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Florida Science Comprehensive Course 3 Answer Key

Florida Science Comprehensive Course 3 Answer Key

Please answerScience grade 3Thanks ​

Daftar Isi

1. Please answerScience grade 3Thanks ​


my answer: A ,

hope it helps ya

2. Please answerScience grade 3Thank you​




Pertanyaan pada soal tersebut yaitu hewan yang memiliki 'bagian luar'/cangkang yang keras, dan ini merujuk pada hewan Siputyang ditunjukkan pada huruf F.

Note:Semoga membantu :)

3. when do you usually attena a science course artinya ​


when do you usually attena a science course

bahasa Indonesianya

kapan Anda biasanya mengikuti kursus sains

semoga membantu ya

jadikan jawabancerdas

abaikan foto-

4. Questions:1).Who are involved in the dialogue?Answer:... 2).Where does Wina want to goAnswer:... 3).What course does she attend?Answer:... 4).How many Times does she attend the course? Answer:... 5).Where does Toni want to go? Answer:... ​


dialognya aja gaada , gimana bisa jawab


Dialognya mana cobak Poto pakai buku ajah

5. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

6. Which is correct about characteristics bee???Science grade 3Please answer​​


G. it has wings


Karakteristik dari lebah yang benar adalah, ia memiliki sayap.

7. apa arti dari comprehensive

arti dari comprehensive = luas, lengkap, menyeluruhcomprehensive dalam kamus artinya luas,mengandung banyak hal...

8. Which is the characteristic of bee??You can answer more than 1 correct answerScience grade 3 ​


jawabannya itu

A, D, F, G

9. 1. What are Dani and Kevin doing?Answer:....2. Who can play a guitar?Answer:.....3. Does Kevin join a guitar course?Answer:....4. How often Dani join a guitar course?Answer:.....5. Will Dani teach Kevin to play a guitar?Answer:...​


1.playing guitar

2. Dani


4. Dani

5.yes,he will teach him

10. Apa arti dari comprehensive?


maaf kalo salah: Dcomprehensive artinya luas / menyeluruh

11. Answer the following questions based1. What are Vina and Viki doing?Answer: ....2. Who can play a violin?Answer: ....3. Does Viki join a violin course?Answer:4. How often Vina join a violin course?Answer:5. Will Vina teach Viki to play violin?Answer:​


1. talk to each other

2. Vina

3. no he doesn't

4. she doing it every week

5. yes she will do that


nggak ada bacaannya jadi bingung jawabnya

12. Which is correct about characteristics koala???Science grade 3Pleasee answer​


The characteristics of the koala are :it has hair and fur. it has legs.it breathes through lungs. it reproduces by giving birth.its a mammal.

SORRY IF WRONG + your answer in the picture is correct.


13. answer it... pls ICT/computer science​


1. Stamp

2. Label

3. Print

4. Slides

5. Export


dokumentasi resmi Tux Paint

Jika jawaban ini berhasil membantu Anda, mohon agar tidak lupa untuk menjadikan jawaban ini "Jawaban Tercerdas" yaa, terima kasih!

- DewFath45 -

14. on your answer sheet: 1. science and mathematics interest you? ​

1. science and mathematics interest you? (apakah sains dan matematika menarik minat anda?)

jawabannya tergantung apakah kamu minat sains dan matematika? jika iya maka jawaban yang tepat adalah yes, I'm interested in that dan jika kamu tidak tertarik/tidak menyukainya maka jawaban yang tepat adalah no, I'm not interested

Semoga Bermanfaat

15. Which is correct about characteristics koala???Science grade 3Please answer​​


B. It has hair and fur.

C. It has legs.

D. It breathes through lungs.

F. It reproduces by giving birth.

H. It is a mammals.


Koala merupakan hewan mamalia (mammals) yang berkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan (giving birth). Koala memiliki bulu disekujur badannya (hair and fur), baik dari kepala sampai ujung kakinya (legs). Hewan ini bernapas menggunakan paru - paru (lungs).

Note:Semoga membantu :)

16. Does he have Science on Tuesday?Answer:​


Yes He Does = Iya

No He Doesn't = Tidak

17. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

18. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

19. ■ Quiz ■ === Science ===1. What does the Earth spinning cause? ● requirement ● - Answer correctly - Answer in english - Science learning ​


Causes of Earth's Rotation

The cause of rotation that comes from internal factors is triggered by the force of redistribution of Earth's mass. In addition, the movement and flow of hot metal within the Earth's core causes it to occur.



Penyebab Rotasi Bumi

Penyebab rotasi yang berasal dari faktor internal dipicu adanya kekuatan redistribusi massa Bumi. Selain itu, gerakan dan aliran logam panas di dalam inti Bumi menyebabkan terjadinya perputaran.

#Belajar bersama Brainly

#semoga bermanfaat



pertanyaan :

1. apa yang disebabkan oleh perputaran bumi?

jawaban :

1. yang di sebabkan adalah garis khatulistiwa

garis ini membuat bumi berputar mengelilingi

arahan dari garis khatulistiwa.

° • IN ENGLISH • °:


1. what does the earth spinning cause?


1. which is caused is the equator, this line makes the earth rotate around the direction of the equator.


semoga membantu

20. answer science my pals here unit 21

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