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List One Unprofessional And One Professional Example For Internet/social Media:

List One Unprofessional And One Professional Example For Internet/social Media:

List a detail of the following items. One has been done for you as an example A. Social media B. Medicine for immune system C. Profession

Daftar Isi

1. List a detail of the following items. One has been done for you as an example A. Social media B. Medicine for immune system C. Profession



Maaf Ya kalo slah

2. please make one example of asking for and giving servisce​

Jawaban:Contoh dialog asking and giving service:

You : Good morning, Ma'am.

Your teacher : Good morning.

You : Yesterday I heard about English story telling contest and I would like to join it. Where do I get the form, Ma'am? (asking for service)

Your teacher : Oh I see. Let me help you. (giving service)

You : Thank you, Ma'am. 

Your teacher : Don;t forget to give your parent's sign on the form.

You : Yes, Ma'am. 


3. list a detail of the following items .one has been done for you as an example​


Kandungan gizi di setiap makanan. Silakan diisi sesuai pengetahuan.

4. announcement,,generic structure and find one example

difoto contohnya ya
Struktur umum announcement
1. Stating Purpose: menyatakan tujuan dari acara itu diselenggarakan
2. Stating day and date : menyatakan kapan acara tersebut diselenggarakan
3. Stating place : menyatakan di mana tempat acara tersebut diselenggarakan
4. Informing sender ;menyatakan siapa yang melaksanakan acara tersebut dan contact person yang biasa dihubungi

semoga bermanfaat semangat belajar nya yah jangan lupa follow dan dijadikan jawaban terbaik :)

5. fine one example of procedure text in the internet


table of contents

   example Procedure Text about drink

       1. Lemon Tea

       2. Iced Tea

       3. Juice

       4. Coffee

       5. Orange Juice

       6. Avocado Juice

       7. Hot Milk

  example Procedure Text about food

       1. Fried Banana

       2. Fried Rice

       3. Fried Chicken

       3. Sandwich

       4. Soup

       5. Fruit Salad

   example Procedure Text Snack and Cake

       1. Brownies

       2. Pudding

       3. Cake

       4. Pizza

       5. Burger

       6. Jelly

   example Procedure Text about stuff

       1. Printer

       2. Camera

       3. Computer

       4. Television  

   example Procedure Text crafting

       1. Pencil Box

       2. Slippers

sorry if I'm wrong

6. Write one formal invitation for school event ( for example school students meeting, school anniversary, etc) and one formal invitation for family event (for example, wedding, birthday, house warming party, etc)


Translate teks di atas:

Tulis satu undangan resmi untuk acara sekolah (misalnya rapat siswa sekolah, ulang tahun sekolah, dll) dan satu undangan resmi untuk acara keluarga (misalnya, pernikahan, ulang tahun, pesta menghangatkan rumah, dll)

1. Contoh Surat Resmi Untuk Acara Sekolah Undangan OSIS


Jl. Perjuangan No. 123


Malang, April 7, 2018

No. : 05 /OSIS/SMA 1/III /2018

Attachment : –

Subject : Invitation OSIS Working Meeting



In the place

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Due to the many that need to be addressed regarding the work program OSIS 2018/2019 period, then we hereby invite you to be present at :

Day/Date : Sunday/April 12, 2018

Time : 09.00 - end

Venue : Hall School

Event : Meeting OSIS

Thus we convey this invitation, say thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Chairman of The OSIS,

Anton Jaya

2.Contoh Surat Undangan Resmi Untuk Acara Keluarga Pernikahan

Jakarta, April 7, 2018

Anton Jaya


Intan Permatasari

We have come to our new life,

We want to share the joy of our marriage with all the families and friends.

We write this invitation to invite all of you to share the joy with us Our wedding reception.

Please come on :

Date : April 12, 2018

Place : At Multipurpose Building

Time : 14.00 PM - end

It’s a blessing for us if you were there and pray for our new life.

Thank you.

We are the new blissful family,

Anton Jaya and Intan Permatasari

Selamat mengerjakan=)

7. List a detail of the following items. One has been done for you as an example​


b. Pork

c. Panadol

d. Orange

e. UI, Universitas Indonesia

f. Tsunami

g. Nike

Maaf kalau salah

8. List a detail of the following items. One has been done for you as an example​


daftar detail item berikut. satu telah dilakukan untuk Anda sebagai contoh? maksudnya apa kak

9. Could you give an example for your number one hint?


dapat kah anda memberikan contoh untuk petunjuk nomor satu anda

10. Make a list of professions at your shool. The first one has been done for you as an example

- Teacher
- Janitor
- Principal
- Student

11. Write 10 adjectives and meaning. Then make one example sentence for every adjectives !tolong bantuannya..​

Ayu is a clever student.She always gets 10
in her math tests

My father is very tall. He is almost 2 meters tall

3. pretty
The actress is very pretty. She has long black hair, big blue eyes and pointed nose

4. kind
Kiki is very kind. She always likes to help

5. large
Your house is very large. How many rooms does it have?

