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Why Was The Baby Cookie Sad Answer Key

Why Was The Baby Cookie Sad Answer Key

in the beginning of the play, madame loisel was very sad and unsatisfeid. why was she sad and unsatisfeid. why was she sand and unsatisfeid? what did she want? support your answer with examples from the play

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1. in the beginning of the play, madame loisel was very sad and unsatisfeid. why was she sad and unsatisfeid. why was she sand and unsatisfeid? what did she want? support your answer with examples from the play

di awal permainan,madame loisel sangat menyedihkan dan tidak memuaskan.kenapa dia sedih dan tidak yakin?apa saja...
Di awal permainan, madame loisel sangat menyedihkan dan tidak memuaskan. Kenapa dia sedih dan tidak puas. Mengapa dia pasir dan tidak puas? apa yang dia inginkan? dukung jawaban Anda dengan contoh dari permainan.

2. in the beginning of the play,Madame loise was very sad and unsatisfied. why was she sad and unsatisfied what she want ? support your answer with examples from the play

pemain bola di pare pare

3. in the beginning of the play, madame loisel was very sad and unsatisfied. why was she sad and unsatisfed? what did she want?? support your answer with example from the play

Maybe She wanted to have someone with her, someone to talk about or maybe there is a family problem

4. 1. How many bears who live in a house in the woods? Answer: 2. Whom did a little girl named Goldilocks live with? Answer: ..... 3. What happened when Goldilocks was sleeping? Answer: 4. Why were the tree bears surprised? Answer: 5. Why did baby bear cry? Answer:​


1. Theres 3 bear in the house

2.with her parents(?) (maaf jika salah soalnya tidak dikasih tau di teks)

3.When goldilocks sleeping, the three bears got home

4.because the bears are surprised someone eat their porridge, and theres a girl in their room

5.because the goldilocks eat the baby bear porridge and his little chair broke

5. Soal inggris kelas 11 Inggris Halaman 75 2. In the beginning of the play, Madame Loisel was very sad and unsatisfied. Why was she sad and unsatisfied? What did she want? Support your answer with examples from the play.

madame loisel very sad because cake cooking is not so.

6. why was chinderella sad

Karna cinderella tidak diperbolehkan pergi ke pesta oleh ibu tirinya dan saudara tirinya karna tidak mempunyai gaun yang bagus dan miskin

7. why was cinderella sad

Cinderella is sad because he's treated like a maid to do home S work like, clean home, cooking and washing my mom and the stepbrother going to the dance and then he's going to go to the dance and be done with the homework.

Why was Cinderella sad?

= Mengapa Cinderella sedih?

Because his stepmother and two step sisters treat him so badly that Cinderella becomes a slave to his family.

= Karena Ibu tirinya dan dua saudara perempuan tirinya memperlakukannya dengan buruk sehingga Cinderella menjadi budak di keluarganya.

Maaf ya kalo salah.. _/\_

8. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

9. 1. Who is the receiver of card 1?Answer:2. Who is the sender of card 1?Answer:3. What kind of card is card 1?Answer:4. Why does the sender of card 1 write the card?Answer:5. What kind of card is card 2? Answer:6. What is the name of the baby? Answer: 7. When was she born? Answer:8. How much does the baby weigh? Answer:9.How long is the baby?Answer:10.who is Amy?Answer:​




3.greeting cards

4.because Harry got a new job

5.greeting cards

6.jaynle anna Thompson

7.jane 6,2015

8.7 lb.13 ³/5 02

9.6.16 a.m

10.her sister


maaf kalo slh,gambar kartu yg kedua agak buram jadi gajelas

10. 1. What is the story about? Answer: 2. How many people are they in the story above? Answer: 3. What was Batara Guru Sahala? Answer: 4. Why was he surprised? Answer: 5. What turned into a woman? Answer: 6. What was their son's name? Answer:7. Why was Batara Guru Sahala angry to his son? Answer: 8. Was Samosir a diligent boy? Answer: 9. Why was Samosir sad?Answer: 10. What happened after her mother was shocked? Answer:​

