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A Visit Of Charity By Eudora Welty

A Visit Of Charity By Eudora Welty

A company gave a total of $15.500 to three charity. charity A received $4000, charity B received $5500 and charity C received the remaining amount. What was ratio of the amount charity A received to the amount charity B received to the amount charity C received. Expressen the ratio ini ITS simpleks form

Daftar Isi

1. A company gave a total of $15.500 to three charity. charity A received $4000, charity B received $5500 and charity C received the remaining amount. What was ratio of the amount charity A received to the amount charity B received to the amount charity C received. Expressen the ratio ini ITS simpleks form

a:b:c= 8:11:12
smg membantu

2. Three teams of athletes took part in a charity run. For every kilometreeach team completed, a sum of $25 was donated to the charity.The table below shows the number of kilometres completed by theathletes in each team.(a) How much money was collected for the charity? (b) What was the average distance completed by each athlete? ​


a.$25 Having Nice Day Okey

3. What do charity shops have a fixed amount of? ​


Apa toko amal memiliki jumlah tetap

4. advantages and disadvantages of visit a castle


Pros & Cons of Living in a Castle

Pro: Beautiful View. When you move into the schloß, the first thing you notice is the beauty of the castle.



please mark me brainlist

5. are - to hold - twice - willing - we - a charity program - a yearThe correct arrangement of the word is...

We are willing to hold a charity program twice a year <<<We are willing to hold a charity program twice a year.

Itu A di dlm Are artinya kata. Are dulu yg dipake atau apa

Kalau pake Are dulu jadi kalimat tanya
Are we willing to hold a charity program twice a year?

6. Sarah Will visit her grandmother... By the end of this month A.by himself B. By themselves C. By herself D. By myself

Sarah Will visit her grandmother c. by herself by the end of this month. Menggunakan kata kepemilikan her atau dia perempuan karena disini she nya adalah Sarah.


A subject is a part of a sentence that contains the person or thing performing the action (or verb) in a sentence. (See What is a verb?) Here are some examples: Example: Jennifer walked to the store. In this sentence, the subject is "Jennifer" and the verb is "walked."

Pronouns (kata ganti) merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda (noun)

I ⇒ Saya

You ⇒ Anda

We ⇒ Kita

They ⇒ Mereka

He ⇒ dia (laki-laki)

She ⇒ dia (perempuan)

It ⇒ dia (benda)

~ Jadi, karena Ibu Rabiah adalah perempuan, kata ganti yang digunakan adalah She

Possessive Adjective adalah kata ganti yang menunjukkan kepemilkan/kepunyaan

my ⇒ ...ku

your ⇒ ...mu

our ⇒ kita

their ⇒ mereka

her ⇒ nya (perempuan)

him ⇒ nya (laki laki)

its ⇒ nya (benda/hewan)

~ Jadi jawabannya "her favorite", artinya "Favoritnya" karena Ibu Rabiah adalah perempuan

Pelajari lebih lanjut

materi tentang Pronouns pada brainly.co.id/tugas/11610672materi tentang kata ganti orang pada brainly.co.id/tugas/51992824materi tentang contoh pronoun pada brainly.co.id/tugas/45248333

Detail Jawaban

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 6

Bab : Bab 3 - Describing People and Object (Mendeskripsikan orang dan objek)

Kode : 6.5.3

#AyoBelajar #SPJ5

7. buat karangan tentang the power of charitybuatin kakak, dalam b Inggris makasih ​


My name is Diana. Yesterday, I went to a cake shop with my friend who is very stingy, rude and mischievous. Actually, I forced him to come, since I didn't want to go alone. When we enter the shop, we met an old lady. My friend walked too fast and bumped into her. The old lady apologized even though she didn't wrong but my friend yelled at her instead and said such rude words toward her.

Frankly, we left the old lady after I apologized for his behaves. And then, my friend was about to buy a cake but he has not enough money to afford it. And then that old lady approach and treat him the cake. My friend surprised and asked her why would she treat him kindly after what he did.

The old lady answered, "I once had a son who is extremely similar to you. One day, he wanted some toy but I didn't gave him since he has been bad in his past. He went mad and then ran away. In the same day, he got an accident which took his life."

My friend felt hurt and guilty fulfilled him. He immediately apologized and he promised to himself not to be a bad person anymore and won't stop doing good things.

The power of giving comes from a selfless act, where you simply give from your heart. This act of giving is not tied to any special event, holiday or celebration, it is merely a time when you give from the heart because you want to share what you have, show your appreciation and you give because you truly care. By giving some pure gift, it could change ones heart.


semoga membantu.

