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How Many Ml Is 5 Grams

How Many Ml Is 5 Grams

how many grams ... one kilo is one thousand grams

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1. how many grams ... one kilo is one thousand grams

brp gram ...

satu kg adalah seribu gramhow many grams 
one kilo is thousand grams

Berapa gram ?
satu kilo adalah seribu gram

soory if wrong
maaf kalo salah

2. 5 ounces tapioca,5 grams salt 5000 mg pepper how many grams are their mixture

500 grams of tapioca + 5 grams of salt + 5 grams of pepper = 510 grams

maaf kalau salah

3. 5 ounces tapioca,5 grams salt 5000 mg pepper how many grams are their mixture

1005 gram

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 ounces = 500 gram

5 gram = 5 gram

5000 mg = 500 gram

500+5+500= 1005 gram

4. how many kilo grams are there in a ton​


1000 Kilograms


A Ton = 1000 Kilograms


1000 kg in 1 ton. smg membantu^^

5. 1. How many serving size for this product?2.How many grams (g) of fot in 1 serving?3.How many calories of fat in 1 serving?4.How many grams (g) of saturated fat in 1 serving?5.How many total grams (g) of catbohydrate?​



2.140 grams


4.6 grams

5.1 grams



6. How many grams of calcium chloride, CaCl, should be used to prepare 250.00 mL solution with a concentration of 0.500 M.​


rumus :

M = n/V atau Massa / Mr × 1000 mL / mL

n = Mr/M × 1000 / mL

massa = Mr × M × V

Jawab :

massa = 0,5 M . 75,5 g/mol . 0,25 L

massa = 9,4375 gram

7. How many grams of NH, can be prepared from 77.3 grams of N, and 14.2 grams of H,? (Hint: Write and balance the equation first.)


ga tauhkdn hkvcdalbgguolp tidak tau

8. how many grams of fiber ar in one serving​


i don't know, sorry i can't help you

9. 1. How many serving size for this product?2.How many grams (g) of fot in 1 serving?3.How many calories of fat in 1 serving?4.How many grams (g) of saturated fat in 1 serving?5.How many total grams (g) of catbohydrate?​


how are you ready to go to track record di dunia yang tidak mau pcrnn ini siapa yk itu pm and

10. how many grams of NaC1 required to prepare each of the following solutions2500 ppm (w/v) NaC1 250 mL solutions​


Formula : m NaCl (in Molar) = n ppm × mL

= 2500 ppm = masses of Salt / mL

= masses of Salt (µg) = 2500 ppm × mL

= massea of salt (µg) = 2500 ppm × 250 mL

= masses of salt (µg) = 625 µg or in mg = 625 µg × 10^-4 = 0,0625 grams

11. how many potatoes does sarah's mother needa. A pack ofb. 25 gramsc. A hundred gramsd. 3 kilograms​


maybe d.3 kilograms,but i dont know

12. 1. How many serving size for this product?2.How many grams (g) of fot in 1 serving?3.How many calories of fat in 1 serving?4.How many grams (g) of saturated fat in 1 serving?5.How many total grams (g) of catbohydrate?​


1. 2 serving size

2. 16g

3. 140

4. 6g

5. 1g

13. A recipe you found online calls for 5/8 kilograms of beef. how many grams of beef is that?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{5}{8} \times 1000 = \frac{5000}{8} = 625gram[/tex]

14. 1. How many grams of NaCl required to prepare each of the following solutions:​


Sorry sir, where is the question and the answer choices?

15. How many grams are in 1.2 x 10²⁴ molecules of water?​


Mass of water = 36 grams


Molecules of water is written in formula : H₂O,

to calculate the mass of the water, we should know about realtive molecular mass of water from periodic table :

Mr H₂O = 2 x Ar H + Ar O = 2 x 1 + 16 = 18 g/mole

From Avogadro number ==>

[tex]\boxed{mole\ of\ water\ = \frac{Molecules\ number\ of \ Water}{6,02\ .\ 10^{23} } }[/tex]

mole of water = 1.2 x 10²⁴ /(6.02 x 10²³) = 1.99 mole = 2 mole

Mass of water = mole of water x Mr water = 2 mole x 18 g/mole

= 36 grams of water

Learn More

about Concept of Mole : brainly.co.id/tugas/2623883

16. Rosalina will make cake. She must prepare flour and butter in a ratio of 4: 5. If the flour used is 200 grams, how many grams of butter should be prepared?

Semoga bisa membantu

17. Wati will make a cake. She must prepare flour and butter in a ratio of 4: 5. If the flour used is 200 grams, how many grams of butter should be prepared? Tolong ya guys.. thanks.

[tex] \frac{5}{4} \times 200 \: grams = 250 \: grams[/tex]

Royale Solution

Hi kakak, soal yang kakak tanyakan berbasis pada perbandingan senilai. berikut pembahasannya yaa...

Translation (bagi yang tdkpaham bhsInggris)

Wati akan membuat kue. Ia harus menyiapkan tepung dan mentega dengan rasio 4:5 . jika tepung yang digunakan 200 gram. berapa gram mentega yang harus dipersiapkan ?


Untuk memudahkan, tepung saya ganti a dan mentega saya ganti dengan b.

a : b = 4 : 5

a = 200 gr


b = ? gr


4 : 5 = 200 : b - KALIKAN SILANG

5 × 200 = 4b

1000 = 4b

1000/4 = b

250 gr = b

Jadi,mentega yang harus dipersiapkan adalah 250 gram.

So, the amount of butter should be prepared is 250 grams.

Semoga membantu !

18. How many atoms of aluminum hydroxide may be formed from 65 grams of sodium hydroxide?


tidak tau tidak tau tidak tau

19. How many grams of potassium dicromat will it take to create an indicator solution Potassium chromate, 1% by 100 ml?​


1 grams, my method is written in the image below

semoga membantu,

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik :)

20. How many grams of protein is needed to make one gram of muscle ?

Berapa gram protein yang diperlukan untuk membuat satu gram otot?

Protein adalah sebuah molekul struktural yang terdiri dari asam amino, dimana unsur ini tidak dapat diproduksi oleh tubuh kita. Makanan dari hewan biasanya tinggi kandungan protein yang mengandung kandungan jenis asam amino penting.

Mengkonsumsi protein adalah sangat penting bagi tubuh jika kita ingin menaikkan atau mempertahankan otot tubuh kita. Banyak studi yang menyarankan bahwa 1.6 – 2.2 gram per kg berat badan adalah termasuk cukup.  


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Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang Descriptive Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28185537

Penjelasan tentang Descriptive Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5035658

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