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To Beat Rapidly To Incorporate Air

To Beat Rapidly To Incorporate Air

listen to My Heartbeat Beat Beat

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1. listen to My Heartbeat Beat Beat



Dengarkan detak jantung ku, berdenyut denyut

Dengarkan detak jantungku berdenyut denyut

2. how to deal with drugs if it hasdeveloped rapidly?

ask the police, maybe they can help u

Ask the police, maybe they can help you

3. This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air. apakah termasuk kalimat passive voice?




kalimat ini termasuk passive voice, karna ada kata "caused by" = disebabkan oleh

4. Man versus machine robot plans to beat 80% Student in exam termasuk teks?

“Narative” because the text’s purpose is about to entertaint the readers ;)

5. A doctor need....to know the heart beat.


semoga membantu

6. mr.linda uses .... to check the heat beat yang tau tolong di jawab

stesthoscope *itu kayaknya heart beat bkn heat beat

7. it use by the doctor to check tue patient heart beat it is a...

it use by the doctor to check tue patient heart beat it is a STETOSCOPEStethoscope
Semoga membantu!

8. ubah ke simple past tenar 1. I Am beat you2. They are go to class​


i beat you

they went to class

good luck

1.) (+) I am beat you

(-) I am not beat you

(?) You beat?

2.) (+) They are go to class

(-) they are not go to class

(?) you go to class?


9. Am I allowed to beat my mother if she attacks me first?​

Don't do this

I think you need recovery partner

Drugs will only damage you , and so will i


Don't do this

l think you need recovery partner

Drugs will only damage you,and so will i


maaf kalo salah

10. Back To School - Tolong bantu jawab ya. Change the clause to a phrase: Arizona, which was once thought to be useless desert, is today a rapidly growing industrial and agricultural state.

Ubah klausa menjadi frasa:
Arizona, yang dulunya dianggap gurun yang tidak berguna, kini menjadi negara industri dan pertanian yang berkembang pesat.


arizona , yang dulunya tak hanya anggap gurun yang tidak berguna tapi tapi juga kini menjadi negara industri dan pertanian yang berkembang pesatt

///////));;;"" nswer
arizona, which was not only a desert that is not useful but also now become an industrial and agricultural country that developed pesatt

____doneSubject : English
Category : Reducing Adjective Clause to Phrase

Sentence :
Arizona, which was once thought to be useless desert, is today a rapidly growing industrial and agricultural state.

Reduced Sentence :
Arizona, once thought to be useless desert, is today a rapidly growing industrial and agricultural state.

Reducing adjective clause to adjective phrase.
We can only reduce adjective clauses that have the same subject as the main clause. How? By omitting the relative pronoun (who/which/that) and the 'be'.

Example : The boy who is reading a book is very cute.
Reduction : The boy reading a book is very cute.

If the adjective clause doesn't have the 'be' verb, omit the the relative pronoun (who/which/that) and change the verb into the present participle form (-ing).

Example : Mary carries a box which contains a lot of books.
Reduction : Mary carries a box containing a lot of books.

11. "beat them well." (step 2) the word 'them' in the sentence refers to

you have to rever to the text.
Here I can only guess, that the text is about certain competition. And the caracter wishing the one who join the competition luck by saying that.

So them in that context are the opponents or the enemies

"Them" is refers to the person who wants to be defeated or the enemy.

i hope this helps ;)

12. ....so rapidly that they fail to grip. the word "they" refers to...a. cars b.engines c. tires d. brakes

ini kurang lengkap hehe

13. David is quite a fast runner,but he isn't......to beat the Italian Runner,who is considered to be the best (fast)​


but he isn't fasterti beat the İtalian Runner



penggunaan enough and too

14. Article on tips on how to beat the heat in summer

tips on how to beat the heat in summer
there are fun ways to beat the heat in summer. what i do among others, wear thin baby doll at home and stay inside my bedroom with ac on, open all the windows in your house and let the air gets in, drink much cold mineral water (i'd suggest plain is better) and take a city tour with motorcycle. the bottom line is how you feel is up to you....

15. what does the doctor use to check the patients heart beat?

a stethoscope

semoga membantu! ^^
doctor use stethoscope to know the patient's heartbeat

16. apa jawaban dari "Consumers (incorporate/attach/fit/associate) the brand with quality and are prepared to pay more."

Tolong kepada moderator supaya bisa menutup akun saya

17. apa jawaban dari "Consumers (incorporate/attach/fit/associate) the brand with quality and are prepared to pay more."

Consumers associate the brand with quality and are prepared to pay more."

18. kalo ada 1. beat butter and sugar util creamy. 2. add lightly egg and vanilla, beat them well. pertannyaan "them" refers to?

them disini adalah Butter,Sugar,egg,And vanilla,,,
mereka akan diaduk dan disatukan didalam sebuah mangkok atau tempat. . .

19. a. how to beat cream cheeseb. how to blend sugar and vanillac. how to bake chocolate cheese and caked. how to make chocolate cheese cake​


D. how to make chocolate cheese cake


d.How to bake chocolate cheese cake


semoho bermanfaat

20. What should we do to beat the virus? tolong dijawab ya... makasih


Wash your hands regularly

Use mask

Stay at home

Keep social distancing


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