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A Car Initially At Rest Accelerates At 10 M/s2

A Car Initially At Rest Accelerates At 10 M/s2

a car reaches a velocity of 20 m/s with an acceleration of 2 m/s^2 . How far will it travel while it is accelerating if it is (a). initially at rest (b). initially moving at 10 m/s ?

Daftar Isi

1. a car reaches a velocity of 20 m/s with an acceleration of 2 m/s^2 . How far will it travel while it is accelerating if it is (a). initially at rest (b). initially moving at 10 m/s ?

◾ Materi : Kinematika Gerak Lurus
◾ Sub materi : GLBB
◾ Mapel : Fisika

Diketahui :
Vt = 20 m/s
a = 20 m/s²

Ditanya :
s = ?
a) Vo = 0
b) Vo = 10 m/s

Penyelesaian :
*Cari jarak tempuh jika diam
Vt² = Vo² + 2as
20² = 0² + 2(2)s
400 = 4s
s = 100 meter

*Cari jarak tempuh jika Vo = 10 m/s
Vt² = Vo² + 2as
20² = 10² + 2(2)s
400 = 100 + 4s
300 = 4s
s = 75 meter

Jadi, jarak tempuh untuk Vo diam Dan Vo 10 m/s adalah 100 meter dan 75meter

semoga membantu
# sharing is caring #

2. A car traveling at a constant speed of 30 m/s passes a highway patrol car, which is at rest. The police officer accelerates at a constant rate of and maintains this rate of acceleration until he pulls next to the speeding car. Assume that the police car starts to move at the moment the speeder passes the police car. What is the time requires for the police officer to catch the speeder?

30 m/s...so the police have to catch the speeder at 2 second

3. A maglev train initially moves at speed of 54 km/hour. If the train accelerates at 5 m/s² the train reaches the maximum speed of 253 km/hour after it move for ... second.

vo = 54 km/jam
     = 54 000 m/ 3600s
     = 15 m/s
a = 5 m/s2
vt = 252 km/jam
    = 252 000 m/ 3600s
    = 70 m/s
t ?
vt = vo + ( a . t )
t = ( vt - vo ) / a
  = ( 70 - 15 ) / 5
  = 55 / 5
  = 11 second ( s )

4. Yang benar "rest in the forest atau rest at the forest"





rest in the forest lebih bener. soalnya di dalem… penggunaan at biasanya untuk sekitar

semoga membantu.

5. A ball is initially at rest. The ball is then hit by a stick so that it is moving with velocity of 10 m/s. If the mass of the ball is 250 g, calculate the impuls applied to the ball!

Diketahui :

Vo = 0 m/s (bola diam)

Vt = 10 m/s

m = 0,25 kg

Ditanya :


Jawaban :

Impuls = ∆P

Impuls = m(Vt - Vo)

Impuls = 0,25 kg(10 m/s - 0 m/s)

Impuls = 0,25 kg * 10 m/s

Impuls = 2,5 kg*m/s

Correct me if i wrong

6. A block of mass 5 kg initially at rest at the origin is acted on by a force along the positive X - direction represented by F= (20 +5x) N. Calculate the work done by the force during the displacement of the block from x=0 at x = 4mMakasih ^^" ​


A block of mass 5 kg initially at rest at the origin is acted on by a force along the positive X - direction represented by F= (20 +5x) N. Calculate the work done by the force during the displacement of the block from x=0 at x = 4m


The work done by the body is 10 Joules

Explanation :

Given that :

A block of mass 5 kg initially is at rest Aforce of F = ( 20 + 5x ) N is acted on it along the positive x direction along the displacement of x = 0 to x = 4m


The work done on the body

Formula Used :

[tex]\bigstar \; {\underline{\boxed{ {\bf Work \; done}= \int \vec{\bf F . } \vec{\bf dx} }}}[/tex]

Required Solution :

Since a variable force acts upon the body

[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Formula to find the work done

[tex]\leadsto \; {\pink{\boxed{ {\bf Work \; done}= \int\vec{\bf F . } \vec{\bf dx} }}}[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \vec{\sf F} . \vec { \sf dr} = \sf | F | |dx| \cos(\emptyset )[/tex]

[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Here ,

As the force and the displacement are in the same direction the angle between them is 0°  [ Cos ( 0 ) = 1 ]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = \displaystyle \int^4_0 \rm F . dx[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = \displaystyle \int^4_0\rm ( 20+ 5x ) \;dx[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = \displaystyle \int^4_0 \rm 20 \; dx + \int^4_0 5x \; dx[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = \displaystyle 20 \int^4_0 \rm dx + 5 \int^4_0 x \; dx[/tex]

