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Identify The Center And Intercepts Of The Conic Section

Identify The Center And Intercepts Of The Conic Section

identify the cause and the effects of earthquakes

Daftar Isi

1. identify the cause and the effects of earthquakes

earthquakes is caused by a movement of the earth slab and the effect is human's death and destruction of a building

semoga membantu!:)eartquakes caused by movement earth or volcano erupsiun,the effect is death people and destroy many building

2. Identify the cause and the effect of the following sentences!​


2. cause : Dhita did part-time job

   Effect : She earned extra money to pay her tuition

3. cause : It is raining again

  Effect : We decide to stay at home

4. Cause : Rian didn't study hard

   Effect : He got a low score

5. Cause : A strong wind

   Effect : it destroyed many buildings and houses

6. Cause : chili plant regularly watered by my mother

   Effect : it produced dozens of chilies

7. Cause : Nia had a motorcycle accident

   Effect : she broke her arm


3. Think of the words section and bisect


Pikirkan Bagian Dunia Dan Bisek


translate nya

Semoga bermanfaat:)


Think of the words section and bisect


Pikirkan kata-kata bagian dan dua

orang ini tidak mencontek dan tidak mengambil poin

4. identify the signal words, the cause and the effect of each sentence below​

Identify the signal words, the cause, and the effect of each sentences below.


1. Her condition gets as a result of qualified treatment.

Signal word: as

Cause: a result of qualified treatment

Effect: Her condition gets

2. We upgrade the application for it is already expired.

Signal word: for

Cause: it is already expired

Effect: We upgrade the application

3. Since the storm is getting worse, the flight schedule is delayed.

Signal word: Since

Cause: the flight schedule is delayed

Effect: the storm is getting worse

6. The announcement is not clear so she asks for clarification.

Signal word: so

Cause: The announcement is not clear

Effect: she asks for clarification

7. Early man learnt to grow food, and as a result their lives became easier.

Signal word: and

Cause: as a result their lives bacame easier

Effect: Early man learnt to grow food

8. There were a lot of homework in the previous week, as a consequence most not go everywhere.

Signal word: as

Cause: a consequence most not go everywhere

Effect: There were a lot of homework in the previous week

9. I have toothache because I ate too much chocolate.

Signal word: because

Cause: I ate too much chocolate

Effect: I have toothache

10. There is a mass extinction because of global warming.

Signal word: because

Cause: Global warming

Effect: There is a mass extinction


5. yang dimaksud dengan Identify the topic and topic sentence of the following paragraph?​


yang dimaksud dengan mengidentifikasi topik dan kalimat topik dari paragraf berikut?


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

jangan lupa like, dan follow

jadikan jawaban terbaik/tercerdas

6. identify the examples of direct and indirect speech in the story of issumboshy​

Jawaban:Frasa dalam Kalimat Langsung Frasa yang Setara dalam Kalimat Tidak Langsung

Simple present Simple past

"I always drink coffee", she said She said that she always drank coffee.

Present continuous Past continuous

"I am reading a book", he explained. He explained that he was reading a book

Simple past Past perfect

"Bill arrived on Saturday", he said. He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday.

Present perfect Past perfect

"I have been to Spain", he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain.

Past perfect Past perfect

"I had just turned out the light," he explained. He explained that he had just turned out the light.

Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

They complained, "We have been waiting for hours". They complained that they had been waiting for hours.

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

"We were living in Paris", they told me. They told me that they had been living in Paris.

Future Present conditional

"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said. He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.

Future continuous Conditional continuous

She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday". She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

Penjelasan:maaf kalau jawaban ku membingungkan -_-"

7. Find the position of the center of mass of the system of the sun and Jupiter. (Since Jupiter is more massive than the rest of the planets combined, this is essentially the position of the center of mass of the solar system.) !


Artinya : Temukan posisi pusat massa sistem matahari dan Yupiter. (Karena Jupiter lebih masif daripada gabungan planet-planet lainnya, ini pada dasarnya adalah posisi pusat ma

8. Identify the most suitable title for the text above. b. Identify the independent and the dependent clause of the underlined sentence (1). c. Identify the subject of the underlined sentence (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6). d. Identify the predicate of the underlined sentence (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6). e. Identify the object of the underlined sentence (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6).


