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Which Is A Shortcoming Of Limited Respondent Options

Which Is A Shortcoming Of Limited Respondent Options

Which one of the following options is kind of adjectives? Material Adjectives Proper Adjectives Abstract Adjectives Collective Adjectives Concrete Adjectives

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1. Which one of the following options is kind of adjectives? Material Adjectives Proper Adjectives Abstract Adjectives Collective Adjectives Concrete Adjectives


madsudnya apa

Manakah dari opsi berikut yang merupakan jenis kata sifat? Kata sifat material kata sifat yang tepat kata sifat abstrak kata sifat kolektif kata sifat beton

2. what is the synonim of "limited" ?​

synonyms of limited in adjective can be : restricted, finite, bounded, little, narrow, tight, lean, slight, slender, in short supply, short, meager, scanty, sparse, insubstantial, deficient, inadequate, insufficient, paltry, poor, miserly, basic, rudimentary, patchy
sketchy, minimal, cramped

I hope this answer can help you :)

3. Which of the following options is cold beverage? *5 poinA. Hot teaB. MilkshakeC. Hot coffeeD. Hot chocolate​


Which of the following options is cold beverage? *

A. Hot tea


C. Hot coffee

D. Hot chocolate

Semoga membantu^^

4. the most controversial fruit which is prohibited from the airline cabin, hotels, and some publictransport. Iparagraph 1). The antonym of the underlined word isA bannedB. allowedc legalizedD. limited.tolong di batuh^_^​



semoga bermanfaat yaaaa

5. The goverment of Japan is a constitutional monarch y in which the power of the emperor is limited and is relegated primarily to ceremoniat duties.the goverment runs under the framework established by the constitution of Japan, adopted in 1947.The meaning of relegated is . . . . The synonym of adopted is . . . . .​


relegated is terdegradasi

adopted : chosen

maaf kalau salah

6. A new gasket has been fitted to the manhole cover of a ballast tank. which of the options given would be suitable to test that the new gasket is correctly fitte



Sebuah gasket baru telah dipasang ke penutup lubang tangki ballast. mana dari opsi yang diberikan yang sesuai untuk menguji apakah paking baru sudah terpasang dengan benar?

7. 24. The options below are the pairs of singular and plural nouns. Which one isincorrect?(A) Person - People.(B) Lady - Ladies.(C) Man - Men.(D) Photo - Photoes.​


d photo -photoes.

itu jawabannyaaaa


24. The options below are the pairs of singular and plural nouns. Which one is


(A) Person - People.

(B) Lady - Ladies.

(C) Man - Men.

(D) Photo - Photoes.


Pilihan dibawah ini adalah pasangan dari singular dan plural nouns. yang mana yang tidak benar? Opsi jawaban D tidak benar.

Singular nouns and Plural nouns

Singular noun adalah kata benda tunggal atau hanya satu.

Contoh (pada opsi jawaban):

Person (orang)

Lady (seorang wanita)

Man (seorang pria)

Photo (foto)

seluruh opsi jawaban untuk singular noun sudah tepat.


Plural noun adalah kata benda jamak atau lebih dari satu.

Contoh (pada opsi jawaban):

People (orang-orang)

Ladies (para wanita)

Men (para pria)

Photos (foto-foto)

pada opsi terakhir tertulis 'photoes' ini kurang tepat, yang tepat yaitu 'photos'

akhiran 'es' digunakan jika huruf terakhir pada suatu kata jamak adalah huruf vokal atau dibaca dengan suara seperti menyebut huruf vokal, contohnya : ladies

akhiran 's' digunakan jika huruf terakhir pada suatu kata jamak adalah huruf konsonan, contohnya : photos

semoga membantu;)

8. Which three management options can be used to manage fortiap






9. what is the similar meaning of "collect" and also "limited" ? don't forget to give indonesian meaning​





Artinya mengoleksi dan terbatas

10. Ranu Kumbolo is accessible from Malang or Lumajang.What is the synonym of accessible ? a. Deficientb. Reachablec. Limitedd. Restrictede. Inaccessible​


the answer is B. Reachable

cmiiw :)


What is the synonym of accessible?

*b. Reachable.


Synonym is a word that has a different form but has the same or similar meaning.

Semoga membantu:-)

11. Essay formal letter to manager of them restaurant to complain of them situation which is limited menu, cold good, rude waiters , did not get what we ordered and others


esai formal surat kepada manejer mereka restoranutk mengeluh tentang situasi mereka yg terbatas menu,baik dingin,pelayan kasar,tidak mendptkan apa yg kita pesan dll


ada kata yg slah deh coba dikoreksi them,of them and,waiters

12. "People only write what is instructed in the space provided. generally, the space is limited." This is one of characteristics of forms. What is it


1) Purchase form  

is also known as purchase order (PO) form. Purchase form is a commercial document which is made by a buyer to a seller and used as a request to purchase products or services. This form contains The company name, client's information, types, quantities, and agreed prices of products or service purchased.


maaf ika salah

13. What is limited in our live?




14. Psd pacific digital solutions limited is an international technology company which

Solusi digital pasifik PSD terbatas adalah perusahaan teknologi internasional yang


kalau di suruh translate itu ya



Translate Indonesia : Solusi digital pasifik PSD terbatas adalah perusahaan teknologi internasional yang

answers to questions:

Psd pacific digital solutions limited is an international technology company which provide software, training and support service.

Semoga bermanfaat^^

15. participants of the state university entrance test, ..... are high school graduates from java, are competing for a limited number of seats.a. which most of themb. a great numberc. most of whomd. the majoritye. a lot of them

menurutku yang pilihan A  menurutku yang A karna mungkin artinya begini kalo A yang kebanyakan dari mereka adalah lulusan SMA dari jawa, bersaing untuk sejumlah kursi.

16. 5) This offer is limited new customers. a) by b) of c) to d) with​

C. to

This offer is limited `to` new customers.

-hope this helped^^

17. Given the 6x6 numpy array r shown below, which of the following options would slice the shaded elements


Mengingat array numpy 6x6 r yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini, mana dari opsi berikut yang akan mengiris elemen yang diarsir:


hanya bisa diartikan

18. "Any supplemental feeding is minimal and limited to natural grains and forages."What is the meaning of the underlinedword?A. Rice.C. Fruit.B. Milk.D. Plants.in which of the following places is it best to store the product?A. A freezerB. A cupboard.C. A large bowl.D. A closed pan.​


underlined word maksudnya forages kan ya? if so jawabannya

d. plants

a. a freezer

19. Which of the followings is not the impact of deforestation for the organisms in the forest? A. Organisms in the forests lose their habitat. B. The availability of food will increase. C. The carbon dioxide in the air increases as there are fewer trees. D. The fresh water is limited. Serta penjelasannya dan jangan asal yaaaa

B. The availability of food will increase

Reason : because if you do deforestation, the forest that is a source of food will disappear and result in a decrease or even loss of food availability

Maaf kalo salah

20. bikin kalimat dari Respondent tolong dijawab sekarang ya!!!


1. No smoking

2. Dont swim ini this area

3. I like you

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