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Jg Is The Diameter Of M

Jg Is The Diameter Of M

There is 20 kg of aluminium with the temperature is 100°C. Then the aluminium temperature increase to 110°C. What is the quantity of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of the aluminum if specific heat capacity of aluminum is 900 J/kg°C? tolong sertakan caranya jg​

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1. There is 20 kg of aluminium with the temperature is 100°C. Then the aluminium temperature increase to 110°C. What is the quantity of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of the aluminum if specific heat capacity of aluminum is 900 J/kg°C? tolong sertakan caranya jg​


m: 20 kg

initial temperature: 100⁰C

final temperature: 110⁰C

heat capacity: 900 J/kg ⁰C

quantity of thermal energy?

Q=m.c. T



=180.000 Joule

2. he-the-is-in-championship-best-the disambung jg ? mohon dijawab sekarang​

he is the best in the championship

3. Berdasarkan label obat *PINUX* jawab lah pertanyaan berikut1. What is the purpose of writing the text? 2. What is the name of the medicine?3. What is the form of the medicine ? 4. Where should we keep the medicine? 5. The medicine will be good to use for...... bantu jawab dongnanti tak follow poin nya jg lumayan ​


1. What is the purpose of writing the text?

The purpose is to share important information about the product.

2. What is the name of the medicine?

The name of the medicine is Pinux children's cough syrup.

3. What is the form of the medicine ?

The form of the medicine is liquid (syrup).

4. Where should we keep the medicine?

We should keep it in moderate temperature and keep the medicine away from children.

5. The medicine will be good to use for curing cough for children.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dari label suatu produk obat dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Apa tujuan menulis teks tersebut?

Tujuannya adalah untuk berbagi informasi penting tentang produk tersebut.

2. Apa nama obatnya?

Nama obatnya sirup obat batuk anak Pinux.

3. Apa bentuk obatnya?

Bentuk obatnya cair (sirup).

4. Di mana sebaiknya kita menyimpan obatnya?

Kita harus menyimpannya dalam suhu sedang dan menjauhkan obat dari anak-anak.

5. Obatnya baik digunakan untuk menyembuhkan batuk pada anak-anak.

Semoga membantu ya.

4. Tahlia and Elizabeth are sisters. Tahlia is 47 of her sister's age. In 8 years' time, the total age of the two sisters would be 38. What would be their total age 6 years later? (Express your answer in the simplest form) tolong dijawab secepatnya ga usah pake solusinya jg gpp

misal umur Tahlia sekarang = a
         umur Elizabet sekarang = b
a = 4/7 (b)
(a + 8) + (b + 8) = 38
usia mereka 6 tahun yang akan datang?

(a + 8) + (b + 8) = 38
a + b + 16 = 38
a + b = 22
4/7 (b) + b = 22
11/7 (b) = 22
b = 14
a = 8
usia elizabet 6 tahun yang akan datang adalah 20 tahun
usia tahlia 14 tahun

5. Open pages 4-5 read the material. our toic today is about expressions of sugestion and offering read it first, then if you jg have something to ask. please





6. A store has an offer "BUY 4 GET 1 FREE". What is the net percentage of discount?(Tlng bantu ya kak pakai caranya jg ya kak)​


D = 100/500 x 100

= 20

Semoga Membantu

7. Tolong bantu di jawab, skrng jg ini di kumpul. Trims. A Rock In geology, a rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals or mineraloids. For example, the common rock granite is a combination of the quartz, feldspar and biotitic minerals. The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere, is made of rock. Rock has been used by mankind throughout history. From the Stone Age, rocks have been used for tools. The minerals and metals we find in rocks have been essential to human civilization. Three major groups of rock are defined as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The scientific study of rocks is called petrology, which is an essential component of geology. Find Out: 1. The type of the text above is called a ___ 2. The generic structure of the text consist of _____ and _______ 3. The function of the text is to ___ 4. The identification tells us about the ____ and the ____ The focus participant of the text is ___ 5. Kind of tense mostly used in the text is____ - Find some sentences in the text that use linking verbs and find some adjectives used in the text!


1. descriptive text

2. identification and description

3. describe things in detail

4. identification tells us the identification of something, both living things or inanimate objects that will be described.

5. past tense

8. pnjlsnnya jg y kak 1. 40% of the people in the classroom are girls. If there are 30 students in the classroom. 2. There are 50 sweets in a bag. 7 of the sweets are mangoes flavour. What percentage of sweets are mangoes flavour?

If 40% of the people in the classroom are girls, then the percentage of boys is 100% - 40% = 60%.

To find the number of girls in the classroom, we can multiply the total number of students by the percentage of girls:

Number of girls = 40% of 30 students = 0.4 x 30 = 12

To find the number of boys in the classroom, we can multiply the total number of students by the percentage of boys:

Number of boys = 60% of 30 students = 0.6 x 30 = 18

Therefore, there are 12 girls and 18 boys in the classroom.

