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A Restaurant Advertises That It Is Environmentally Friendly

A Restaurant Advertises That It Is Environmentally Friendly

why the bicycle is environmentally friendly? ​

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1. why the bicycle is environmentally friendly? ​


Why the bicycle is environmentally friendly? Artinya : mengapa sepeda ramah lingkungan?

Because bicycles do not use fuel oil (BBM), and because bicycles do not emit smoke (such as motor vehicle/car smoke) which can cause air pollution. Artinya : karena sepeda tidak menggunakan bahan bakar minyak (BBM), dan karena sepeda tidak mengeluarkan asap (seperti asap kendaraan bermotor/mobil) yg dapat terjadinya polusi udara.


BBM itu bahan bakar minyak, dalam bahasa Inggris adalah fuel oil.

Maaf kalau salah


why the bicycle is environmentally friendly?

It is because bicycle does not produce air pollution and it makes your body healthy. That is the reason why the bicycle is environmentally friendly.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) tentang alat transportasi sepeda dalam Bahasa Inggris.

mengapa sepeda ramah lingkungan?

Hal ini dikarenakan sepeda tidak menghasilkan polusi udara dan menyehatkan tubuh. Itulah alasannya mengapa sepeda ramah lingkungan.

Semoga membantu ya.

2. You should .....that new padang restaurant. It is very delicious​


eat at


You should Eat at that new padang restaurant. It is very delicious​

artinya : kamu (bisa anda) harus makan di restoran padang baru itu. itu sangat lezat

kata should dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan saran dan pendapat. Selain itu, juga bisa menggunakan must dan have to untuk menyatakan saran atau pendapat.

[tex]{\boxed{\boxed{\blue{semoga \: membantu}}}}[/tex]

[tex]{\boxed{\boxed{\red{LEARN \: WITH \: TATA }}}}[/tex]

3. section. Woman: "It would probably be a good idea to have a meeting at the restaurant." Man: "That sounds like good suggestion Woman: What about Dilala restaurant?" Man: "I don't think it's a good restaurant." What the man does think about the restaurant a. It is a proper place for meeting b. It is the best restaurant c. It is not good for meeting d. It is a good idea​


C. It is not good for meeting

4. Many online reviews say that this italian restaurant has a warm and friendly __




Employees are workers in the company and often deal with administrative problems. While employees generally are those who work in government agencies aka civil servants.


Karyawan adalah pekerja dalam perusahaan dan seringkali berhubungan dengan masalah administrasi. Sedangkan pegawai umumnya adalah mereka yang bekerja di instansi pemerintahan alias pegawai negeri sipil.

5. 26. Why do Yuli like have lunch in that restaurant ?A. Because the food and drink in that restaurant is very niceB. Because the price of food and drink in that restaurant is very cheapC. Because the restaurant is beautifulD. Because the restaurant is clean27. It is an air transportation. It uses very big balloon to fly. It is a....A. AeroplaneB. Hot air balloonC. HelicopterD. Jet28.What is his hobby?(A. His hobby is paintingB. His hobby is writingC. His hobby is typingD. His hobby is skating​

26 A.because the food and drink in that restaurant is very nice

27 B.hot air ballon

28 A his hobby is. painting






6. It is implicitly expected that the Reading Club members will be …a. kindb. friendlyc. wealthyd. generouse. knowledgeable​


e. knowledgeable


smg mmbntu :)

7. I.WHAT IS IT LIKE?1. Friendly:​



1. Ramah:


kalau minta terjemahan:)

8. 47. Look at the picture above! Hasan and his wife want to buy food. After that, they want to see a movie. So, they go to A. restaurant, cinema B. car park, restaurant C. museum, train station D. restaurant, goverment office 48. Mother is going to a bank. It is beside restaurant. What is likely she doing there? A. She is sending letters. B. She is buying a stamp. C. She is watching a movie. D. She is saving her money. 49. Based on the picture, Where is the bank located? A. It is next to train station. B. It is behind train station.C. It is beside restaurant. D. It is in front of goverment office.​


47. A. Restaurant, cinema

48. D. She is saving her money

49. -


no.49 gabisa aku jawab karena gaada gambarnya, maaf yaa


47. A Restaurant & Cinema

48. D Saving her Money


untuk nomer 49 maaf nggak bisa jawab karena nggak ada fotonya

9. It is a place to buy Gasoline to operate our motorcycles or cars.What is it?It is a supermarket.АIt is a gas stationBIt is a train stationIt is a restaurantD​

It is a place to buy Gasoline to operate our motorcycles or cars.  What is it?

