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The Conveyor Belt Is Moving At 4 M/s

The Conveyor Belt Is Moving At 4 M/s

apa saja yang di angkut belt conveyor ??

Daftar Isi

1. apa saja yang di angkut belt conveyor ??

belt conveyor dapat digunakan untuk mengangkut material baik yang berupa unit load atau bulk material seacara mendatar ataupun miring

2. Beberapa hal yang diperhatikan selama mengoperasikan belt conveyor adalah


-Pahami Atribut Conveyor

-Perkiraan Usia Kerja

-Energi Jangka Panjang


-Jaminan Kinerja


maaf kalo salah,semoga membantu^^

3. Membuat pertanyaan which tentang belt conveyor

Contoh pertanyaan menggunakan kata which tentang belt conveyor (alat pemindah barang, yang biasanya sering ditemukan di ruang pengambilan koper di bandar udara, yaitu sejenis permukaan yang bergerak dan beralaskan barisan lempeng karet keras berwarna hitam yang bergerak berputar mengelilingi suatu jalur tertentu yang menghubungkan bagian pemindahan bagasi dari luar bandar udara ke bagian pengambilan bagasi bagi penumpang di dalam bandar udara.

Budi: Do you have any baggage to claim?

Andi: Yes, I have 1 suitcase and 1 box to pick up.

Budi: Let's go to the baggage claim area then.

Andi: Do you know which pick up area we need to go to?

Budi: For our flight, we should go to Area 2A for domestic flight baggage claim. Your baggage should be claimed from conveyor belt A.

Andi: You seem to know a lot about this. Can you lead the way?

Budi: Sure. Just follow me.

Andi: Hmm, I don't see my baggage anywhere. Are you sure we're in the right place?

Budi: Let's check the monitor. It shows our flight number, so we're already in the right place. Perhaps they are still unloading the baggage from the plane. Just be patient. When you see the conveyor starting to move, it means that the passengers' baggage is en-route.

Andi: There it is. It's moving now. It won't be long then.

Budi: See? I told you.

--------------------------------------------------------------- Detil Tambahan Kelas: SMP Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Making Conversation using Which about Conveyor Belt Kata Kunci: Conversation, Which, Belt, Conveyor

4. 9. Which machine is used to remove the kernels from each ear of corn? A . a crib B. a conveyor belt C. a scalper D. a fan


A. A crib


maaf kalo salah


c. a scalper


ada di teks ya...

5. A car is moving at 72 km/h=............m/s and it is declerated by 2 m/s in 10 s.Find it's speed in km/h.Write the way please​




v=72 km/h=20m/s









6. 4. What is the color of the belt?Answer:​


belt ??


its have many colour there a pink or black

the color of the belt is brown

7. A ball is initially at rest. The ball is then hit by a stick so that it is moving with velocity of 10 m/s. If the mass of the ball is 250 g, calculate the impuls applied to the ball!

Diketahui :

Vo = 0 m/s (bola diam)

Vt = 10 m/s

m = 0,25 kg

Ditanya :


Jawaban :

Impuls = ∆P

Impuls = m(Vt - Vo)

Impuls = 0,25 kg(10 m/s - 0 m/s)

Impuls = 0,25 kg * 10 m/s

Impuls = 2,5 kg*m/s

Correct me if i wrong

8. the voyager spacecraft is moving at 17000 m/s. how far will it travel in one year, give your answer in km

Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah mengubah waktu 1 tahun menjadi detik. Jarak yang ditempuh dalam 1 tahun adalah 5,36112 . [tex]10^8[/tex] km.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


The voyager spacecraft is moving at 17000 m/s.


How far will it travel in one year, give your answer in km?


Waktu = 1 tahun

Waktu = 1 x 365 x 24 x 3600 = 31536000 detik

Jarak = 31536000 . 17000 m/s

Jarak = 536112000000 meter

Jarak = 536.112.000 km

Jarak = 5,36112 . [tex]10^8[/tex] km

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

Materi tentang jarak pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/51830215

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

9. the definition of belt is​


Belt is a flexible material that is circular without end, which is used to mechanically connect two rotating shafts. Belts are used as a source of propulsion, an efficient supply of power or to monitor relative movement. The belt is looped around the pulley.

Sabuk adalah bahan fleksibel yang melingkar tanpa ujung, yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan secara mekanis dua poros yang berputar. Sabuk digunakan sebagai sumber penggerak, penyalur daya yang efisien atau untuk memantau pergerakan relatif. Sabuk dilingkarkan pada katrol.





Belt is a flexible material that is circular without end.



(Semoga Membantu), (Selamat Belajar).

