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Metal Paper Clips Do Not Attract Or Repel Each Other

Metal Paper Clips Do Not Attract Or Repel Each Other

example dialog to tell each other todo or not to do

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1. example dialog to tell each other todo or not to do

Riva: "Hey, Zara, Annie. Mrs. Imel told me that you are good writing essay. Would you mind to give me some advices, because I have to write an essay?"  Zara: "Of course! First of all, you have to choose proper type, style, and format of writing an essay."  Annie: "She's right. You have to choose the right language too. Once you start writing your essay, especially in the introduction, you have to include a thesis statement."  Riva: "I see. Let me take a note." *writing* "Hmm is it good if I put many facts in my essay?"  Annie: "It's good, but don't overwhelm your essay with information and facts. Though essays should be meaningful and detailed, learn to filter the information and choose only important points."  Zara: "Also, if you want to include mention of something that you have read, even if you are not using a direct quotation,  it is best to reference the source of the information. This way, your examples will be more convincing and form more reliable evidence of the points you wish to prove."  Riva: "Thank you, Zara, Annie!"  Zara: "--and one more: don't let typos ruin your essay, understand?"  Riva: "Of course I do! Thank you so much!"

2. Why do planets not collide with each other? Explain

because the planet has an orbit of his own

3. 1.) Why do the poles of magnet attract? Explain! 2.) Why do the poles of magnet repel? Explain!

the magnetic poles of interest when drawn near the different magnetic poles will attract each other, and if drawn near the same pole will repel each otherthe magnetic pole will pull the magnetic object when the two different magnetic poles are united, whereas if both poles of the same magnet are brought together it will repel each other

4. tell each other to do or not to do things in the following situations 1) in the kitchen 2) in the library 3) in the market In each situation , tell each other to do two thinghs . Make sure you state the purpose of "doing" or not doing them. Hand-write your sentences on a plece of paper . Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly , too . Use a dictionary . If you have any problematika , come to me

1. In the kitchen
things to do :
   a. cook something
   b. wash the dishes
things not to do :
   a. forget to not turn off the stove
   b. let the dishes dirty
2. In the library
 things to do:
   a. reading book
   b. do your task from school / college
things not to do :
   a. make a loud voice
   b. damaging the book that you borrow from library
3. In the Market
things to do :
   a. buy something that you wanna buy
   b. know about the price of things
things not to do :
   a. bargaining the price of thing that you wanna buy
   b. steal the things at there without pay.

ini aja yang bisa aku jawab, maaf kalau ada salah

5. Tell each other to do or not to do things in the following situations. 1) in the kitchen 2) in the library 3) in the market In each situation , tell each other to do two thinghs and not to do two thinghs . Make sure you state the purpose of "doing" or not doing them. Hand-write your sentences on a piece of paper . Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly , too . Use a dictionary . If you have any problems , come to me

1) [+] You must wear an apron so that you don't dirty your clothes while cooking.
   [-] You mustn't leave the stove without adult supervision so that the house won't burn to the ground.
2) [+] You must put the books back to their appropriate shelves so other people can find the books easily.
   [-] You musn't be noisy in the library because you might annoy other people.
3) [+] You must keep your belongings near you always so that none of them gets left behind or stolen.
   [-] You musn't steal anything in the market so that you don't go to jail.

6. do not bring(1).........or other consumables to the security checkpoint unless they are wrapped in paper or polystrene (e.g styrofoam TM ), sealed or sealable/spill-proof minta tolong dong jawab pliss​


food and drinks


karena di kalimat selanjutnya ada kata "consumable" yang artinya adalah yang bisa dimakan/dikonsumsi.

lalu ada keterangan "unless they are wrapped in paper..." yang artinya "kecuali mereka dibungkus kertas..." dan ditambah kata "spill-proof" yang artinya "anti tumpah"

7. How many paper clips are there?​


berapa banyak klip kertas yang ada


maaf kalau salah

8. they do not know each other Ubah kalimat diatas dalam bentuk simple past tense

they didn't know each other
They didn't know each other

9. Work in your group. Now it is your turn to work in your group to tell each other to do or not to do things in the following situations. 1) In the kitchen 2) In the library 3) In the market In each situation, tell each other to do two things and not to do two things. Make sure you state the purpose of 'doing' or 'not doing' them.