1. The legend of Toba Lake

2. 3 people

3. A fisherman

4. Because a fish that he got turn to be a woman

5. Fish

6. Samosir

7. Cause his son are lazy

8. No

9. Cause his father said that he's lazy boy and said he's son of fish

10. The weather changed, the area was flooded, the whole area became a big lake

11. The baby was crying loudly at 10.00 pm Answer:...... The student were having exercise in the school yard Answer:...... Mother was watching the movie when i came Answer:.....

I'm not sure... (0.0)"

12. why was rani lokking so sad


Theres no picture?


im sorry but there is no picture

13. Answer the questions below!1. What made the couple sad?Answer:2 Who came to the couple in the next morning?Answer:3. How did the couple feel after they saw Snow Maiden?Answer: ....4. How was Snow Maiden?Answer:...5. Why was Snow Maiden afraid of fire?Answer: ....6. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? HOTSAnswer: ......7. Why did Snow Maiden's friends cry?Answer: ......8. What did Snow Maiden's friends do after the Snow Maiden died?Answer:​


Arti dari pertanyaan di atas adalah

1. Apa yang membuat pasangan itu sedih?

2. Siapa yang mendatangi pasangan itu keesokan paginya?

3. Bagaimana perasaan pasangan itu setelah mereka melihat Snow Maiden?

4. Bagaimanakah Snow Maiden itu?

5. Mengapa Snow Maiden takut dengan api?

6. Apa gagasan utama paragraf 3?

7. Mengapa teman-teman Snow Maiden menangis?

8. Apa yang dilakukan teman-teman Snow Maiden setelah Snow Maiden meninggal?


Karena pertanyaan di atas tidak dilengkapi dengan teks, saya hanya bisa menerjemahakannya.

Cara menjawab panjang pertanyaan di atas adalah

1. ... made the couple sad.

2. ... came to the couple in the next morning.

3. The couple feel ... after they saw Snow Maiden.

4. Snow Maiden was ...

5. Snow Maiden was afraid of fire because ...

6. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ...

7. Snow Maiden's friends cried because ...

8. Snow Maidens friends ... (verb 2) after the Snow Maiden died.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai narrative text pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5179194


14. Why was the horse sad to leave farmer Gray?​


b. it loved farmer gray

maaf kalau salah ya.. good luck!

a. Farmer gray find't love it

15. *.***Questions:1. How many bears who live in a house in the woods?Answer:2. Whom did a little girl named Goldilocks live with?Answer:3. What happened when Goldilocks was sleeping?Answer:4. Why were the tree bears surprised?Answer:5. Why did baby bear cry?Answer:..*****####**********​


sorry, ini teksnya ada ngga?

16. Why was the writer's dog like a little cat when he was a baby?​


Mengapa penulis kabut seperti kucing kecil ketika ia masih


maaf klo salah

17. Why ... the baby crying last night ? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

jawabannya ...B. Was karena itu lampau Was
karena subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal dan telah terjadi pada masa lampau

18. in the beginning of the play, madame loisel was very sad and unsatisfied. why was she sad and unsatisfied ? what did she want ? support your answer with example for the play

because madame louisel was lost her necklace. Mohon di cermati lagi, itu adalah soal dengan bacaan. Dengan men translate bacaan mungkin soal yang akan di kerjakan menjadi mudah

19. The baby was crying loudly at 10.00 pm Answer:...... The student were having exercise in the school yard Answer:...... Mother was watching the movie when i came Answer:.....

1.at 10:00 am, the baby was crying loudly
2.in the school yard, the students were having exercises
3.when I came, my mother was watching the movie

20. in the beginning of the play, madame loisel was very sad and unsatisfied. why was she sad and unsatisfied ? what did she want ? support your answer with example for the play

madame loisel very sad because cake cooking is not so

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