A. It is a supermarket.  

B. It is a gas station  

C. It is a train station

D. It is a restaurant


B. It's a gas station

10. 1.a-that-restaurant-is 2.Ratih-in-swing-is-park-the-playing

1.that is a restaurant
2.Ratih is playing swing in the park 1. that is a restaurant
2. ratih is playing in the swing park

11. People like to go to that restaurant because of its quick service and ... a. friendly waiters b. the friendliness of waiters c. their waiters being friendly d. their friendly waiter


jawaban d


ya gitu deh

12. Relative pronouns whom That girl is very friendly. My sister is sharing a room with that girl.

kata ganti relatif siapa gadis itu sangat ramah . adikku berbagi kamar dengan gadis itu .

13. tolong bantu ubah ke kalimat pasif ya sertakan dgn penjelasan nya. "An environmentally friendly type of washing powder is developed".. terimakasih.​

Active dan Passive Voice


[Someone] develops an environmentally friendly type of washing powder


1. Kalimat Passive adalah Object dikenai pekerjaan atau aksi oleh Subjek.

• Present Tense-Passive

(+) S + To Be (is/am/are) + Verb 3

= An environmentally friendly type of washing powder is developed [By someone]

(Jenis bubuk cuci yang ramah lingkungan dikembangkan)

2. Kalimat Active adalah Subjek yg melakukan pekerjaan atau aksi

• Present Tense Active:

(+) S + V1 (-s/es) + O

= [Someone] develops an environmentally friendly type of washing powder

(Seseorang mengembangkan jenis bubuk cuci yang ramah lingkungan)


Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang PASSIVE VOICE:


=== Semoga Membantu ===

Detil Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Active dan Passive Voice

Level: JHS

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5


14. Dats 6. This is pet it likes to eat bone, it is Friendly,​




Dogs like to eat bones and dogs will be friendly if they are pets


Is it a cat?


thanks points



Maaf kalo salah

16. CinemarestauranthotelWhere is the restaurant?a. it is in front of the hotelb. it is between the cinema and the hotelC. it is beside the cinemad. it is behind the hotel​


B. it is between the cinema and hotel


Restoran itu terletak diantara bioskop dan hotel

17. The Aglio Olio pasta in that restaurant is amazing. You . . . . . taste it. You'll like it.


The Aglio Olio pasta in that restaurant is amazing. You Cantaste it. You'll like it.

18. Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, _____, using recycled paper.

Happy PG please like the post on my latest ig and follow if you can share it too. Hopefully I can win the competition, thank you everyone, hopefully the smooth fortune will be given. Amen amen amen

Cieee... Valentine's Day. What's going on on Valentine's Day? Giving flowers to your girlfriend? Giving Chocolate? Or take a walk? Eiitts, wait a minute! If it's the same lala, there will definitely be an exciting experience on Valentine's Day!

19. 1.Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, ord!1.RestaurantCINEMAhotelCinemarestaurantWhere is the restaurant?a. it is in front of the hotelb. it is between the cinema and the hotelC. it is beside the cinemad. it is behind the hotelschool is - the​


C. it is beside the cinema


C. In beside the cinema




20. Prepare a short speech on what your school can do to be more environmentally friendly

openingnya agan tentuin sendiri yaa
isinya:today i'm going to talk about what our school shall do to make our environmentally more friendly. First,i think the school need to do mutual cooperation, why? because cooperating can make work faster and easier. Second,i think we need more "throw garbage in it's place" banner so we can make more people realise about how important it is to keep the enviroment clean.
endingnya agan tentuin sendiri juga yaa
semoga membantu.

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