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What Does Danced Without Leaving Room For Jesus

What Does Danced Without Leaving Room For Jesus

What does he say before leaving

Daftar Isi

1. What does he say before leaving


apa yang ia katakan sebelum pergi


sy greetings


sorry if wrong

2. Apa arti what does mr.agung say before leaving

apa yang pak agung katakan sebelum meninggalkan?

3. what does rahma say to aisyah before leaving

Bye... See You Again....

4. 1. What does Laila need for her room?2. Why does not Laila buy it?3. What does Laila day when she doesn't understand what Melisa says?4. How does Melisa respond her?5. What experession does Melisa express?

1. wall decoration
2. because the price is quite expensive
3. 1. she needs wall decoration
2. because the price is quite expensive
3. she is asking for repetition (what did you say? i still dont get it)
4. by repeat what she just said
5. dunno, kalimat yang mana? kalau yang "it is itu" admit. kalau yang "sure lets find what we need first" itu accepting request.

5. 3.what is the difference of asri room and ijo royo-royo room?4.for whom does the room for?5."nay i explan about them to you now?"(pargraf 2)what does the pronoun "i" on the sentence refer to?​

Jawaban :

1. Carmen

2. Made a reservation

4. Carmen and his family

5. The hotel receptionist

No 3 ga ada ya

Semoga membantu

6. What does miss diana say before leaving artinya


Apa yang ibu diana katakan sebelum pergi

7. What does it mean when Jesus refer to His people as a branch?​


Apa artinya ketika Yesus menyebut umat-Nya sebagai cabang?


Yesus (bahasa Yunani: Ἰησοῦς Iesous; kr. 4 SM sampai 30–33 M; Arab: يسوع; Ibrani: יֵשׁוּעַ), juga disebut sebagai Yesus dari Nazaret atau Yesus Kristus,[e] adalah tokoh sentral Kekristenan. Menurut ajaran sebagian besar denominasi Kristen, Yesus dipandang sebagai Allah Putra (Allah Anak). Umat Kristen meyakini bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias (atau Kristus, Yang Diurapi) yang dinantikan.

8. What does miss diana say before leaving artinya


Apa yang dikatakan bu Diana sebelum pergi

9. Apa arti what does miss diana say before leaving


apa yang Miss/nona Diana katakan sebelum pergi/keluar

10. Dialog 1Johan : What time does your mother get up everyday?Mary: She gets up at 05.00 o'clock in the morningJohan: What does she do after that?Mary: She cook breakfast for us. She usually cooks porridge and an omelet.Johan : She takes care of you so well.Mary: Yes, she does. Sometime, she even drives me to the school.Dialog 2Fathur: What do you usually do before leaving your home?Agus: I usually tidy up my room.Fathur: You do?Agus: Yes, because my cat loves playing in my room, so my room often gets messy.Fathur : I see. Will your mom get angry if you don't tidy your room?Agus : Sometime. I do not want that to happenQuestions1. Who does cook every morning for Mary?2. What does she usually cook?3. What does Fathur usually do before leaving his room?4. Why is his room messy?5. Does Agus's mother always get, angry when his room is messy? ​

[ Reading Comprehension ]

Mary's motherShe usually cooks porridge and an omelette.He usually tidies up his room.Because his cat loves playing in his room.Yes she does. Agus' mother will get angry if he doesn't tidy his room.


(1) Siapa yang setiap pagi memasak makanan untuk Mary?

Jawaban ada pada dialog:[ Dialogue 1 ]

Johan : "What time does your mother get up everyday?"

Mary: "She gets up at 05.00 o' clock in the morning."

Johan: "What does she do after that?"

Mary: "She cooks breakfast for us. She usually cooks porridge and an omelette."

Johan : "She takes care of you so well."

Mary: "Yes, she does. Sometime, she even drives me to the school."


➥ Mary's mother.

Ibunya Mary.

(2) Apa yang biasanya dia masak?

Jawaban ada pada dialog:[ Dialogue 1 ]

Johan : "What time does your mother get up everyday?"

Mary: "She gets up at 05.00 o' clock in the morning."

Johan: "What does she do after that?"

Mary: "She cooks breakfast for us. She usually cooks porridge and an omelette."

Johan : "She takes care of you so well."

