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Tectonic Plates Are Large Segments Of The Earth s Crust

Tectonic Plates Are Large Segments Of The Earth s Crust

50. An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. The word “crust” can be replaced by… A. soil B. coverC. layerD. rock ​

Daftar Isi

1. 50. An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. The word “crust” can be replaced by… A. soil B. coverC. layerD. rock ​

Jawaban :

C. Layer

Maaf kalau salah

2. What are tectonic plates?

apa pelat tektonik

maaf kalo salah

3. nesid is12.occurs because of tectonic plates move. The device that scientist uses formeasuring this movement of the earth is​




maaf kalo ada salah

4. Volcanoes form when hot magma pushes its way through earth's crust. Earth's crust is made up of separate pieces, known as tectonic plates. These plates fit together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Volcanoes form when these plates interact.Rewrite the passive sentence without the doer found in the paragraph! Then translate it into indonesian!​


Gunung berapi terbentuk ketika magma panas menerobos kerak bumi. Kerak bumi terdiri dari bagian-bagian yang terpisah, yang dikenal sebagai lempeng tektonik. Piring-piring ini cocok bersama seperti puzzle raksasa. Gunung berapi terbentuk ketika lempeng-lempeng ini berinteraksi.

5. the part of earth which is very large area of the land is called.........​


the part of earth which is very large area of the land is called continent

6. An earthquake is an act of nature. It cannot becontrolled by phone. About one million earthquakeoccur every year. Many earthquakes are small butsome are dangerous.An earthquake is caused by sudden movement of theearth's surface. This happens when energy issuddenly released from within the earth.Earthquakes are commonly caused by movement ofthe earth's plates. These plates squeeze and stretchand can sometimes cause the surface of the earth tobreak.The surface of the earth is like a jigsaw puzzle. It'snot just one piece of land, but also about 20 piecesthat are always moving. We don't feel thismovement because the pieces move quite slowly.Each of these pieces is called a tectonic plate. Whenone tectonic plate slips under or against anothertectonic plate, an earthquake occurs.​


It was An And that earthquake San etching




Gempa bumi adalah tindakan alam. Tidak mungkin

dikendalikan melalui telepon. Sekitar satu juta gempa bumi

terjadi setiap tahun. Banyak gempa bumi kecil tapi

beberapa berbahaya.

Gempa bumi disebabkan oleh gerakan tiba-tiba dari

permukaan bumi. Ini terjadi saat energi ada

tiba-tiba dilepaskan dari dalam bumi.

Gempa bumi biasanya disebabkan oleh pergerakan

pelat bumi. Piring-piring ini meremas dan meregang

dan terkadang dapat menyebabkan permukaan bumi


Permukaan bumi seperti teka-teki gambar. Nya

bukan hanya sebidang tanah, tapi juga sekitar 20 bidang

yang selalu bergerak. Kami tidak merasakan ini

gerakan karena bidak-bidak bergerak cukup lambat.

Masing-masing potongan ini disebut lempeng tektonik. Kapan

satu lempeng tektonik tergelincir ke bawah atau ke lempeng lainnya

lempeng tektonik, terjadi gempa bumi.



7. earthquake, displacement, planes, magma, tectonic earthquakes , volkanic earthquakes Tectonic faults, seismi wavefault Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini, jawabanya dari kata kata di atas 1.Earthquake can cause the..... of the ground 2...... is a shock wave which spreads out from the center of an earthquake. 3.....are earthquakes that are caused by a volcanic activity. 4. ....is caused by a sudden release of energy From the bottom of the earth's crust 5. When..... occur, earthquake will usually happen 6......is the land along the side of the river 7. .....are earthquakes that are caused by tectonic activities 8.the movement of....... can cause an earthquake.

1. displacement
2. seismi wavefault
3. volcanic earthquakes
4. earthquake
5. tectonic faults
6. magma
7. Tectonic earthquakes
semoga membantu ^-^

8. Text for No. 49 - 50  An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. Earthquakes are usually caused when a rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing catch on each other. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that’s built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs. 49. What does the text mainly explain?A. the cause of earthquake B. the effects of earthquake C. the meaning of earthquake D. the types of earthquake 50. An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. The word “crust” can be replaced by… A. rock B. layer C. cover D. soil Latihan Soal : Reading​


49.(A).the cause of earthquake.



49. What does the text mainly explain

the cause of earthquake.

″Jadi Jawabannya Adalah (A).

50. An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. The word “crust” can be replaced by rock.

″Jadi Jawabannya Adalah (A).


Semoga Bermanfaat.


Multiple Choice:

49. A. the cause of earthquake

50. B. layer


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

49. A. the cause of earthquake karena bacaan menjelaskan tentang penyebab dari terjadinya gempa bumi

50. B. layer karena kata crust memiliki sinonim dengan kata layer

Semoga membantu ya.