8. what the advantage and disadvantage of visit a castle ?​

ini bahasasa indonesianya

Luas wilayah dan letak strategis. Negara Indonesia terletak di sepanjang garis khatulistiwa dan memiliki luas perairan hampir 2/3 dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia. ...

Sumber Daya Alam. ...

Penduduk yang besar dan budaya yang beragam. ...

Keberhasilan pembangunan. ...

Komitmen Pemerintah.

Penjelasan:ini bahasa inggrisnya

Area and strategic location. The state of Indonesia is located along the equator and has a water area of almost 2/3 of the entire territory of Indonesia. ...

Natural resources. ...

Large population and diverse culture. ...

Development success. ...

Government Commitment

9. these gardens ..... by millions of people every year. A. is visit B. are visit C. is visited D. are visited

D. Are visited

semoga membantuD. are visited

semoga membantu..

10. Build Eudora Tersakit?​


Jika kesulitan kamu bisa mengganti item terakhir dengan Immortality untuk ketahanan hidup, dan Blood Wings jika dalam keadaan unggul untuk makin memaksimalkan damage di late game


Item Build Eudora

Arcane Boots

Clock of Destiny

Lightning Truncheon

Holy Crystal

Divine Glaive

Winter Truncheon

Spare Equipment: Immortality, Blood Wings

11. Why giving charity is a way of bringing justice to the society


Because it helps those in need of materialistic support, such as people who live below the poverty line.

12. how about holding a charity a condert to raise money for the charity program artinya​

bagaimana kalau mengadakan konser amal untuk mengumpulkan uang dalam rangka program amal

NB: Condert diganti concert

13. kinar: wisnu,[9. you, find] the proporsal of the charity event​


Kinar: Wisnu, [9. you, find] the proposal of the charity event​.

Karena pada soal tidak dituliskan perintah dari soal di atas, maka kemungkinan adalah mengubahnya menjadi kalimat tanya.

Kemungkinan jawaban:

Kinar: Wisnu,[9. do you find] the proposal of the charity event​? (simple present tense)

Kinar: Wisnu,[9. did you find] the proposal of the charity event​? (past tense)


Dua kemungkinan di atas karena tidak ada keterangan waktu yang terdapat pada kalimat. Kemungkinan ketiga karena tidak adanya keterangan waktu yaitu dalam bentuk present continuous.

Kinar: Wisnu,[9. are you going to find] the proposal of the charity event​?

Atau dalam bentuk intention expression, yaitu

Kinar: Wisnu,[9. would you find] the proposal of the charity event​?

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi intention expression pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3806651


14. We ..... seoul by the end of the month ( to visit )

We are going to visit  seoul by the end of the month  Maaf klo slh

15. ANNOUNCEMENT In order to commemorate our school anniversary, there will be a visit to there orphan houses nearby.To support this program,al students must participate by collecting food,clothes, or money to the class captain by the end of April 2016. Mr.Hanan Principal 9. The phrase "this program" in the second sentence refers to ... A. school anniversary B. visit to the there orphan houses C. participation of the students D. collection of charity 10. What can't be collected by the students to support the program? A. Food C. Money B. Clothes D. Ticket

multiple choice
Bahasa inggris

9. b jawabannya (krena sebelum kalimat this program ada kalimat tentang orphan house )
10. D. tickets.(tidak disebutkan Dalam teks)

16. sikawang merupakan daerah pertambangan...eudora dilepas​


pertambangan batu andesit di Kota Singkawang. Potensi andesit di Kota Singkawang ini cukup besar.


Pertambangan batu andesit(?)


Maaf kalau salah..

17. Vreny took part in a charity walk.She walk distance of 20kilometres. (a) Sheraisedmoneyatarateof$12.50foreachkilometre. (i) Howmuchmoneydidsheraisebywalkingthe20kilometres?


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

saya cuman ngasal dan ingin dapet poin

18. 1 .The president ( ACCOMPANIED ) . ( BY MINISTERS ) . ( VISIT ) . ( THE VICTIMS ) . Of the earthquake in Lombok A B C D



19. Amy is director of a local __________ organization. Charitable Charitably Charityfies Charity Charities

Jawaban: Charitable Organization.

Semoga membantu.

20. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang eudora Mail

Pengertian Eudora mail adalah aplikasi email desktop yang popular karena lingkungan grafis dan kemampuannya untuk bekerja di hamper semua semua jenis Server (PC maupun Macintos).Eudora Mail adalah suatu program aplikasi email desktop pertama yang terbesar yang dapat digunakan oleh umum.

Semoga Membantu!

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