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Which Sentence Most Clearly Uses Figurative Language Apex

Which Sentence Most Clearly Uses Figurative Language Apex

write a sentence using simile figurative language​

1. write a sentence using simile figurative language​

The two children stumbled upon a a hole as deep as the ocean during their stroll through the woods.

2. what is the appropriate figurative language of the underlined sentence ?


artinya: apa bahasa kiasan yang tepat dari kalimat yang digarisbawahi?


apanya yg digaris bawahi

3. which passive sentence uses past perfect tense?

Do you mean the example?

Passive sentence uses Past Perfect Tense :
"The thief had been caught by many people before the police-man came".

4. 8. Time flies and wants for no one.The figurative language in the sentence is a​


8. Waktu berlalu dan keinginan untuk siapa pun.

Bahasa kiasan dalam kalimat adalah a


Jawaban: school

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah

5. "skies are crying" what figurative language is used in the sentencelagu: Skycraper by Demi Lovato​




Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to non-living objects.

6. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?.


terjemahan:Kalimat manakah yang menggunakan urutan kata sifat yang benar?.


maaf ini kalimat yang dimaksud soal diatas mana si??

maaf cm bisa bantu trjemah doang

7. charlie's crocodile escape figurative language​






Crocodile = BUAYA bukan biaya darat ya:^)

8. Mohon bantuannya figurative language

interested and Innovative is the one that I help with the

9. Figurative Language di novel the necklace



Personification is the assignment of human qualities to an object, abstract concept, or any non-human thing. In the story's very first sentence, we encounter the phrase 'as if through an error of destiny.' The language used here suggests that fate has made a mistake in causing Mathilde to be born into a lower-class family, much like a clerk leaving a typo in a document. This makes the abstract concept of destiny seem more human and so is an example of personification. It is important to note that it is Mathilde who feels that a mistake has been made, and this image is used to show the reader her perspective.


In 'The Necklace,' Mathilde is dissatisfied with her simple lifestyle as a clerk's wife, and she daydreams about being a lady of the upper class. But Maupassant does not refer to this life directly or categorically. Instead, he uses images that Matilda associates with it. Specifically, she imagines having expensive decor, furnishings, waitstaff, and food, such as wall tapestries, bronze torches, footmen, and 'rose-colored' trout meat. In contrast, her husband is content and even enthusiastic about eating an ordinary potpie, which for him is part of a 'good' life. However, for Mathilde, the lifestyle of the wealthy itself also represents her own unfulfilled potential, because she believes that she is born to be a creature of grace and refinement.


10. jelaskan pengertian majas(figurative language)! ​


Figurative Language (Bahasa Kiasan). Figurative language atau bahasa kiasan sendiri biasanya digunakan untuk menganalisis makna kata yang lebih dalam. ... Onomatopoeia digunakan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana kata tertentu terdengar persis seperti apa adanya.


Majas atau gaya bahasa yaitu pemanfaatan kekayaan bahasa, pemakaian ragam tertentu untuk memperoleh efek-efek tertentu yang membuat sebuah karya sastra semakin hidup, keseluruhan ciri bahasa sekelompok penulis sastra dan cara khas dalam menyampaikan pikiran dan perasaan, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Majas digunakan dalam penulisan karya sastra, termasuk di dalamnya puisi dan prosa. Umumnya puisi dapat mempergunakan lebih banyak majas dibandingkan dengan prosa.


Maaf kalau salah

11. Apa itu figurative language dalam drama ?


figurative language adalah bahasa figuratif atau lebih dikenal dengan bahasa kiasan atau perumpaan contohnya hiperbola,simile,metafora, personifikasi.dan figurative language ini bisa terdapat dalam drama,teater ataupun puisi.

semoga membantu;)

12. Figurative language Coldplay – Charlie Brown


When they smash my heart into smithereens : in reality heart can't be smashed into smithereens

We'll be glowing in the dark : in reality we can't be glowing in the dark, nobody can't



13. The tree shook its branches angrily What type of figurative language is used in this sentence




14. Decide what kind of figurative language of the sentence below! "He is brave as alion"




Kalimat "He is brave as a lion" termasuk ke dalam bahasa kiasan simile.

