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What Is 3/8 + 1/2

What Is 3/8 + 1/2

1. what day before wednesday ?2. what is 3 days after monday ?3. what day after sunday ?4. what is 4 mounths before january ?5. what mounth after july ?6. what is " 2 agustus 2013 "7. what is " 29 maret 1940 "8. what is " 14 febuari 2011 "9. what is " 5 september 1888 "10. what is " 11 mei 2022 "

Daftar Isi

1. 1. what day before wednesday ?2. what is 3 days after monday ?3. what day after sunday ?4. what is 4 mounths before january ?5. what mounth after july ?6. what is " 2 agustus 2013 "7. what is " 29 maret 1940 "8. what is " 14 febuari 2011 "9. what is " 5 september 1888 "10. what is " 11 mei 2022 "

6 sampai 10 saya tidak paham dengan soalya >_<

2. 1.What is your name?2.How old are you?3.What are you?4.What do you live?5.What is your hobby?6.What is your hobby?7.What is your favorite colour?8.What is your favorite snack?Aku minta isi 1 sampai 8,soalnya aku minta perkenalan saja tolong diisi ya


maaf kan kita gak tau usia mu nama panjang mu dan lain lainnya

3. 1.what is your name?2.how old are you?3.what are you?4.what do you live?5.what is your hobby?6.what is your hobby?7.what is your favorite colour?8.what is your favorite snack?aku minta isi 1 sampai 8,soalnya aku minta perkenalan saja tolong diisi ya

=> Answer :
1.) My name is Fathuba Bittuqo.
2.) I'm 13 years old.
3.) I'm a student in Junior High School 6 Pekalongan.
4.) Sepertinya bukan what, tetapi where. I live in Pekalongan.
5.) My hobby is reading book.
6.) My hobby is reading book.
7.) My favourite colour is green.
8.) My favourite snack is bisvit selimut.

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^

4. Grow with English 6 K Listen and tick (V). 1 . Who is Meilin talking to?2. what is seta making ?3. what is seta making?4. what is Dona looking for? 5. what is Melilin going to make? 6. what is the bottle for? 7. what is Dona looking for? 8. what is the cardboard for? ​

teks nya mana ini ngerjain nya butuh bacaan dari taks nya

5. 1. What is that?2. ....3. ....4. ....5. ....6. ...7. ...8. ....9. ....10. ....1.That is a table2. ....3. ....4. ....5. ....6. ....7. ....8. ....9. ....10. ....​


1. that's a table

2. that's a flower vase.

3. that's a pillow

4. that's a lamp

5. that's a photo decoration

6. that's a coach

7. that's a flower

8. that's a curtain

9. that's a window

10. that's a wall

6. 1. what is a fork ?2. what is a knife ?3. what is a spoon ?4. what is chopsticks ?5. what is a napkin ?6. what is a cup ?7. what is a glass ?8. what is a jug ?9. what is a saucer ? 10. what is a platter ?​Mohon di jawab menggunakan bahasa inggris


fork is garpu

knife is pisau

spoon is sendok

chopstik is sumpit

napkin is sorbet

cup is cangkir

glass is gelas

jug is kendi

saucer is lepek

platter is piring

semoga membantu

7. 1.12Tom: What time is it?Billy: It is ....11110298A7652.Ana: What time is it?Rina: It is ....1112110298A7653.Silva : What time is it?Jean : It is ....121111021384765​

apa maksudnya? jelasin yak



8. What time is it? 6 11 Answer these questions! 1 What time is it? 12 11 10 2 10 2 आ 32 31 It is.... -9 8 9 8 7 4 lob de 901) CHIRO What time is it? meer 8 7 6 7 What time is it? 2 11 10 11 10 19 2 3 2 -9 31 4, 00 8 Z 7 6 What time is it? What time is it? 8 12 11 7 11 12 7 10 10 2 -9 31 3 00 8 4. 8 7 5 Z​


1.two a clock

2.four a clock

3.Twelve a clock

itu kak yang bisa aku jawab

9. what time is it?​


1.it's a quarter to one

2.it's one to two

3.it's a quarter past eight

4.it's eighteen past six

5.it's thirteen to ten

6.it's six o'clock

7.it's half past four

8.it's seven past two

9.it's twenty one to twelve

10.it's a quarter past seven

10. Kuis +50 poin dari kexcvi [from Brainly Global] (1) What is the result of 9 times 8 (2) What is the result of 16 divided by 8 (3) What is the result of 5 times 6 (4) What is the result of 1 plus 1


1. 9 times 8 ( 9 x 8=72)

2. 16 divided by 8 ( 16 : 8=2)

3. 5 times 6 (5x6=30)

4. 1 plus 1 ( 1+1 =2)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Times: dikali

