weak Acid or alkali (have Weak Elektrolytes)
- Salt Solution (NaCl, KCl, and any others)

I thing Molten Napthalena Is the best Answer, Napthalena as an Organic coumpund has a Stabilized structur, so dificult to ionized.

I Hope that answer your question...

19. in which compounds are pairs of electrons shared between atoms? 1) methane 2) potassium iodide 3) sodium chloride a. 1 only, b. 2 only, c. 1 and 3, d. 1, 2 and 3

1 Methane

semoga benar adanya

20. Asam iodide +kalium hidroksida

Jawaban:Hl+ KOH ==>Kl + H2O

Penjelasan: itu adalah persamaan reaksi nya semoga membantu

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