Simile merupakan figurative language (bahasa kiasan) yang menunjukkan perbandingan secara tidak langsung terhadap dua hal yang berbeda.Ciri khas simile adalah adanya kata as atau like (seperti/bagaikan)


Your face as bright as a sunset (wajahmu cerah bagaikan matahari terbit)You are big like an elephant (kamu besar bagaikan gajah)He runs swiftly like an arrow (dia berlari cepat bagaikan busur panah)

15. When you face the world alone"" the figurative language used in the sentence is​


"When you face the world alone" the figurative language used in the sentence is face

16. "underneath the Storm an umbrella ia saying" the figurative language in the sentence is​




karena kata itu termasuk bahasa figuratif

17. Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Which figurative language is included in the sentence ?




Gaya bahasa metafora di sini adalah

Like a small boat = seperti perahu kecil

sending big waves into motion = menggerakan gelombang besar

18. Which of the following is not included as figurative language?a. Personificationb. Hyperbolec. Metaphord. Verse​.


D. Verse


Types of Figurative Language

There are several types of figurative languages that are used in modern writing. They include:

1. Metaphor

A metaphor is a statement that compares two things that are not alike. Unlike similes, metaphors do not use the words “like” or “as.” Such statements only make sense when the reader understands the connection between the two things being compared.

An example of a popular metaphor is “Time is money.” The statement compares time and money, and it does not literally mean that the amount of time you have equals the money that you have. Instead, it means that time is a valuable resource, and it should be used effectively to earn money. Any time wasted means that a person loses the chance to make more money.

Other examples of metaphors include:

The warrior has a heart of stone.Love is a battlefield.Baby, you are my sunshine.Chaos is a friend of the legislator.I am drowning in a sea of grief.My roommate is going through a rollercoaster of emotions.

2. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an exaggeration that is created to emphasize a point or bring out a sense of humor. It is often used in everyday conversations without the speaker noticing it. The exaggeration is so outrageous that no one would believe that it is true. It is used to add depth and color to a statement.

An example of hyperbole is, “I would die for you.” The sentence does not necessarily mean that one person is literally willing to die for the other, but it used to exaggerate the amount of love that one person has for another person. Death is only used to show the extent of affection.

Other examples of hyperbole:

I have told you a million times to wash the dishes.You are so slender that the wind can carry you away.The afternoon is so bright that the sun would have to wear sunglasses.You snore like a freight train.

3. Personification

Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to non-living objects. Using personification affects the way readers imagine things, and it sparks an interest in the subject.

An example of personification is, “The sun greeted me when I woke up in the morning.” The sun is a non-human object but has been given human characteristics since greetings can only be performed by living creatures.

Other examples of personification include:

April is the cruelest month of the year.The radio stared at me.The car brakes screamed all through the journey.The car stopped with a groaning complaint.

Semoga membantu

19. Apakah Figurative language termasuk dalam Linguistik?


Linguistic,termasuk dalam semantikatau pragmatik.

Semoga membantu^^

jika benar jadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa




Figurative language is used to literature and also Figurative language is used to Linguistic.

20. What is figurative language?​


Figurative Language (Bahasa Kiasan). Figurative language atau bahasa kiasan sendiri biasanya digunakan untuk menganalisis makna kata yang lebih dalam. Pada lagu misalnya, ini juga digunakan untuk membuat lirik terdengar lebih indah.


Figurative words are words that are very informal, not in the true sense of the word; Figurative words are used to give a sense of beauty and emphasize the important things being conveyed. For example, "His dreams are as high as the sky," also, "His face is like the moon"

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