To find the percentage of sweets that are mango-flavored, we can divide the number of mango-flavored sweets by the total number of sweets, and then multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage:

Percentage of mango-flavored sweets = (number of mango-flavored sweets / total number of sweets) x 100

Percentage of mango-flavored sweets = (7/50) x 100

Percentage of mango-flavored sweets = 14%

Therefore, 14% of the sweets in the bag are mango-flavored.


9. kak/dek tolong di jawab ini jg mks;> 13. to – mall – the – toy store – shopping – next – the - is. The correct sentence is …. a. Toy store is the next to the shopping mall b. the toy store is next to the shopping mall c. the mall shopping is to next the toy store d. shopping mall is the next to the toy store




B. the toy store is next to the shopping mall


Rumus preposition :

S + To be (is/am/are) + Prepositional Phrase


The toy store : Subject

is : to be

next to the shopping mall = Prepositional Phrase

Arti dalam bahasa Indonesia :

Toko mainan berada di sebelah pusat perbelanjaan

10. 1. What does the text tell us about?2. What is the main story of the film?3. Who are the main characters of the film? 4. Mention the good points of the film!5. "...that tries to steal any shiny thing it sees in a muggle (non-wizard) bank,..."(Päragraph 2) What does the underlined word refer to?Tolongg dibantu jawab kk, mau dikumpulin sekarang jg:)​


tidak tau hehe maaf ya karna saya tidak tahu

11. apa maksud " keyword of letter " ? berikan contoh keywords nya jg

keyword of letter : kata kunci dari surat.
mungkin yang dimaksud kata kuncinya itu kaya sususan pembuatan surat dari pembuka sampai penutup. keyword keyword of latter artinya kunci surat atau surat pembuka dan Surat penutup

12. Questions : 1. What is the text about? 2. What does "mix and mingle" mean? 3. Who holds the occasion? 4. How long will the event be held? 5. What is the synonym of 'exciting'?Tlng pkai artny jg dnk!!

1. a celebration of new location of ecosource (perayaan lokasi baru ecosource)
2. mix and mingle means everybody may join and make new friends among them (bercampur baur/bergaul)
3. ecosource
4. 3 hours (3 jam)
5. interesting (menarik)

13. What time ...?a.the train leaveb. leaves the trainC. is the train leavingd.does the train leavesama penjelasannya jg thankyou​


d.does the train leave

Maaf kalau salah , Selamat Mengerjakan.

14. 1. Who is Zafran ? a.Salsa’s sonb.Salsa’s father.c.Salsa’s friendd.Salsa’s grandfa2. What is the purpose of the text? *a.To greet someone.b.To entertain someone.c.To congratulate someoned.To inform someone about somethingtolong bantu jawab kak plis yg no 2 jg sama kok gambar nya ,)​


1. Who is Zafran ? 

a.Salsa’s son

b.Salsa’s father.

c.Salsa’s friend

d.Salsa’s grandfa

2. What is the purpose of the text? *

a.To greet someone.

b.To entertain someone.

c.To congratulate someone

d.To inform someone about something

Jawabannya aku tandai warna hitam ya, dek.

15. 1.A municipality leads a...... 2.Arrange these sentences:capital-of-the-jakarta-is-indonesia3.we call the son of the king is...... 4.make a sentences from word:near and buy(2 kalimat ny beda" yg near beda yg buy jg beda) 5.write with English:rumah saya didepan kantor postolong dijawab ya kaka​


1 City

2 Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia

3 Prince

4 My house is near my school

- I went to buy some groceries

5 My house is across the post office

maff klo salah

16. (bantuin ya, klo salah gpp, klo cuman mau poin jg gpp) find the octagon that has eight lines of symmetry​


gambar yang kedua dari kiri


17. An object has 500 Newton of weight on Earth with 10 m/s² gravity. The weight on a place with 5 m/s² gravity is .....?Bantuin donkkkss PHYSICS , Cara dan jawaban , tp kalo jawaban doang jg gpp ....

diketahui : Wbumi : 500 N
gbumi : 10 m/s^2
gx : 5 m/s^2
ditanya : Wx :........?
Jawab : Wbumi/gbumi=Wx/gx
lalu kali silang
500 x 5 = 10 x Wx
2.500 = 10Wx
Wx=250 Newton

So, the weight on a place with 5 m/s^2 gravity is 250 Newton

18. 200 dm³ berapa m³, tolong jg dgn caranya


200 DM= .. m

200 :1000 = 0,2 m kubik

jadi 200 DM kubik = 0,2 m kubik

19. Iya gue rm oh TK kg TK of the of ur rm oh eh iya RB jg eh jg eh oh to go id rm.




Ini apaan ini bahasa Inggris kan??

20. 4 dam3 = ...m³pake caranya jg y✨​


4000 m³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 dam³ = 1000 m³

jadi, kalo 4 dam³ adalah

4 × 1000 m³

4000 m³

Semoga membantu :')

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