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Which Of The Following Involves Convection Currents

Which Of The Following Involves Convection Currents

Make a short dialogue which involves the expressions of asking for and giving opinions !

Daftar Isi

1. Make a short dialogue which involves the expressions of asking for and giving opinions !

rere : what do you think about this picture?
farah : i think about this picture is so beautifull
rere : me too

semoga membantu

2. mr.johnson,a beer brewer,produces beer by fermenting sugary or starchy foods. The production of beer involves distillation. which of the following processes occurs after evaporation? A.Condensation. B.melting. C.Boiling. D.Filtration.

A.Condensation karena setelah diuapkan akan di dinginkan lagi

3. Make a short dialogue about your hobby which involves the expressions of asking of like and dislike !( hobby = swimming )

( like )
Dino : hai... Johnny. where you going ?
Johnny: i am go to my hobby
Dino : what your hobby ?
Johnny : swim and i am go to swiming pool
Dino : wow thats good. cant i join with you ?
Johnny : Ok no problem lets go
( dislike )
Anastasya : hai prabu. i am have question for you
prabu : what ?
Anastasya : what your hobby and why you like that ?
Prabu : my hobby is swiming and i like swim because can make our body healty. you like swiming ?
Anastasya : ouh.....i dont like swim because i can't swim

George : Hello!
Alicia : Hi!
George : What are you doing?
Alicia : Im just draw an anime, its hard.
George : I saw you every day , and every time you can, you drawing an manga or anime. Is that is your hobby?
Alicia : Yes, of course!
George : I like to play soccer and basketball with my friends. Its my hobby.
Alicia : I like basketball, but i disliked soccer. It can be dangerous if the ball hit your head.
George : Whatever. -_-
Alicia : Are you like to swimming?
George : Ummm.. not too. Maybe a little.
Alicia : Oh im forget! I want to go to my friends house. See you later!
George : Bye!

Semoga membantu..
maaf kalau bahasanya masih kurang..
maklum.. kls 5 SD





itu artinya

5. 29. "Sunlight that reaches the earth and warmsair and living things are the example ofa conductionb. radiationc. convectiond. mill​


radiation or radiasi (dalam bahasa Indonesia)

Radiasi adalah perpindahan panas tanpa zat perantara.


RadiationRadiation is the transfer of heat without an intermediary.


6. Apa itu convectionPake bahasa Inggris​


Convection is the movement of molecules in fluid and rheid. Convection cannot occur in solid objects, because no diffusion can occur in solid objects. Convection is one


jangan lupa beri mahkota love dan reting

Convection is the process of heat transfer by the bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as gases and liquids.

Hope This Helped A Lot !



7. All of the factors listed are abiaotic factors of this underwater except the A sunlight B water currents C sh population D water temperature


C. population

semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbrainly yaa ^_^

8. Apakah arti dari convection​


artinya adalah konveksi bisa tempat jahit, pergerakan molekul"pada gas cairan dll


Jawaban & Pembahasan :

Convention adalah kata bahasa Inggris yang bisa di terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia yang artinya sebagai berikut

convection Arti konveksi

Konveksi adalah perpindahan energi panas ke zat perantara.

Semoga Bermanfaat :)

Cukup sekian terimakasih ^^

9. Pilihlah kata / frasa yang tidak tepat! the most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circular dish with a small pocket at the bottom.


the most


karna easiest sudah menyatakan paling, jadi tidak perlu lagi menggunakan kata the most

10. The free market involves


The free market involves


Free market. Free markets are ideal markets, where all economic decisions and actions by individuals relating to money, goods, and services are voluntary.

11. It is the form of learning which requires higher order mental processes like thinking, reasoning, intelligence, etc. We learn that the word dog refers to a particular animal. The concept of learning involves abstraction learning and generalization. Explain and give illustrations?

1. Konsep itu bersifat abstrak. Ia merupakan gambaran mental tentang benda, peristiwa, atau kegiatan. Misalnya, kita mendengat kata “kelompok”, kita bisa membayangkan apa kelompok itu.

2. Generalisasi berasal dari kata “general” yang berarti umum atau menyeluruh. Oleh karena itu generalisasi merupakan pengambilan kesimpulan secara umum dari suatu gejala atau informasi yang kita terima yang didukung oleh data dan fakta yang ada.

Generalisasi deskriptif.

Contoh: Pada umumnya pusat-pusat kerajaan terletak di tepi sungai.

Generalisasi sebab akibat.

Contoh: Di dalam revolusi, apabila golongan ekstrem berhasil merebut kekuasaan maka akan berlangsung pementahan teror.

Generalisasi acuan nilai.