Mary: "Yes, she does. Sometime, she even drives me to the school."


➥ She usually cooks porridge and omelette.

Biasanya dia memasak bubur dan omelet.

(3) Apa yang biasanya Fathur lakukan sebelum meninggalkan kamarnya?

Jawaban ada pada dialog:[ Dialogue 2 ]

Fathur: "What do you usually do before leaving your home?"

Agus: "I usually tidy up my room."

Fathur: "You do?"

Agus: "Yes, because my cat loves playing in my room, so my room often gets messy."

Fathur : "I see. Will your mom get angry if you don't tidy your room?"

Agus : "Sometime. I do not want that to happen."


➥ He usually tidies up his room.

Biasanya dia membereskan kamarnya.

(4) Mengapa kamarnya berantakan?

Jawaban ada pada dialog:[ Dialogue 2 ]

Fathur: "What do you usually do before leaving your home?"

Agus: "I usually tidy up my room."

Fathur: "You do?"

Agus: "Yes, because my cat loves playing in my room, so my room often gets messy."

Fathur : "I see. Will your mom get angry if you don't tidy your room?"

Agus : "Sometime. I do not want that to happen."


➥ Because his cat loves playing in his room.

Karena kucingnya suka bermain di dalam kamar Agus.

(5) Apakah ibunya Agus akan marah jika kamarnya Agus berantakan?

Jawaban ada pada dialog:[ Dialogue 2 ]

Fathur: "What do you usually do before leaving your home?"

Agus: "I usually tidy up my room."

Fathur: "You do?"

Agus: "Yes, because my cat loves playing in my room, so my room often gets messy."

Fathur : "I see. Will your mom get angry if you don't tidy your room?"

Agus : "Sometime. I do not want that to happen."


➥ Yes she does. Agus' mother will get angry if he doesn't tidy his room.

Ya. Ibunya Agus akan marah jika Agus tidak membereskan kamarnya.


:: semoga membantu ::

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Reading Comprehension




Grade: 8

Subject: English

Chapter: Reading

Categorization code: 8.5.12

Keywords: Answer question based on dialogue, present simple

11. What does rika say when shr ia leaving erwin


"Bye Erwin. See you soon."


She says, "Bye Erwin. See you soon."

12. Does leaving pc up for one night breaks it ?


No, it doesn't.

The PC will automatically sleep in several minutes after no activity on it.


13. what does rida's mother say to respond rida's leaving?​


teks nya mana??



Ini jawabanku ya.. tapi jika ada teksnya bisa berbeda

Jawaban : okay, be carefull!
Maaf kalau salah

14. 1.for dialog 1 what service does mrs aninditha demand2 what does mrs aninditha enjoy while she ia in waiting room 3 for dialog 2 how does the dialog happen 4 what does mr david offer5 what will mr david di after the cconversation

halo! ini dialognya mana ya? gimana mau jawab kalo ga Tau dialognya. aku bakal edit answernya kalo kamu udah tulis dialognya di comments/ komen ya! ^^

15. arti what does she do before leaving her home​

artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia "apa yang dia lakukan sebelum meninggalkan rumahnya"


apa yang dia lakukan sebelum meninggalkan rumahnya

16. What does miss farah say before leaving her studo nts


"Thank you kids for your attendance. Good afternoon and have a great day ahead!"


She says, "Thank you kids for your attendance. Good afternoon and have a great day ahead!"

17. what does the living room look like ?​


beautiful and comfort



What happend you. is don't know bro

18. what is the music room for ? the music room is for

apa ini ruang untuk musik.?untuk ruang musik.
*maaf kalau salahThe music room is for study music and listen to the music
*maaf kalo salah

19. What is this room for

maaf nama room nya apa?

tapi klo artianya=apa kegunaan ruangan ini?


artinya untuk apa ruangan ini
klo gk salah shi begitu

20. *Waiting Room* What does the notice mean?

the meaning is RUANG TUNGGUBahasa Indonesia
Ruang Tunggu
Ruang Tunggu Merupakan Ruang Yang Dikhuhuskan Orang Untuk Menunggu Sesuatu
Bahasa Inggris
Waiting Room Waiting Room Is A Room That Is Dedicated To Waiting For Something

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