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A Chemist Has An Empty Cylinder

A Chemist Has An Empty Cylinder

A measuring cylinder has a mass of 120 g when empty. When it contains 50 cm3 of a liquid, the total mass of the measuring cylinder and the liquid is 160 g. What is the density of the liquid?

Daftar Isi

1. A measuring cylinder has a mass of 120 g when empty. When it contains 50 cm3 of a liquid, the total mass of the measuring cylinder and the liquid is 160 g. What is the density of the liquid?

Mass of cylinder (empty) = 120 gram

Mass of cylinder (with liquid) = 160 gram

Volume of liquid = 50 cm³

Density of the liquid (ρ) = ?


Find the mass of liquid

With liquid - Empty

= 160 gram - 120 gram

= 40 gram

So, the mass of the liquid is 40 gram

Find the density of the liquid

[tex]\rho=\frac{mass}{Volume} \\\rho=\frac{40\ gr}{50\ cm^3} \\\rho=\frac{40}{50}\ gr/cm^3 \\\rho=\frac{4}{5}\ gr/cm^3 \\\boxed{\rho = 0,8\ gr/cm^3}\\or\\\boxed{\rho = 800\ gr/cm^3}\\[/tex]

Hope it helps :)

2. A cylinder has a height of 15cm and a volume of 500cm. Calculate the radius of the cylinder.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


t = 15 cm

v = 500 cm


r= ?...


[tex] {r}^{2} = \frac{v}{\pi.t} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{500}{3.14 \times 15} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{500}{47.1} [/tex]

[tex] = 10.6[/tex]

sorry if this answer doesn't help

3. A cylinder has diameter 12cm and height 14cm. A cube has side length y cm. The cylinder and cube have the same volume. Find y

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

vol cube = vol cylinder

s³ = πr²t

s³ = 22/7. 6.6.14

s³ = 1584

side = y = 12√11 cm

4. The shapes of tumpeng, pipe,and Blackboard are..a. cylinder, rhombus, coneb. rhombus, cone, cylinderc. cone, cylinder, rhombusd. cone, cylinder, square


D. ambil Papan Tulis (BLACKBOARD) aja, bentuknya kotak, jadi otomatis SQUARE.

5. 3. We must remove the hose in order toA. cause the gas leakageB. empty the gas cylinderC. avoid an explosionD use the stove carefully​


D. maf kalu salah ini dah ganti tahun loh

6. 39. A solid cylinder A has a volume of 343 cm cubics.a) Find the volume of another cylinder B which has the same height but the base radius is one-third of the base radius of cylinder A.b) Cylinder B is melted and recast to form cubes of length 2 cm. Find the maximum number of cubes formed.​


a) 38,111 cm²

b) 4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

radius A = rA

radius B = rB

a) Volume A = 343 => Volum A = h × π × rA²

maka 343 = h × π × rA²

jika rB = ⅓ rA

maka Volum B = h × π × rB² => h × π × (⅓rA)² => h × π × 1/9 × rA²

343 = h × π × rA²

maka Volum B = h × π × rA² × 1/9 => 343 × 1/9 => 38,111 cm³

b) sisi kubus = 2 maka volumenya = 8 cm³

jumlah maksimal kubus yang terbentuk = 38/8 => 4 buah kubus

7. 8. From the dialogue we know that .... a. Mrs. Desi is going to cook. b. Hanum is willing to replace the empty gas cylinder c. Hanum's father cannot repair the gas stove. d. Mrs. Desi asks Hanum to replace the empty gas cylinder.​

Where Is The Dialogue? I can't answer that if you didn't give me the dialogue

8. Q.A cylinder has a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 16 cm. Calculate areathe tube surface!​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

An area the tube surface = 2πr (r + h)

diameter = 20

r = 20/2 = 10

h = 16

An area the tube surface = 2 (3,14) (10) (10 + 16)

An area the tube surface = 62,8 (26)