Contoh: Raja adil raja disembah, raja lalim raja disanggah.

12. Climatology is the study of climate. The science of climatology involves the determination of long term weather patterns, the analysis of factors that influence these patterns in different areas, and the practical use of climatic knowledge in such fields as industry, agriculture, and aviation. The word "determination" as used in the paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following: A. Fortitude B. Decision C. Process D. Beginning E. Analysis




the word decision and determination are meant ketetapan


B. Decision


determination" as used in the paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following:


13. (+)Mr.Warsidi often involves his children to take care together of the garden.kalimat negatif (-),kalimat tanya (?),dan kalimat tanya negatif (-?) dari kalimat tersebut adalah

(-) Mr.Warsidi rarely involves his children to take care of the garden
(?) Does Mr.Warsidi often involve his children to take care of the garden?
(-?) Does Mr.Warsidi rarely involve his children to take care of the garden?

rarely = jarang

Maap klo salah ^^;

14. The equivalent resistance of four resistors joined in parallel is 5 ohm, and the currents flowing through them are 200 mA, 500 mA, 800 mA dan 2,5 A. Find the values of the resistors.


Total currents = 200+500+800+2500=4000mA= 4A

Voltage= I. R = 4.5 = 20 volt

R1 = 20/0.2 = 100 ohm

R2 = 20/0.5 = 40 ohm

R3 = 20/0.8 = 25 ohm

R4 = 20/2.5 = 8 ohm

15. The sun light warming the puddle. A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation ​


C. Radiation


Because the sun light warming the puddle without intermediaries/directly

The Sun Light Warming The Puddle

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation.


Cahaya matahari menghangatkan genangan air

A. konduksi
B. konveksi
C. radiasi.

Pengertian konduksi adalah perpindahan panas melalui zat padat sebagai perantara, tanpa disertai dengan perpindahan zat perantaranya.

Pengertian konveksi adalah perpindahan panas melalui cairan yang disertai dengan perpindahan zat perantara.

Pengertian radiasi adalah perpindahan panas tanpa melalui zat perantara.


C. Radiation

16. Apa b.indonesianya make a dialogue that involves greeting and leave taking one of you pretends to be the teacher

membuat dialog yang melibatkan ucapan dan salah satu dari Anda berpura-pura menjadi guru.

kurang lebih begitu lah jadi membuat dialog antara kamu sama temen kamu trus salah satu dari kamu itu ada yg pura2 jadi guru

17. make a short dialog that involves the expression of asking service and giving service

Lita : Hey guys! What are you going to do? Hey teman! Apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Seno : I will going to water my flower! Nevertheless, I must take my mother to see the doctor. She got headache. Aku akan menyiram bunga. Tetapi, aku harus mengantarkan ibuku pergi ke dokter. Dia sakit kepala. Lita : Let me help you to water your flower. I will glad if I can help you. Biarkan aku membantumu untuk menyira bunga. Aku akan senang jika aku bisa membantumu. Seno : Okay. You can take the water over there. Okay. Kamu bisa mengambil airnya disana. Lita : Seno, may I help you to take the key for you? Seno, bolehkah aku mengambilkan kunci untukmu? Seno : Sure. My key is on the table. Tentu, kunciku diatas meja.

18. Climatology is the study of climate. The science of climatology involves the determination of long term weather patterns, the analysis of factors that influence these patterns in different areas, and the practical use of climatic knowledge in such fields as industry, agriculture, and aviation. Several branches of climatology have developed in response to its importance to related fields. Physical climatology attempts to explain climate in terms of the physical processes of the atmosphere. Regional climatology describes the geographical distribution of climate. Bioclimatology relates to the behavior of plants and animals in various climates. Paleoclimatology studies and tries to explain the climates of past ages. Which of the following best describes the author’s tone? A. Sensitive B. Emotional C. Informative D. Regretful E. Useful


C. Informative


karena berdasarkan teks diatas yang merupakan salah satu jenis teks deskriptif dalam teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang ilmu klimatalogi dan beberapa fungsi dari cabang-cabang ilmu klimatalogi, jadi yang paling menggambarkan maksud dari penulis adalah informative karena dalam teks tersebut berisi kalimat-kalimat yang bersifat informative

maaf kalau salah

19. Make a short dialog that involves the expression of hope!#jawab ya kak yg benar,soalnya nanti mau dikumpulin:)​


i hope coronavirus will end early


maaf kalau salah

20. Pilihlah kata / frasa yang tidak tepat! the most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circular dish with a small pocket at the bottom.


the most


karena easiest sudah manyatakan paling, jadi kata the most perlu digunakan

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