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A Man 6 Feet Tall Walks

A Man 6 Feet Tall Walks

mysterious - a - black - man - tall​

Daftar Isi

1. mysterious - a - black - man - tall​



2. the tall man ............a policman​

the tall man is a policeman

3. rika is ... than boni ,if rika's tall is 145 feet ,boni's tall is 245 feet what answer can you gave to....

"Rika is shorter than Boni...."Rika is shorter than Boni
semoga membantu~

4. apa b.indonesia nya a tall man short woman....satu lagi apa b.indonesia nya a funny kid

a tall man = seorang lakilaki/pria tinggi 
short woman =perempuan pendek 
funny kid = anak yang menyenangkan/seruFunny kid - anak yang lucu
a tall man short woman - laki-laki yang tinggi dan wanita yang pendek

5. buatlah 5 kalimat menggunakan kata pujian bahasa inggis misal ; What tall the man is How tall the man is

1.How beautiful she is !
2.What a rich men he is !
3.What a delecious this food !
4.Wow,how a nice picture !
5.Wow,how a smart they are !

6. What do you think the size of the man'$ feet?


Normally man size is about 8 to 10

7. While __________ to the toilet, I saw a strange man. (A)I walk (B)walking (C)walked (D)walks

jawabannya (B) walking

8. alice cannot see her feet because She has stretched very tall

kalau artinya : Alice tidak bisa melihat kakinya karena dia sangat tinggiartinya : alice tidak dapat melihat kakinya karena dia terlalu tingi

9. 4. This man is ...a. tallb. baldc. thind. long​


bald. ...............


This man is bald.

Bald (botak, gundul)

10. What do you think the size of the man'$ feet?


menurut anda berapa ukuran kaki pria itu

11. A wall is 12 feet long and 8 feet tall. There is a square window 4 feet long in the wall. What is the area of the wall surface?


rumus pp = p x l

rumus persegi = s x s

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

pp=12 x 8 = 96

persegi = 16


12. "Tall man" the adjective word is ...​



maaf kalo salah


man : pria

tall : tinggi

adjective : kata sifat

13. the tall man ...... neighbor​


is my


Semoga membantu , disini gk ad penjelasan ya

14. the tall man..... a policementhe car.......very expensive​


1. is

2. is

semoga membantu ^_^

ini jawabannya


the tall man " is " a policeman

the car " is " very exepensive

15. Which one is qualitative? Explain your reasons briefly!1. He is tall2. He is 6 feet and 7 inches tall3. He eats 6 times a day4. He eats all the time​




karena kualitatif itu bisa dihutung. contoh yg nmr 2 itu "Dia tinggi nya 6ft, 7inch" bisa dihitung Kan. trs nmr 3 jg " dia makan 6x sehari "

16. Brightside Nevershoutnever I met a man of two feet tall This man was quite ambitious In a world that is so vicious to us all I said hi As he replied He said listen to these words that I have lived by my whole life You're only as tall As your heart will let you be And you're only as small As the world will make you seem And when the going gets rough And you feel like you may fall Just look on the bright side You're roughly six foet tall met a man of twelve He towered like a giant in a world that was defiant Of his height I said hi As he replied He said listen to these words That I have dreaded my whole life You're only as tall As your heart will let you be And you're just as small As the world will make you seem And when the going gets rough And you feel like you may fall Just look on the bright side You're roughly six feet tall I'm a man of ziv feet tall Just looking for some answers In a world that answers none of them at all I'l say hi, but not replied To the letters that you write Because I've found some peace of mind Cause I'm only as tall As my heart will let me be And I'm just as small as the world will make me seem And when the going gets rough And I feel like I may fall I'm looking on the bright side I'm roughly six feet tall 1. The character firstly met a ... man. a. fat b. thin c. tall d. short 2. The first man was so.. a. kind b. smart c. ambitious d. sleepy the first man he 3. The character met... a. said go b. said good bye c. said hi d. said love 4. "You're just as tall as your heart will let you be." The meaning of this lyric is... a. you're nothing b. you can do nothing c. you are the best at height d. you can be what you want to be 5. The second man he met was...a. very weak c. very smart b. very strong d. very tall 6. The second man looked like...a hobbit. b. a giant c.an elf d. a baby 7.Just look on the bright side You're roughly six feet tall."The lyric above means... a.you have to be grateful for what you heve b.you can be anything because you're normalc.you are the most hated man in the worldd. you have to be more patient 8. The character's height was about ... a.twelve feet tall b.six feet tallc.twelve feet tall d.as tall as tower9. The character in the song was looking for ... a. gold b. love c. meals d. answer 10. "I'm roughly six feet tall." The underlined word has similar meaning with ... a rude b abusive c. about d. heightini soal gampang pasti bisa jawab

1. D. Short
2. C. Ambitious
3. C. Said hi
4. D. You can be what you want to be
5. D. Very tall
6. A. Giant
7. A. You have to be grateful for what you have
8. B. Six feet tall
9. D. Answer
10. C. About

17. smart - tall - a - man - jaka - is - handaome.Arrange the jumbled word into a good order!

Jakas is a smart, tall, handsome man. jaka is a smart handsome tall man.
untuk gampang ingat urutan adjective nya, pake OSASCOMP.
Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material, Purpose.

18. Grammar= adjectives ( diartikan ) . some adjectives tell size 1. a big house 2. A long bridge 3. Tiny feet 4. A large army 5. A high mountain 6. Big hands 7. A huge ship 8. A short man 9. A short shirt 10. A tall bulding Trima kasih

1. Sebuah rumah yang besar
2.Sebuah jembatan yang panjang
3.Kaki yang kecil/mungil
4.Sebuah pasukan yang besar
5.Sebuah gunung yang tinggi
6.Tangan yang besar
7.Sebuah kapal yang besar
8.Seorang laki laki yang pendek
9.Sebuah kemeja yang pendek
10.Sebuah gedung yang tinggi

Maaf, kalo salah

19. …. Walks in the streetAstreet vendor Bparking man Croad sweeper Dpedestrian ​


D. Pedestrian


Pedestrian artinya adalah pejalan kaki

Semoga membantu^^

20. the...man walks very quickly,but the old man does not. A.naughty. B. arrogant. C.young. D. kind​


C. Young



C. Young


The Young man walks very quikly, but the old man does not

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