Identifikasi judul yang paling cocok untuk teks di atas. b. Identifikasi klausa independen dan dependen dari kalimat yang digarisbawahi (1). c. Identifikasi subjek kalimat yang digarisbawahi (2), (3), (4), (5), dan (6). d. Identifikasi predikat kalimat yang digarisbawahi (2), (3), (4), (5), dan (6). e. Identifikasi objek kalimat yang digarisbawahi (2), (3), (4), (5), dan (6).

9. Generic structure of caption text are: the tittle, the lead, and section headings. What do the lead and section heading mean? Where are them?


Caption adalah penjelasan singkat (deskrispi) dari sebuah foto/ video yang di unggah ke media sosial, sehingga membantu pembaca lebih memahami dan mengerti pesan yang didampaikan dari foto atau video tersebut.

Tidak jarang caption menginspirasi banyak orang, dengan kata yang tersusun merangkai sebuah kalimat bijak. No caption artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah tanpa penjelasan baik gambar maupun video yang di unggah di facebook (fb).


Caption instagram singkat dan keren (caption lucu)

Sampai akhirnya, setangkai pena di celah jemari, terkadang jadi sarana pelukis rasa. Tulislah! mungkin itu obat laramu…

Jika ada makna lebih lama dari selamanya, mungkin kamu akan memilih itu untuk tidak berubah

Seburuk apapun dirimu dimata orang lain, pasti ada satu kesempatan yang membuatmu baik dimatanya.

Saat realita tak semanis ekspektasi, tandanya kamu perlu refreshing.

Ini bukan soal tebar pesona, ini soal keberanian lho, nunjukin apa yang lho bisa!

Ada masa dimana kamu punya pilihan untuk menyerah, tapi kamu menolak untuk pasrah, itu baru anak ayah!

Kutemukan kemegahan arti seni, terpancar dari keindahan karyaMu Tuhan.

Lebih baik ngobrol dengan orang gila tapi menyenangkan, daripada dengan orang waras tapi menyebalkan

Aku orang kecil, jalannya juga pelan-pelan, tapi gak pernah mundur

Ketika semua kesempurnaan menjadi satu dalam kemasan #Branding

Aku disini berdiri tegak, untuk membuka mata semua orang yang meragukanku!

Kemenangan hanya akan datang kepada Dia yang telah menaklukan kekalahan!

Buka pikiranmu sebelum membuka mulutmu!

Jangan tinggi-tinggi ya ngomongya, nanti kamu ketabrak burung!

Jika siap untuk memulai, siap juga dong untuk mengakhiri!

Kamu tidak lemah, hanya nyaman ditindas!

ME TIME, karena kebahagiaan itu kamu yang tahu!

Karena setahun bukan tentang waktu, tapi tentang kebersamaan, selamat datang tahun baru 2018 ?

Kemampuan menujukan siapa dirimu, tetapi pilihan menujukan siapa yang akan menghargaimu!

Menggapai mimpi, kejarlah! Menggapai langit!, berlututlah!

Jika kesalahan membuatmu terpuruk, apa lagi kebaikan malah akan membuatmu lupa diri!

Ingat! tidak akan ada angka 1000 tanpa ada angka 0, tidak akan ada kesuksesan tanpa ada usaha dan pertemanan.

Contoh lain caption.

Sebelum lanjut membaca caption bijak singkat lainnya, biar gak galau gara-gara putus cinta, jangan lupa follow instagram kami ya @kitapenuliscilik yang suka spam like juga boleh hehe

Selama kamu masih punya mimpi, berarti kamu belum gagal!

Kegagal itu terjadi, jika kamu sudah tidak mempunyai mimpi!

Apapun keinginannya, asal kamu tekun, pasti bisa menggapainya, jika gagal, kamu tahu ilmunya!

Kebahagiaan itu ada dimana-mana, asal kita mau melihatnya

Sepahit apapun kopi masih ada yang suka, berbeda dengan hati! (caption cinta)

Berbagi karena berharap, apa bedanya dengan rentenir?

Hilang disaat susah, memohon disaat butuh

Karena perjuangan adalah tanda perjalananmu menuju sukses

Tidak ada yang salah dengan skenario Tuhan, coba rubah cara pandang kamu

Kerja keras itu mengalahkan segalanya

Kehormatan menemanimu atau kamu yang menemani kehormatanmu?

Mencocokan itu memang susah, melengkapi juga lebih susah, enjoy aja!

