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A Group Of African American Students Believes

A Group Of African American Students Believes

In a grup of students, there are 12 students who like playing volley, 16 students who like playing tennis, and 11 students who like playing both of them. So, the group consists of total ... students.

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1. In a grup of students, there are 12 students who like playing volley, 16 students who like playing tennis, and 11 students who like playing both of them. So, the group consists of total ... students.


12 likes volley

16 likes tennis

11 likes both

12 - 11 = 1 like volley only

16-11 = 5 likes tennis only

so the grup consists of total ( 1+5+11) students

17 students

2. Ricard Wright's succey and influence____among. African American writers of his era. A.We're unparalleled B.were to unparalleled C.unparalleled D.to unparallel


A. We're unparalleled

Richard Wright's success and influence we're unparalleled among. African American writers of his era.


A.Were unparalleled


unparalleled harus didahului to be yang sesuai dan. opsi B salah karena ada to di antaranya.

opsi C dan D salah karena tidak ada to be.

semangat belajar

3. The school management believes....students' success is because of three their components. A. or B. andC. butD. that​


Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks tersebut adalah that.

Dalam hal ini, kata 'that' bermakna bahwa. Dengan kata lain, makna yang muncul adalah 'Pengelola sekolah percaya bahwa keberhasilan murid dikarenakan tiga komponen mereka.'


Kata that sendiri dapat dikategorikan sebagai conjunction. Konjungsi ini ditemukan pada kalimat majemuk setara. Konjungsi sendiri berfungsi sebagai penghubung antarklausa, kalimat, hingga alinea.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi konjungsi pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5102544


4. Dalam persebaran Flora di Indonesia, wilayah Papua termasuk ke dalam zona .... a. Indo African b. Indo American c. Indo Australian d. Indo warkop​



c. Indo Australian


berjuta juta tahun yg lalu pulau Papua merupakan bagian dari benua Australia. Karena itu flora di Papua memiliki kemiripan dg flora di Australia

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

5. In English, There are 2 types of telling dates, month and year. They are American style and.... a. African style b. Urdu style c. Greek style d. British style


D. British style

Semoga membantu :))

6. According to the passage, Tomas Eakins, Robert Henri, and George Luks were important because of .... (A) the philosophical contributions they made to the Harlem Renaissance (B) their development of a new style of African American art (C) they way in which they depicted African Americans in their paintings (D) their independence from European artistic traditions



7. a group of primary school students took the science placement test. The results of the test were: 1/7 of the students scored A, 1/3 of the students scored B, 1/3 of the students scored C and the rest of the students failed the test. If a total of 100 students scored A and B in the test, how many students failed the test?

Wish you luck. Correct me if I’m wrong.

8. Teachers divided students into groups of 3. Each group of 3 wrote a report that had 9 pictures in it. The students used 585 pictures altogether. How many students were there in all?​

Jawab :
Each group of three created (or used) 9 pictures, so that means three pictures per students. Dividing 585 students by 3 pictures per student means that three are 585/3 = 195 students.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :)
Jadikan jawaban terbaik yah….


9. mention characteristics of african elephant

*hidup di padang rumput, hutan, daerah alur sungai dan juga di rimba tertentu. 
*Gajah Afrika lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan gajah Asia. Panjang gajah Afrika termasuk gadingnya mencapai 8 meter dengan tinggi 4 meter, beratnya sekitar 6.000 kg.
*Jenis gajah Afrika memiliki dahi yang melingkar dan punggung yang datar, AFRICAN ELEPHANT
- Has bigger body structure and size than Asian types
- Life in extensive savanna
- Has curve forehead

10. Why should the students go in a group?Answer:​


So that we can work together and make friends


Small groups teach students when to perform work on their own and when it is proper to seek the assistance and knowledge of others. Students learn to cooperate with others when assigned group tasks that require each student to complete a subpart of the task. Individual learning effort also increases.

I hope this helps :)

11. Asean adalah singkatan dari....a. association of southeast african nationsb. association of southeast asian nationsc. association of the middle african nationsd. association of the middle asian nations


ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations atau Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara) adalah organisasi kawasan yang mewadahi kerja sama 10 (sepuluh) negara di Asia Tenggara.

12. TOLOHNG DI JAWAB YA KAKA YANG PINTAR MATH. A group of students shared 18 pizzas equally among themselves at a party. Each student received 2/3 of a pizza. How many students were there at the party? A. 6 students B. 9 students C. 9 students D. 32 students


A.6 students

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah


A.6 students

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu:)

13. What is a troop? A. A small group of scout members B. A group of soldiers C. A large group of scout members in a school D. A group rescuers


B. A group of soldiers


karena dia tanya apa itu pasukan

=pasukan adalah sebuah grup tentara

maaf kalo salah

nilai kalo benar


a group of soldiers


karena pada umumnya hanya tentara yang dipanggil sebagai pasukan

14. a group of n students is assigned seats for each of two classes in the same classroom.

Bisa diperjelas pertanyaannya kak?

15. At about ten, a group of students __.(come) with a teacher.O a. comesO b. camec. camedO d. comed​




Semoga bermanfaat

16. 1. A group of birds is called a... 2. A group of sardines is called a...

1. Flock

Ex. a flock of seagulls

2. School

Ex. a school of sardines

Note: istilah "school" hanya digunakan jika ikan yang berenang bersama itu jenis/spesiesnya sama, in this case "sardines"

Jika dalam 1 grup itu terdiri dari berbagai macam ikan, lebih umum menggunakan istilah "shoal"

17. Out of a group of 35 students, it is found that 18 students like Math, 22 students like English, and 7 students like neither Math or English. The number of students like both Math and English is ....​





7 orang tidak menyukai kedua pelajaran tersebut


10 orang menyukai bhs inggris


6 orang menyukai mtk

sisanya menyukai kedua pelajaran

yang menyukai kedua pelajaran:12

yang menyukai mtk:6

yang menyukai bhs inggris:10

yang tidak menyukai kedua pelajaran:7

12+6+10+7:35 goodddd

18. A group of 60 students went to the beach. Of the 33 students who brought a hat, 25 were boys. There were 36 boys altogether. Find the percentage of the girls who did not bring a hat to the total number of students went to the beach.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

number of girls = 60 - 36 = 24

number of girls with hat = 33 -25 = 8

number of girls without hat = 24 - 8 = 16

percentage of girls without hat = [tex]\frac{16}{60}[/tex] x 100% = 26.67%

A grup = 60 students

There were = 36 boys and 24 girls

33 students who brought a hat = 25 boys and 8 girls

percentage of the girls who did not bring a hat

= (24 - 8)/60 × 100%

= 16/60 × 100%

= 26,67%

19. The following groups are sets, except .....A.The group of beautiful flowersB.The group of vowelsC.The group of prime numbersD.The group of students in SMPK GS who like to play Basketball(SMP KELAS 1) (ENGLISH)


A. The group of beautiful flowers (sekelompok bunga yang indah)

Bunga berkelompok secara alami dalam habitatnya, kecuali bunga yang dijual di toko bunga. Sangat jarang bunga tumbuh hanya sendiri.




Semoga membantumu ya ;)

20.   ……the Language Lab for TOEFL test.a. A number of students enteringb. A number of students are enteringc. A number of students is enteringd. A number of students is entere. A number of students enter​


e. A number of students enter

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