In the kitchen
A <====> B
=> You should not throw garbage carelessly in the kitchen
=> You should keep the kitchen clean
=> You should cook some food in the kitchen
=> You should not put dirty clothes in the kitchen

In the library

=> You should read some books in the library
=> You should not be noisy in the library
=> You should behave well with everyone in the library.
=> You should not eat and drink in the library
In the Market
=> You should buy goods as needed in the market
=> You should not waste your time in the market
=> You should Be more careful when you're in the market.
=> You should not leave your groceries in the market.

Tanda A <=> B artinya orang pertama dan orang kedua saling berpasangan dan bertanya satu sama lain.


10. Tell each other to do or not to do things in the following situations 1) in the kitchen 2) in the library 3) in the market In each situation , tell each other to do two thinghs . Make sure you state the purpose of "doing" or not doing them. Hand-write your sentences on a plece of paper . Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly , too . Use a dictionary . If you have any problematika , come to me

Beritahu satu sama lain untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu dalam situasi berikut
1) di dapur
2) di perpustakaan
3) di pasar
Dalam setiap situasi, beritahu satu sama lain untuk melakukan dua hal. Pastikan Anda menyatakan tujuan "melakukan" atau tidak melakukannya.
Tuliskan kalimat Anda dengan secarik kertas. Pastikan Anda mengetahui arti setiap kata dan mengeja dengan benar juga.
Gunakan kamus . Jika punya problematika, datanglah ke saya

11. Manel, Gary and Sandy have 809 paper clips. Manel has 4 times as many paper clips as Gary. Sandy has 611 paper clips more than Manel. How many paper clips does Manel have?


manel have 103 paper clips


many have103paper clips

12. How do yo do thow each other?


Bagaimana terjadi, apakah saling melakukan?


Maaf kalo salah

13. There are 80 red and blue paper clips in box. The ratio of the number of red paper clips to thenumber of blue paper clips is 3:5. How many blue paper clips are there? Explain your answerusing bars.​


red : blue

3 : 5

blue = 5/8 x 80 = 50

if u need red too

red : 3/8 x 80 = 30

14. During a science enrichment programme, a group of lower primary school students learnt how to make a temporary magnet. The number of paper clips each magnet was able to attract was recorded


During a science enrichment programme, a group of lower primary school students learnt how to make a temporary magnet. The number of paper clips each magnet was able to attract was record..........

15. apa arti. paintbrushtes paints chalk paper clips boardmarkers​


Paintbrushes = kuas cat

Paints =cat

Chalk =kapur

Paper Clips =klip kertas

Boardmarkers=penanda papan

paintbrushtes=kuas cet



paper clips=klip kertas

boardmarkes=tanda papan

semoga bermanfaat

16. why Indonesians fight each other and are not kind to each other


because indonesians are protecting themselves

hi :>

cause idont know

17. do not bring(1).........or other consumables to the security checkpoint unless they are wrapped in paper or polystrene (e.g styrofoam TM ), sealed or sealable/spill-proof minta tolong dong jawab pliss

antara food atau beverage

18. Nikita brings objects A and B close together. The objects attract each other Nikita writes: 'Objects A and B are both permanent magnets, because they attract each other.' Do you agree with Nikita? Explain your answer.

Yes, because magnets with the same poles will repel each other, but if they are different (north and south) they will attract each other.oalah

19. What can I do to know if a metal is aluminium or not?

You can do a comparison between the metal and the actual characteristics of aluminum, if the metal is light and corrosion resistant, then the type of metal is aluminum.

PembahasanAluminium merupakan salah satu unsur kimia yang bernomor atom 13 aluminium merupakan salah satu jenis logam yang sangat berlimpah di permukaan bumi. aluminium dalam kimia memiliki lambang unsur Al. Warna atau ciri khusus warna dari aluminium itu sendiri adalah metallic abu-abu atau keperakan. Aluminium tergolong kepada golongan IIIA yang memiliki muatan + 3.Ciri-ciri aluminium adalah sebagai berikut : aluminium biasanya beratnya ringan,tahan akan korosi atau karat,serta memiliki hantaran terhadap listrik yang sangat baik.Pelajari Lebih LengkapMateri tentang sifat aluminium : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/19632510 Materi tentang membedakan aluminium dengan logam lain : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1577149Materi tentang perbedaan aluminium dengan baja : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28722607Detil Tambahan

Kelas : X

Mapel : Kimia

Bab : Sifat-sifat Unsur

Kode : 10.7

Kata Kunci : aluminium,logam


20. do elephants like to isolate themselves from other elephants?why or why not?

no. because the elephants are live in the group

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