6. dark
The sky is dark. It is going to rain soon

7. deep
The pool is deep. Children must not swim there

8. cheap
I like to buy fruits from the supermarket. They are cheap.

9. polite
Dani is a polite boy. He always greets his teachers

10. cold
It is very cold today. Please close the window.

12. give one example for descriptive text

The colour is red and green. It taste is very hot. The chili usually for a taste food and souce. It has seed. The seed is small. The chili very populer in Indonesia. It has many spesies. The chili usually live at dry season.The colour is orange. Many people like it. The vegetable has many vitamin C to health eyes. The vegetables can be food or juice. Actually, its fruid has many fungtion.

13. please give one example of expression suggesting and offer??​


Let, go to movies. Yes, let's go No, thank you. I do not feel like going.

14. Example. They(walk) for one day, they have been walking for one day. Max (sleep) since 12 o'clock?

Max has been sleeping since 12 o'clock.they walking for one day

15. bikinkan paragraf cerita tentang social media yang mengandung unsur for example such as for intance​


The earliest methods of communicating across great distances used written correspondence delivered by hand from one person to another, we called it as letter. In 1792, the Telegraph was invented. This allowed messages to be delivered over a long distance faster than a horse. In 1865, the Pneumatic Post developed. It was created another way to send letter quickly. Two important inventions found in the last decade of the 1800s: Telephone and Radio. Both of them are still in use today. These changes the way people communicate. The first social media, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to upload profile and make friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites become popular, creating a social media sensation that’s still popular today.


16. There are several factors that become barriers to social change. Give one example !


»Lack of Social Contact with Other Communities

The first factor is social contact. The reason is that people living in remote areas often experience limited access to public reach, such as means of transportation and communication.

These limitations make it difficult for people living in remote areas to make social contact with other communities. This condition of course hinders the openness of community members to explore other people's life patterns so that it can directly hinder the process of social change.


The late development of science can be influenced by various factors. For example, the attitude of life of the people who do not want to develop, economic limitations to get a better education, and unequal access to education.

This condition resulted in the community being unable to adapt to the latest developments in science and technology. People who experience delays in the development of science and technology find it difficult to make changes or create innovations due to limited insights.


The attitude of traditional society still holds true to the meaning of their customs. Usually they are led by conservative leaders or customary leaders who give certain limitations so that customary values are maintained. These conditions make it difficult for people to change to a more modern life.


Another factor that can be an obstacle to social change is the low education factor. This low education is one of the elements of the backwardness of society. Therefore, many experts argue that education is an index of measure in social change.


The influence of a character is one of the elements or factors that cause obstacles to social change. The attitude of traditional leaders who cannot accept this diversity is then believed strongly in the community, causing a sense of greatness in their own existence.

*Examples of Inhibiting Factors for Social Change


EducationThere is a traditional society who thinks that education (school) is something that is not important. There is an assumption that helping parents work is more important than school. In fact, they also think that other community members who go to school have violated social values and norms. Conditions are considered to be examples of barriers to social change

semoga membantu yaww/*


17. Change the following sentences like the example! Number one is an example for you!​








Semoga membantu ya

18. please give one example of expression suggesting and offer?​


ekpresinya meyakinkan.


contoh kalimatnya:ibuk belilah produk saya dijamin tahan air.

19. make one each example of memo and menu

remind me to buy groceries at superindo

Rice IDR 5000
Oxtail Soup IDR 45000
Fried Chicken IDR 17000
Tom Yum IDR 23000
Tea IDR 3500

20. list the correlative conjunctions in the following paragraph and write elements that correlate. One has been done for you as an example


List the correlative conjunctions in the following paragraph adalah

1. correlative conjunction = neither ... nor

what correlate?  = nouns

connected nouns = spaceships, astronauts

2. correlative conjunction = both ... and

what correlate? = nouns

connected nouns = automobiles, airplanes

3. correlative conjunction = not only ... but also

what correlate? = noun clauses

connected clauses = satellites being launched from the earth and put into orbit, astronauts spending several days in space

4. correlative conjunction = either ... or

what correlate? = verb clauses

connected clauses = to accept space travel for their children, make themselves and their children unhappy.

Correlative conjunctions adalah kata hubung yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan unsur-unsur kalimat antara kata dengan kata, antara frasa dengan frasa (phrase), dan antara klausa dengan klausa (clause) dengan tujuan menunjukkan hubungan antarkata, antarfrasa serta antarklausa yang dihubungkan tersebut. Kata penghubung jenis ini berfungsi membuat beberapa klausa, frasa, kata-kata yang seimbang dan sebanding menjadi satu agar mudah dimengerti. Berbeda dengan jenis conjunction lainnya yang kebanyakan hanya terdiri dari 1 kata, correlative conjunction sendiri terdiri dari beberapa kata yang memiliki pasangannya masing-masing. Kata hubung jenis ini selalu digunakan secara berpasangan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi contoh correlative conjunctions


2. Materi conjunctions, prepositions, conditionals


3. Materi temporal conjunctions



Detil jawaban  

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Correlative conjunction

Kode: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: correlative conjunction, noun clause, verb clause

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