Cukup dengar tanpa harus menjawab, jika memahami itu sulit bagimu

Berulang kali kupikir dengan logika, tetapi berulangkali juga hati ini mengalahkan logika itu

Gagal! udah nyoba belum?

Gangguan itu hanya datang kepada orang yang lebih sukses

Jika mimpimu dianggap muluk-muluk, berarti pemikiranmu jauh diatas dia

Hanya ada 1 kunci sukses dalam menghadapi hidup, tapi sayang kunci itu terselip entah di mana.

10. underline the nouns of these sentences then identify the articles and the form of the nouns


1. I have a flower garden(singular). There are many flowers(plural) in it.

2. Your books(plural) are in the closet(singular) in the front of hallway(singular).

3. My Mom asked me to eat potatoes(plural) and vegetables(plural).

4. An encyclopedia(singular)

5. The doctor(singular)

6. A man(singular), A woman(singular), The station (singular), An argument(singular)

7. Clothes(plural), A vest(singular), A hat(singular), Pants(plural), Shoes(plural), My family(singular)

8. the hospital(singular), My house(singular), A patient(singular)

9. a job(singular), The ground(singular)

10. My brother(singular), a deer(singular), the park(singular).


Noun : kata benda yaitu diantaranya orang, benda mati, benda bidup, dll. Objek yang dapat melakukan aktivititas(jika makhluk hidup)Singular : Kata benda yang jumlahnya hanya satu atau tunggal. contoh : a girl, a rabbit, a cat, etcPlural : kata benda lebih dari satu atau jamak. contoh : students, princesses, etcArticle : yaitu partikel awalan yang biasanya ditulis sebelum kata benda. Yanf dimaksud artikel yaitu "The". Contoh : The teacher, the post office, etc.

11. explain and identify the generic structure of the text above​


Paragraph 1 and 2 included as General Classification part, the passage explain what rose is and where it grows also deliver statements in general regarding the objects to be discussed further in the text. Paragraph 3 and 4 is Description because it explains more about kind of roses, color and how it used.

12. 1. Read the text carefully and identify the social fimction and the structure of text below​


laptop is a kind and with a

13. identify the part of problem of the story !wolf and lamb​

sorry story where the wolf and the sheep are not there

14. identify the expression of congratulations hopes and wishes​


(cogratulations) mean some things like EXAMPLE=-My english daily test is 100 and ur friend said cogralations in indo call = selamat

(hopes)mean some things like EXAMPLE=- i hope my english score 100 in indo call semoga

(wishes)mean some thing like EXAMPLE=-i hope i got that toy in indo call=ingin



15. What is the form and identify the kinds of from


jawaban terlampir

jangan lupa follow


16. in each of the following sentences underline and identify the subject and the predicate​

a. flowers(s) withered(p)

b. barbara(s) was stung(p)

c. dog(s) leaped(p)

d. jonh and i(s) were (p)

e. iron fence(s) surrounded(p)

f. the door(s) the shed....(p)

g .i(s) had.(p)

h.the boy(s) shot(p)

i. the man and.....(s) were killed(p)

j.the tree(s) grew(p)

17. Identify the most suitable title for the text above. B. Identify the independent and the dependent dause of the underlined sentence (1). C. Identify the subject of the underlined sentence (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6). D. Identify the predicate of the underlined sentence (2), (3). (4), (5), and (6). E. Identify the object of the underlined sentence (2), (3), (4). (5), and (6).

if you give me the correct question

18. Underline the nouns of three sentences, then identify the articles and the form of the nouns!


ka tolong ga ada gambarnya ya ka ok

19. What is the from and identify the kinds of from​


jawaban terlampir

jangan lupa follow



isjawiwjiwk oowwo ko kwjjebe

20. Identify the chain of cause and effects in the text above!​


The human population continues to rise (cause)

We need more food and provide more house (effect)

(Populasi manusia merupakan penyebab dari meningkatnya kebutuhan makanan dan rumah)

The land is limited (cause)

Tapi lahan untuk membuat rumah itu terbatas

Some people destroy forests to build settlement (effect) & (cause)

Akibatnya, beberapa orang menghancurkan hutan-hutan untuk membuat pemukiman

It disturbed the animal's habitat (effect) & (cause)

Yang juga mengakibatkan terganggunya habitat dari hewan

Some wild animals go to the village (effect)

Hal itu menyebabkan beberapa hewan liar pergi ke perkampungan


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