An area the tube surface = 1.632,8 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Area Of The Tube surface = 2nr(r + h)Diametre = 20 cmr = D/2 = 20/2 = 10 cmheight = 16 cm


= 2nr(r + h)

= 2(3,14)(10)(10 + 16)

= 6,28(10)(10 + 16)

= 62,8(26)

= 1.632,8cm^2


[tex]\huge \bf{By~KRI.}[/tex]

9. 5. A bolster has ashape.a. squareb. cylinderc. rectangulard. triangle​


Moga membantu

10. 9. The school is empty now. Everybody . . . . . home. A. have gone B. has gone C. have went D. has went


C. have went atau A. have gone.


Semoga membantu ya>TERBAIK<


B. Has gone


Semoga terbantu yak

11. 6.X: What shape is it?Y:A It is a cylinderB. Is it a cylinderC. This is a cylinderD. That is a cylinder​


A . it is cylinder

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat:)

12. They stop in an empty ​


mereka berhenti di tempat kosong


they : mereka

stop : berhenti

in an empty : dalam keadaan kosong

13. A shape which has three straight sides is...A. circleC. rectangleB. triangleD. cylinder​

Jawaban: b

Penjelasan: a triangle has 3 straight sides

semoga membantu ya


B. Triangle


karena triangle artinya segitiga, dan mempunyai 3 sisi.

semoga membantu

14. A cylinder has a diameter 40 cm long. If the height of a cylinder is 30 cm, the volume of the cylinder is … cm3. Select one: A. 20,096 B. 1256 C. 5024 D. 37,680


jawabanya B1256

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

15. The candle-has-but-plate-cylinder-has-shape-circle-shape


The candle has cylinder shape but plate has circle shape

16. ferbedaan master cylinder dengan release cylinder adalah.....​


master cylinder adalah perangkat kontrol yang mengubah gaya (biasanya dari kaki pengemudi) menjadi tekanan hidrolik.

Silinder pembebas atau release cylinder ini terletak pada bagian bawah kendaraan dan memiliki fungsi untuk meneruskan tenaga dari master silinder yang nantinya digunakan untuk mendorong garpu pembebas (release fork).

17. X:what shape is it Y:.... A. is a cylinderB. is it a cylinderC. this is a cylinderD. that is a cylinderJawab y​


this is a cylinder (c)


A. is a cylinder seharusnya it is a cylinder

B. Is it a cylinder bukan pernyataan melainkan pertanyaan

D. That is a cylinder dia nanya nya is it berarti gamungkin jauh, kecuali dia tanya is that a cylinder baru bener

18. 19. A shape which has three straight sides isA circleC. rectangleB. triangleD. cylinder​


Bentuk yang memiliki tiga sisi lurus adalah...

A. lingkaran

C. persegi panjang


D. lingkaran

= B.triangle



19. in cylinder.there was 6 liters of liquid.one third of the cylinder content poured into an empty pan. calculate the content of the pan​


ini mtk apa bahasa Inggris apa campuran

20. ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊┊ ┊ ┊ ✧┊ ┊ ✦┊ ✧✦Loading □□□□□0% Looking for questions ■□□□□20% Question found ■■□□□40% Question prepared ■■■□□60% Question has been prepared ■■■■□80% Question has completed ■■■■■100% ~∧,_,∧(。•ω•。)つ━☆・*。⊂  ノ    ・゜+.しーJ    °。+ *´¨)         .· ´¸.·*´¨Arrange this sentence into a good logical sentence "vase – 3 ounce – porcelain – Central Java – Cream – cylinder – old – little – unique – an" *A. An unique Central Jave porcelain 3 ounce vase little old cylinder CreamB. An unique little old cylinder Cream Central Jave porcelain 3 ounce vaseC. little old An unique cylinder Cream ounce vase Central Jave porcelain 3D. cylinder Cream Central Jave porcelain 3 ounce vase an unique little old​




karena itu jawabannya




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sebuah vas tua kecil yang unik yang berukuran 3 ons

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