[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Integrating further,

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = 20 \bigg[ x \bigg]^4_0 + 5 \bigg[ \dfrac{x^2}{2} \bigg]^4_0[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = 20 \bigg[ 4 - 0 \bigg]+ 5 \bigg[ \dfrac{4^2- 0^2}{2} \bigg][/tex]

[tex]\bigstar[/tex]Calculating the work done,

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = 20 ( 4) + 5 ( 8 - 0 )[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm Work \; done = 20 ( 4) + 5 ( 8 )[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow {\red{\underline{\underline{\rm{ Work \; done_{ (on \; the \; particle)}= 120 \; Joules }}}}}[/tex]

Therefore :

The work done on the particle is 120 Joules


7. Ita is sick now...she Take a rest at home




maaf klo salah

jdkan jawaban terbaik

8. if a bus travelling at 20 m/s is subject to a steady deceleration of 5 m/s2, how long will it take to come to rest?

Gerak Lurus

⇒ GLBB , perlambatan

Diket :

vo = 20 m/s

vt = 0 (berhenti)

a = -5 m/s² (diperlambat)

Ditanya : t ?

Jawab :

vt = vo + at

0 = 20 + (-5)t

-20 = -5t

t = 4 s

9. Joanna drove a car at 40km/h. What is the speed in m/s?​

Thank you for asking.

Dont forget to give a review and make this answer the brainlest answer

10. Apakah pertanyaan dari jawaban You'd better take a rest at home,then.​


I'm sick, should is still go to work?



I feels dizzy right now

translate: saya merasa pusing sekarang

11. draw a speed–time graph to show the following motion. a car accelerates uniformly from rest for 5 s. th en it travels at a steady speed of 6 m/s for 5 s.mohon jawabannya besok mau dikumpul


Hai terimakasih atas pertanyaannya jadi kamu ini disuruh gambar grafik kecepatan-waktu untuk menunjukkan gerakan berikut. mobil berakselerasi secara seragam dari istirahat 5 detik. saat melaju dengan kecepatan tetap 6 m / s selama 5 detik.


sekian dan terimakasih ☺️

Semoga membantu (◠‿◕)(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

12. A. Listening SkillTask 1Listen, then write in the time as your teacher reads the text.Our school starts atWe have a break ato'clock and have a class again. At ... we finish studying.at.I arrive at home at. Then take. Before I take a rest, I have my lunch ata rest at ... o'clock.​


listening skill itu skill untuk mendengarkan. dimana audionya sat

13. 1. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly for8.0 s. It reaches a final speed of 16 m s-1a What is the acceleration of the car?b What is the average velocity of the car?c Calculate the distance travelled by the car.​


A. What Is The Acceleration of the car


Maaf Kalau Salah

14. look at....car. it,s a new car

Look at this car. It's a New car semoga membantuLook at this car. It's a new car.
(Lihatlah mobil ini. Ini mobil baru lho.)

Semoga membantu :)

15. A 5g bullet moving at 100 m/s collides a wooden target, initially at rest. The mass of wooden target is 1kg. If after the collision the bullet is embed in the wooden block, what is the final speed of the wooden block?

This is innelastic collision. so we can use formula:
Vf=500/1005=0.49 m/s

16. A 1000 kg car moving east at 5 m/s collides with a 2000 kg car moving east at 2 m/s. After the collision, the 2000 kg car moves east at 5 m/s. a. Determine the total momentum before collision. b. Find the final velocity and direction of the 1000 kg car.


The 1000 kg car is moving to the opposite of east, meaning it is going west.


17. an airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8s until is finally lift off the ground determine the distance travelld before take off

If v₀ = 0, then
Δx = 1/2 at²
      = 1/2 (3,20 m/s²)(32,8 s)² = 1721,344 m ≈ 1720 m

18. At your house room/ place for take a rest is?​


bed room


maaf klo salah

19. an object at rest has...................... energy​


Has Potential energy


I hope this helps ^_^


Potential energy is the latent energy in an object at rest, and is one of two forms of energy. The other form, kinetic energy, is the energy expressed by an object in motion


semoga membantu

20. 10. the - parking - Guests - car - park - their -at - lotThe correct order is...a. Guests park their car at the parking lotb. Their car at the parking lot Guests parkc. Park the car parking lot guest theird. Guests at the parking lot park their car​


a. Guests park their car at the parking lot

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