Divided by: dibagi

Plus: ditambah


Semoga bermanfaat

[tex]\huge\pink{\mid{\fbox{\tt{MathNath}} \mid}}[/tex]


1. = 72

2. = 2

3. = 30

4. = 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
























Times=DikaliDivided=DibagiPlus=DitambahMin=Dikurang________________________Mapel : MatemathicsKelas : Elementary SchoolKategorial : -________________________#MathNath

11. 1. What is the title of the chapter? 2. What do you see in the picture? What is it? 3. What is an elephant? 4. What is a globe? 5. What is a microscope? 6. What is a solar system? 7. What is a plant? 8. What does it mean 'to know' something?​


1. ga tau ga ada tulisannya

2. solar system elephant globe microscope

3. an animal

4. a round object showing earth

5. a laboratory instrument to examine something human can't see with their naked eyes

6. solar system is mad eout of a sun and all yhe smaller objects around it and there are 8 major planets

7. a living organism

8. to understand something

menurut ku ini jawabannya, kalo salah maaf. semoga bermanfaat!

12. 1 What were you birte 2 what do you live 3 what is your school 4 what is your hobby 5 what is your favorite food 6 what is name mom 7 what is name your father 8 how old are you 9 what do you want to be next

Jawaban:Jawaban:1 Apa yang kamu birte 2 apa yang kamu hidup 3 apa sekolah kamu 4 apa hobi kamu 5 apa makanan favoritmu 6 apa nama ibu 7 apa nama ayahmu 8 berapa umurmu 9 berapa umurmu 9 apa yang kamu inginkan selanjutnya

13. *16. What time is it??110V238 14765​


gadnadgbdagntj 3the fn etj efh

14. 1. What day is today2. What day was yesterday3. What day is tomorrow4. If today is friday, what is tomorrow5. If today saturday, what was yesterday 6. What day after friday7. What day before friday8. What two days before yesterday9. What day is before wednesday 10. Is after Wednesday is friday

1. today is thursday
2. wednesday
3. friday
4. saturday
5. friday
6. saturday
7. thursday
8. monday
9. tuesday
10. nomaaf yah aku cuma bisa jawab 3 soal

no6 saturday no7 thursday no9 tuesday

15. 1.) What does elephant look like ?2.) What is elephant like ?3.) What does tiger look like ?4.) What is tiger like ?5.) What does Siti look like ?6.) What is Siti like ?7.) What does Lina look like ?8.) What is Lina like ?tolong dijawab terimakasih :)

tiger like meat elephant like grass

16. 8 2020Basa inggris1. what is a table like?F2. What is a ball like?3. what is an ice cream one likes4. what is a door like?s. what is a marble likes​


ini maksutnya apa ya?


maaf, sekian terimakasih:)

17. 1.What Is Farewell?2.Give 3 Example Of Farewell!3.What Is Gratitude?4.What Is Apologize?5.Give Me 3 Example Of Gratitude!6.Give Me Example Of Apologize!7.What Is Greating?8.Give Me 3 Example Of Greating!​


1]Farewell is where we who were together will all be released

[2] —a:see you later

b:see you take care

—a:see you tomorrow guys

b:see you take care

—a:i have to rush.bye.see you afternoon

b:see you later.take care

[3]Grateful there is a sense of gratitude to God almighty

[4]Apologize is an expression of apology or regret


maaf selebihnya ga tau,semoga bermanfaat -!!

18. III. A. Do as the example! What is he? He is a police What is Mr. Andi? What are you? 1 6 1 What are we? 2 What are you? 7 What are they? What is Mr. Joni? 3 8 What is she? What are they 4 9 What is Mrs. Ani? What am I? 5 10tolong bantu jawab saya ga bisa.​


1. m.r andi was a doctor

2. a student

3. we are students

4. a student

5. they are students

6. m.r joni was a teacher

7. mrs, Ani was a lawyer

8. i am is your bestfriend

19. 11 12 121.What time is it?33987és6​


maaf soal nya nggk jelas

20. 1. What day is today2. What day was yesterday3. What day is tomorrow4. If today is friday, what is tomorrow5. If today saturday, what was yesterday 6. What day after friday7. What day before friday8. What two days before yesterday9. What day is before wednesday 10. Is after Wednesday is friday

1. Thursday
2. Wednesday
3. Friday
4. Saturday
5. Friday
6. Saturday
7. Thursday
8. Monday
9. Tuesday
10. No1. Today is Thursday
2. Yesterday was Wednesday
3. Tomorrow is Friday
4. If today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday
5. If today is Saturday, yesterday was Friday
6. The day after Friday is Saturday
7. The day before Friday is Thursday
8. Two days before yesterday is Monday
9. The day before Wednesday is Tuesday
10. No, it is not. the day after Wednesday is Thursday

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