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How Many Dollars Is 40 Quarters

How Many Dollars Is 40 Quarters

If Alex has five thousand dollars and Dori one million dollars, how many dollars do they have?​

Daftar Isi

1. If Alex has five thousand dollars and Dori one million dollars, how many dollars do they have?​


If Alex has five thousand dollars and Dori one million dollars, how much money do they have?​

They have one million and five thousand dollars.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dan Cardinal Number (bilangan pokok) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

They have one million and five thousand dollars. = Mereka memiliki satu juta lima ribu dollar. = US$ 1.005.000,-

Semoga membantu ya.


1.005.000/one million five thousand


five thousand=5 ribu/5.000

one million=1 juta/1.000.000

how many=berapa banyak





2. how...ia this is sweater?it's twenty dollars​


how much is this sweater? it's twenty dollars

smg membantu

maaf kalo salah


how much is this sweater? it's twenty dollars


berapa harga sweater ini? dua puluh dollar

3. Ten quarters of an hour correspond to how many hours? Memakai cara ya kak


10/4 hour = 5/2 hour

=> change to minutes = 5/2*60 minutes = 150 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Already in answer


[tex] \frac{10}{4} jam \: = 35 \: jam[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{1}{4} = 25[/tex]

[tex] = 10 + 25 = 35 \: jam[/tex]


4. 10. How much money does the teller give to Ray?A. Fifty dollarsB. Twelve dollars.C. One hundred dollars.D. One hundred and twenty dollars.E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.​


E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.



d.one hundread and twenty dollars


$120=one hundread and twenty dollars

one hundread=seratus

twenty =dua puluh


seratus dua puluh dolar

kalo salah maaf

5. 15. Konrad.......do you earn from the buisines?: One hundred dollars a monthNelmaA. How aboutB. How manyC. How much moneyD. How much​


C. How much money


Karna y.. orang yg bales itu jawab banyak uangnya.. ya brarti pertanyaannya pasti ad kata uang "money"

C. How much money.

HOW MUCH MONEY do you earn from the business?

Semoga bemanfaat :)

6. Pertanyaan untuk Melatih BHS Inggris!1.) What is the ... doing a. Catb. Annabelle2.) ......... is the apple? it's just 5 dollarsa. How muchb. How many3. Can you pass me the ...... ?.a. Steveb. Bottle​


1. B.Annabelle

2.B.How Much


Maaf kalo salah :)

1. a. Cat
2. a. How much
3. b. Bottle

udah bener yaa ini

7. 3.how much is this conditioner?..... Ten dollars and twenty-five cents.bantu jawab dong​


It's ten dollars and twenty-five cents

8. how many minutes are there in three quarters of an hour?Please to help me....​


there are 45 minutes in 3/4 of an hour

60 minutes in one hour

1/4=60/4 which is 15 minutes

1/2=30 minutes

3/4=45 minutes

9. 3.Who is John Harris? *A.The receptionistB.The cash ownerC.The bank ownerD.The customerE.The teller4. How much money does the teller give to Rose Malinda? *A.Fifty dollarsB.Fifteen dollarsC One hundred dollarsD.One hundred and fifty dollarsE .Fifteen hundred thousand dollars​


3.A.) The Reception

4.D.)One Hundred And fifty dollars

10. At an interest rate of 12 percent. the 6-year discount factor is.507. How many dollars is $.507 worth in 6 year if invested at 12 percent ?

Subject : Finance
Category : Future Value

cash flow = $CO = $.507
interest rate = r = 12% = 0.12
t = 1 year

Future Value = $CO * (1+r)^t
FV = $ .507 * (1 + 0.12)^6
FV = $1

11. Emma had 400 dollars She bought a pencil that cost 10 dollars and a book for 100 dollars. How much does Emma have?


290 dolar

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jumlah uang Emma = 400 dollars

pensil = 10 dollars

buku = 100 dollars

jumlah uang yang harus di keluarkan = 110 dollars

400 dollars - 110 dollars =

290 dollars

Semoga membantu ♡

12. Willie saved his money in a bank.30% of his money was $738 how many dollars willie saved all together?


So, Willie saved $2460

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

( $738 ÷ 30 ) × 100

= $24,6 × 100

= $2460

13. 7. Tommy can exchange 8euros for 11 dollars. At this rate, how many dollars can Tommy get with 12 euros?

