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Which Could Be The Missing Reason In Step 3

Which Could Be The Missing Reason In Step 3

3. In which step Shoud you be most Carefui?​

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1. 3. In which step Shoud you be most Carefui?​


steps when we define our future.

2. Cause means ...... *a. the thing which happenedb. the reason why something is occuredc. something that must be the reason of phenomenad. the word which become the reason of somethinge. the phenomenon which should be happened​


B.the reason why something is occurred

semoga terbantu yaaa

3. which reason doesn't the son metion in the dialogue​


which reason doesn't the son metion in the dialogue ?

artinya :

alasan apa yang tidak disebutkan putra dalam dialog ?

4. 1. How to cook the rice in rice cooker? Explain it step by step in English!You could find it in chapter five.​


Wash and clean the rice and then put it in the cooker and give it the water as needed, Turn on the rice cooker connection to electricity

5. in which step do you find the way to sarve the beverage

sering lupa nama dari apa?....mohon soal.a diperjelas

6. Mapel: B. InggrisKelas: XI SMATentang: Narrative Text1.) Where did the story take place? A. In The Sky B. On The CloudsC. At The God PlaceD. At The Couple's HomeE. At The Field When The Men Worked2.) What moral value can we get from the story?A. Don't ask anything to God.B. Don't put valuabe things far away from us.C. Apologize to others when making mistakes.D. Be thankful and satisfied with what other people give.E. Be a shining and glowing person like a star in the sky.3.) What is the difference between paragraph 3 and paragraph 6?A. In paragraph 3 the sky could not be reached by hand while in paragraph 6 the sky could not be reached by hand.B. In paragraph 3 the sky could be reached by hand while in paragraph 6 the clouds could not be reached by hand.C. In paragraph 3 the sky could not be reached by hand while in paragraph 6 the clouds could be reached by hand.D. In paragraph 3 the clouds could not be reached by hand while in paragraph 6 the clouds could be reached by hand.E. In paragraph 3 the sky and the clouds could not be reached by hand while in paragraph 6 the clouds could be reached by hand.​



2.)D. Be thankful and satisfied with what other people give.

3.)B. In paragraph 3 the sky could be reached by hand while in paragraph 6 the clouds could not be reached by hand.



7. The word "despite" in paragraph two could be replaced by........


8. The word sensitive in the second paragraph could best be replaced by the word:


9. The word spray in the fourth paragraph could best be replaced by the word:

Tolong foto paragrafnya dulu ya

10. fill in the missing letters​


2. P-O-W-D-E-R

3. B-U-C-K-E-T


Soal terkait melengkapi kata benda sesuai gambarnya dalam bahasa Inggris.

2. Powder

(Noun) Bedak, bubuk

3. Bucket

(Noun) Ember, keranjang

11. write 3 paragraph using too, enough, can, could, be able to and underline the sentences which use too, enough, can, could, be able to

One day I thought to my self that it was enough and I couldn't continue doing this job because it was too stressful. But if I were to quit this job I should be able to find another job because I can't sustain my life if I don't have one.

Later that night I thought of another way to not make my life miserable.

"I could get help from my co workers." I thought. The day after I went to my co-workers and asked to help me do the jobs that I was responsible of. They were nice co-workers so they helped me.

That day and so forth my life felt so much easier because there is not too much burden for me to handle anymore. I can have plenty of rest now. I am glad to have been blessed to have such nice co-workers.

1. grass
2. bring
3. be
4. turn
5. noisy

Semoga membantu. Apabila iya, harap jadikan jawaban saya sebagai jawaban terbaik :) 1. don`t step the plant
2. don`t eat any food into the room!
3. be quiet!
4. turn off the tap after using!
5. don`t be crowded
maaf klo salah

13. Which is the first step in the Database Development Process ?


pengembangan sistem basis:


2.analisis system

3.perancanan sistem




jadikan jawaban ini terbaik

14. The word "major" (underlined) in line 3 could best be replaced by

apakah ada semacam teks beserta pilihannya?

15. There are several fields and methods in a shirt class. which of the following could be a method in the shirt class?


Ada beberapa bidang dan metode dalam kelas kemeja. mana dari berikut ini yang bisa menjadi metode di kelas kemeja? = There are several fields and methods in a shirt class. which of the following could be a method in the shirt class?


Yang diatas arti dari bahasa indonesia

1. Grass
2. Bring
3. Be
4. Turn
10. Rude1. Carpet
2. Pick/Take
3. Be
4. Turn
10. Litter

17. In which step should you be most careful? *a. Step 1b. Step 2c. Step 4d. Step 6​


d step 6


menurut aku semakin lama semakin susah jadi harus berhati hati :v

18. which one is working harder in your opinion lungs or heart? give the reason!​


in my opinion

they are really really work hard for us

cause if we don't have them both we will die ;-;

but for just one i think its will be heart


in my opinion


semoga membantu

19. read the sentences given below and choose five sentences which could be your hopes


bacalah kalimat-kalimat yang diberikan berikut ini dan pilihlah lima kalimat yang dapat menjadi harapanmu

20. write 3 paragraph using too,enough,can,could,be,able to and underline the sentences which use too,enough,can,could,be able to

You can be a good guy

You able to borrow 3 books

Could you pass that sugar?

Dont too loud

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