9. Volcanoes form when hot magma pushes its way through earth's crust. Earth's crust is made up of separate pieces, known as tectonic plates. These plates fit together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Volcanoes form when these plates interact.Rewrite the passive sentence without the doer found in the paragraph! Then translate it into indonesian!​


Gunung berapi terbentuk ketika magma panas menerobos kerak bumi. Kerak bumi terdiri dari bagian-bagian yang terpisah, yang dikenal sebagai lempeng tektonik. Piring-piring ini cocok bersama seperti puzzle raksasa. Gunung berapi terbentuk ketika lempeng-lempeng ini berinteraksi

10. The Earth̢۪s plates meet each other at cracks in the Earth _____ faults.


itu adalah bahasa ingris.

11. Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.『earthquake | magma | displacement |fault planes | tectonic faults | tectonic earthquakes | seismic wave | volcanic earthquakes』1. Earthquake can cause the... of the ground. 2..... is a shock wave which spreads out from the centre of an earthquake. 3. ... are earthquakes that are caused by a volcanic activity. 4. ...is caused by a sudden release of energy from the bottom of the earth's crust. 5. When... occur earthquake will usually happen. 6. ...is the land along the side of the river. 7. ...are earthquakes that are caused by tectonic activity. 8. The movement of ... can cause an earthquake.​



1. Earthquake can cause the displacement of the ground.

2. Seismic wave is a shock wave which spreads out from the centre of an earthquake.

3. Volcanic earthquakes are earthquakes that are caused by a volcanic activity.

4. Earthquake is caused by a sudden release of energy from the bottom of the earth's crust.

5. When tectonic faults occur earthquake will usually happen.

6. Magma is the land along the side of the river.

7. Tectonic earthquakes are earthquakes that are caused by tectonic activity.

8. The movement of fault planes can cause an earthquake.​


Jawaban dicetak tebal sudah dicocokkan dengan pilihan jawabannya dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) tentang gempa bumi dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pengetahuan umum:

1. Gempa bumi dapat menyebabkan perpindahan tanah. karena gempa bumi dapat menyebabkan perubahan struktur tanah

2. Gelombang seismik adalah gelombang kejut yang menyebar dari pusat gempa.

3. Gempa vulkanik adalah gempa bumi yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas gunung berapi.

4. Gempa bumi disebabkan oleh pelepasan energi secara tiba-tiba dari dasar kerak bumi.

5. Pada saat terjadi sesar tektonik biasanya akan terjadi gempa bumi.

6. Magma adalah tanah di sepanjang sisi sungai. karena ketika lava panas dari gunung berapi itu menjadi dingin, akan berubah menjadi magma yang biasanya terbentuk di sepanjang sisi sungai.

7. Gempa tektonik adalah gempa bumi yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas tektonik.

8. Pergerakan bidang patahan dapat menyebabkan gempa bumi.​

Semoga membantu ya.

12. Geologically, Indonesia is located in the confluence zone of three large plates of the world, namely ...


the Eurasian Plate, Indo-Australian, and the Pacific

13. a.2. How large is the sun?One hundret times the diameter of the earthb. Two hundret times the diameter of the earthThree hundret times the diameter of the earthd. Four hundret times the diameter of the earth​


A. One hundred times the diameter of the earth

14. Find the cause of the following sentence --- "Tsunami happen when Tectonic plates shift."​


Cause/sebab = Tectonic Plates Shift

Effect/akibat = tsunami happen


15. 1.how many sections does this layer have?2. what is the simplest way to describe the surface of the earth?3. what floats on top of the mantle?5. how fast do tectonic plates move?6. what cause an earthquake?7. what is the name of the liquid that causes volcanic eruptions?8. what tectonic plate is most of indonesia on?9. what tectonic plates does indonesia's plate hit?10. which asian country has the biggest problem with volcanoes?

1) berapa banyak bagian yang lapisan ini memiliki
2)apa cara paling sederhana untuk menggambar kan petmukaan bumi
3)apa yang menapung di atas mantel
5)seberapa cepat lempeng tektonik bergerak

16. 10 poiChoose the best option based on the text you have read!Text 1: For questions 1 to 5An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking andmovement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth rocky outermost crust.Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along afault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.When two block of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little.They don't just slide smoothly, the rocks catch on each other. The rocks are still pushingagainst each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all thepressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.1. What is the best title of the text above?​


nda bisa bahasa Inggris:(

17. 2. How large is the sun?a. One hundret times the diameter of the earthb. Two hundret times the diameter of the earthC. Three hundret times the diameter of the earthd. Four hundret times the diameter of the earth​


A. 100 Times

B. 200 Times

C. 300 Times

D. 400 Times


Smoga membantu

18. 1. The Earth's crust is a layer that rests above the2.are divisions of the Earth's crust and the top of the mantle.3. Rapid changes insurface can be caused by the movement of plates.​


Mountain ranges tower to the sky. Oceans plummet to impossible depths. Earth’s surface is an amazing place to behold. Yet even the deepest canyon is but a tiny scratch on the planet. To really understand Earth, you need to travel 6,400 kilometers (3,977 miles) beneath our feet.