d = 12×11/8 = 33/2 =16,5 dollars

14. Hanya Latihan Buat Teman-Teman 1. much / is / this / conditioner / how 2. this / toothbrush / much / how 3. How much is this soap? one / it's / dollar 4. fifty / is / cents / toothpaste / this 5. fifty / dollars / and / cents / it's / two 6. are / these / towels / much / how 7. eighty / is / the / perfume / dollars 8. $1.98 / is / sunscreen / this 9. one / is / this / comb / dollar 10. hundred / these / five / hair / dollars / dryers / are Yang Jawabannya benar aku jadiin jawaban terbaik!


1. How much is this conditoner?

2. How much this toothbrush?

3. It's one dollar.

4. This toothpaste is fifty cents.

5. It's two dollars and fifty cents.

6. How much are these towels?

7. The perfume is eighty dollars.

8. This sunscreen is $1.98.

9. This comb is one dollar.

10. These dryers are five hundred dollars.


is this right? thank you for made an Exercise! ٩( ᐛ )و

1.how much is this conditioner
2.how much this toothbrush
3.how much is this soap?
it’s one dollar
4.this toothpaste is fifty cents
5.it’s two cents and fifty dollars
6.how much are these towels
7.the perfume is eighty dollars
8.this sunscreen is $1.98
9.this comb is one dollar
10.these hair dryers are hundred five dollar

hope this helped you
sorry if it is wrong

15. The money used in Malaysia is called the Ringgit. The exchange rate is 4 Ringgits to $1. Find how many dollars you would receive if you exchange 12 Ringgits. Please answer now​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 ringgits=$1

12 Ringgits= 12÷4=$3

16. How much does the man have to pay for the room’s cost?Gambar Tanpa TeksA. 86 dollarsB. 88 dollarsC. 98 dollarsD. 89 dollarsE. 96 dollars​

Jawaban: 88 dollars (B)

Penjelasan:  80  tambah 10 % : 80 tambah 8 : 88 (10% dari 80 : 8)

17. rearrange the sentence to make an ordered dialogue! -shirly: this is a nice material. what is it? -shirly: how much is it? - shirly: four dollars! thats too expensive but - shirly: i'ii pay three dollars a metre. - shoopkeper : i'ts cotton - shoopkeper: i'ts very Good material. i'ts four dollars a metre - shoopkeper : how much can you pay madam? - shoopkeper : i'ii make a special price for you, madam. three dollars seventy five a metre - shoopkeper : Just for you, madam three dollars a metre

-shirly: this is a nice material. what is it?
- shoopkeeper : it's cotton
-shirly: how much is it?
- shoopkeeper: it's very Good material. it's four dollars a metre
- shirly: four dollars! thats too expensive but
- shoopkeeper : how much can you pay madam?
- shirly: i'll pay three dollars a metre.
- shoopkeeper : i'll make a special price for you, madam. three dollars seventy five a metre
- shoopkeeper : Just for you, madam three dollars a metre

18. Christine offers photography services for $60 per hour. if she is hired to cover comic con for 8 hours a day, how many dollars will she earn after 3 days?

Based on the details above, Christine is likely to receive quite a lot for covering the 8-hour-per-day-based photography service in a comic con. Overall, she should earn $1440 for working three days in a comic con.


Dalam soal diatas, sejatinya cukup jelas bahwa total upah yang diterima oleh Christine dari menyediakan layanan fotografi di acara Comic Con selama tiga hari adalah sejumlah $ 1440. Berikut ini adalah rincian perhitungannya.

Upah total = tarif/jam X 8 jam X 3 hari

= $ 60 X 24

= $ 1440

Jadi jumlah yang diterima adalah $ 1440

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang perkalian sederhana pada link berikut


#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

19. which is bigger, nine halves or nine quarters ? how do you know ? ​

nine halves

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

artinya :mana yang lebih besar, sembilan setengah atau sembilan perempat? bagaimana Anda tahu ?


Nine halves

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if wrong -_-||

20. . How much did Jake withdraw from his saving? *4 poinGambar Tanpa Teksa.sixty dollarsb. eighty dollarsc. fifty dollarsd. ninty dollarse. ten dolars​


gambarnya gak ada kak..




sayang kukukukukuku

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