10. A train 280 m long is moving at 60 km/hr. Time taken by the train to cross a tunnel 220 m long is ..

Time taken by the train to cross a 220 m long tunnel is 30 seconds.

ExplanationLength of train: l(train) = 280 mLength of tunnel: l(tunnel) = 220 mTrain speed: v = 60 km/hr

To cross that tunnel, because l(tunnel) < l(train), the minimum distance needed is:
d = 2×l(tunnel) + Δl
⇔ d = 2×l(tunnel) + l(train)–l(tunnel)
⇔ d = [ 2×220 + (280–220) ] m
⇔ d = [ 440 + 60 ] m
d = 500 m = 0.5 km

The minimum time needed:
t = d/v
⇔ t = (0.5 km) / (60 km/hr)
⇔ t = (1/120) hr
⇔ t = (1/120) × 3600 seconds
t = 30 seconds


∴  Time taken by the train to cross a 220 m long tunnel is 30 seconds.

11. A body with mass of 2 kg is moving with velocity 2 m/s. A short time later the body is moving with velocity of 5 m/s. The total work applied to the body is ....​Tolongin kaka" mau di kumpulin sebentar lagi

Jawaban :


W = (½ . m . Vt²) - (½ . m . Vo²)

W = (½ . 2 . 5²) - (½ . 2 . 2²)

W = 25 - 4

W = 21 J

12. the pinion gear a rolls on the gear rack B and C is moving to the right at 8ft/s and C is moving to the left at 4ft/s, determine the angular velocity of the pinion gear and velocity of its center A​


Maayo ra ko pero oo tanga ka

13. Perjalanan massa air laut dalam satu putaran megelilingi dunisma disebut.... A. Conveyor belt current b. Conveyor belt current thermohaline

jawaban nya A. conveyor belt current.
maav ya kl slah

14. wallet+belt+jacket= 176. wallet =31+ belt. jacket = 3×belt. how much is the wallet

Belt = 29
Wallet = 31 + belt = 31 + 29 = 60 Wallet

15. a car reaches a velocity of 20 m/s with an acceleration of 2 m/s^2 . How far will it travel while it is accelerating if it is (a). initially at rest (b). initially moving at 10 m/s ?

◾ Materi : Kinematika Gerak Lurus
◾ Sub materi : GLBB
◾ Mapel : Fisika

Diketahui :
Vt = 20 m/s
a = 20 m/s²

Ditanya :
s = ?
a) Vo = 0
b) Vo = 10 m/s

Penyelesaian :
*Cari jarak tempuh jika diam
Vt² = Vo² + 2as
20² = 0² + 2(2)s
400 = 4s
s = 100 meter

*Cari jarak tempuh jika Vo = 10 m/s
Vt² = Vo² + 2as
20² = 10² + 2(2)s
400 = 100 + 4s
300 = 4s
s = 75 meter

Jadi, jarak tempuh untuk Vo diam Dan Vo 10 m/s adalah 100 meter dan 75meter

semoga membantu
# sharing is caring #

16. A car is moving with an initial velocity of 20 m/s and then moving with constant acceleration of 4 m/s? The velocity of a car after 20 seconds is ... O a. 120 m/s O b. 150 m/s O C. 80 m/s O d. 100 m/s


given : v1 = 20 m/s

a = 4 m/s^2

t = 20 s

ask :v2 .... ?

answer :

a = (v2 - v1)/ tv2 = at + v1 = 4×20 + 20 = 100 m/s

Good luck....


d. 100m/s









The velocity of a car after 20 seconds:





17. A particle moves to the right along the x-axis. After t second, the particle position at X1 = 3 meters and after moving 4 seconds, the particle position at x2 = 12 meters. What is the average speed of the moving particles? ​


3 m/s





v= 12/4

v=3 m/s

18. A 1000 kg car moving east at 5 m/s collides with a 2000 kg car moving east at 2 m/s. After the collision, the 2000 kg car moves east at 5 m/s. a. Determine the total momentum before collision. b. Find the final velocity and direction of the 1000 kg car.


The 1000 kg car is moving to the opposite of east, meaning it is going west.


19. A 5g bullet moving at 100 m/s collides a wooden target, initially at rest. The mass of wooden target is 1kg. If after the collision the bullet is embed in the wooden block, what is the final speed of the wooden block?

This is innelastic collision. so we can use formula:
Vf=500/1005=0.49 m/s

20. terjemahkan:The belt is under the chair

sabuk /ikat pinggang ada di bawah kursithe belt is under the chair = sabuknya berada di bawah kursi

semoga jawabannya membantu ya!~

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