A cut-away of Earth’s layers reveals how thin the crust is when compared to the lower layers.

Starting at the center, Earth is composed of four distinct layers. They are, from deepest to shallowest, the inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust. Except for the crust, no one has ever explored these layers in person. In fact, the deepest humans have ever drilled is just over 12 kilometers (7.6 miles). And even that took 20 years!

Still, scientists know a great deal about Earth’s inner structure. They’ve plumbed it by studying how earthquake waves travel through the planet. The speed and behavior of these waves change as they encounter layers of different densities. Scientists —  including Isaac Newton, three centuries ago — have also learned about the core and mantle from calculations of Earth’s total density, gravitational pull and magnetic field.

Here’s a primer on Earth’s layers, starting with a journey to the center of the planet.

The inner core

This solid metal ball has a radius of 1,220 kilometers (758 miles), or about three-quarters that of the moon. It’s located some 6,400 to 5,180 kilometers (4,000 to 3,220 miles) beneath Earth’s surface. Extremely dense, it’s made mostly of iron and nickel. The inner core spins a bit faster than the rest of the planet. It’s also intensely hot: Temperatures sizzle at 5,400° Celsius (9,800° Fahrenheit). That’s almost as hot as the surface of the sun. Pressures here are immense: well over 3 million times greater than on Earth’s surface. Some research suggests there may also be an inner, inner core. It would likely consist almost entirely of iron.

The outer core

This part of the core is also made from iron and nickel, just in liquid form. It sits some 5,180 to 2,880 kilometers (3,220 to 1,790 miles) below the surface. Heated largely by the radioactive decay of the elements uranium and thorium, this liquid churns in huge, turbulent currents. That motion generates electrical currents. They, in turn, generate Earth’s magnetic field. For reasons somehow related to the outer core, Earth’s magnetic field reverses about every 200,000 to 300,000 years. Scientists are still working to understand how that happens.

The mantle

At close to 3,000 kilometers (1,865 miles) thick, this is Earth’s thickest layer. It starts a mere 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) beneath the surface. Made mostly of iron, magnesium and silicon, it is dense, hot and semi-solid (think caramel candy). Like the layer below it, this one also circulates. It just does so far more slowly.

Explainer: How heat moves

Near its upper edges, somewhere between about 100 and 200 kilometers (62 to 124 miles) underground, the mantle’s temperature reaches the melting point of rock. Indeed, it forms a layer of partially melted rock known as the asthenosphere (As-THEEN-oh-sfeer). Geologists believe this weak, hot, slippery part of the mantle is what Earth’s tectonic plates ride upon and slide across.

Diamonds are tiny pieces of the mantle we can actually touch. Most form at depths above 200 kilometers (124 miles). But rare “super-deep” diamonds may have formed as far down as 700 kilometers (435 miles) below the surface. These crystals are then brought to the surface in volcanic rock known as kimberlite.

The mantle’s outermost zone is relatively cool and rigid. It behaves more like the crust above it. Together, this uppermost part of the mantle layer and the crust are known as the lithosphere.

The crust

Earth’s crust is like the shell of a hard-boiled egg. It is extremely thin, cold and brittle compared to what lies below it. The crust is made of relatively light elements, especially silica, aluminum and oxygen. It’s also highly variable in its thickness. Under the oceans (and Hawaiian Islands), it may be as little as 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) thick. Beneath the continents, the crust may be 30 to 70 kilometers (18.6 to 43.5 miles) thick.


19. the weigh of a man on the moon is 95N . Given the gravitational acceleration of the man on the Earth and the Moon are 10m/s² and 1.6m/s² respectively, what is his weight on the Earth ?

W = m g
65 = m . 1.6
m= 40.62
 untuk menghitung berat di bumu masukan ke gravity yg bumu
W = 40.62 x 10
W= 406.2 NTranslate into indonesian
Berat manusia dibulan adalah 95 N. Mengingat percepatan gravitasi dari manusia di bumi dan bulan secara berurutan adalah 10 m/s² dan 1,6 m/s². Berapa berat badan manusia di bumi...?
Is know
Wbn = 95 N
gbn = 1,6 m/s²
 gbi = 10 m/s²
Wbn/Wbi = mgbn/mgbi
95/x = 1,6/10
1,6x = 950
x = 950/1.6
x = 593,75 N

20. Volcanoes form when hot magma pushes its way trough earth's crust. Earth's crust is made up of separate pieces, known as tectonic plates. These plates fit together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Volcano form when these plates interact Rewrite the passive sentence without the doer found in the paragraph! Then translate it into indonesian!


retakan di permukaan bumi yang mengeluarkan abu, gas, dan magma panas saat meletus. Nama mereka berasal dari nama dewa api Romawi, Vulcan. Erupsi gunung berapi bisa sangat berbahaya. Beberapa letusan paling terkenal termasuk Novarupta pada tahun 1912, Gunung St Helens pada tahun 1980, dan Gunung Pinatubo pada tahun 1991


maaf kalo salah ^_^

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