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The Brave Little Toaster By Cory Doctorow

The Brave Little Toaster By Cory Doctorow

.......the toaster??​

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1. .......the toaster??​

TheToasterbahasa Indonesia nya adalah PemanggangRoti


Ibu memanggang roti menggunakan pemanggang roti


Mother baked bread using the toaster


2. what can we use to set the toasting level?a. the adjustment knobb. wooden tongsc. toaster slotd. lever of the toaster​


d. lever of the toaster


what can we use to set the toasting levellever of the toaster

3. We usually put the knifo, store and toaster in the.......




karena peralatan tersebut merupakan peralatan dapur

4. here is how to use a toaster first, plug the toaster into am electric socket so that it can work. then, ... (1) the sliced bread into the slots on the top of the toaster.a. insertb. interesting c. to insertd. be inserted e. inserted

"Then a. insert the sliced bread into the slots on the top of the toaster".

5. 16. What is the purpose of the text?A. How to operate a toaster oven safely.B. How to cook food using a toaster oven.C. How to activate a timer in a toaster oven.D. How to make a toaster oven well-preserved. tolong di Jawab kk, please Jan ngasal, makasih;)​


A. How to operate a toaster oven safety

A. How to operate a toaster oven safely.

good luck;)

6. Little...little, the truth is being revealed A. On B. To C. By D. For

c.by.................Little by little

So, the answer is C.

7. Lengkapilah petunjuk berikut Steeps: 1. Put two slices of bread into the toaster 2. Press the starter 3. Lower the bread into the toaster 4. Leave them for a few minute

5. Lift the two slice of bread from the toaster when toasted.
6. Put the two slice of toast on a plate
7. Toasts are ready to server.

8. The piano was damaged by some little children

pianonya telah dirusak oleh seorang anak kecil

Pianonya telah di rusak oleh beberapa anak kecil

*If the command is to translate the text above

Best Regards.

9. She brings little money. The passive voice for the sentence above is ____ * a. Little money is bring by her. b. Little money is brought by her. c. Little money are bring by her. d. She brings little money. e. Little money are brought by her.​

Jawaban yang benar adalah

b. Little money is brought by her.


Kalimat di atas sudah dalam bentuk aktif, yaitu "She brings little money." Untuk mengubahnya ke dalam bentuk pasif, kita perlu memindahkan objek (little money) ke posisi subjek, dan menjadikan subjek aktif (she) sebagai objek dalam bentuk prepositional phrase dengan preposisi "by".

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Little money is brought by her." Pilihan a dan c salah karena tidak memperbaiki bentuk kata kerja (bring) dan tidak mengubah subjek ke dalam bentuk pasif. Pilihan d adalah kalimat asli dalam bentuk aktif, sehingga tidak sesuai dengan permintaan soal. Pilihan e salah karena menggunakan kata kerja "are" yang tidak cocok dengan kata benda tunggal "money".


Penjelasan mengenai jawaban yang tepat untuk soal pilihan ganda tentang mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif. Di sini dijelaskan bahwa untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif, objek (little money) harus dipindahkan ke posisi subjek, dan subjek (she) harus dijadikan objek dalam bentuk prepositional phrase dengan preposisi "by". Selain itu, dijelaskan juga mengapa pilihan lainnya (a, c, d, dan e) tidak tepat.

[tex]\boxed{ \colorbox{red}{ \bf{ \color{black}{Answer : Gudytha }}}} \\ \boxed{ \colorbox{white}{ \bf{ \color{black}{semoga \: membantu \: }}}}[/tex]

10. You____unplug the toaster before you try to clean it.


1 touching

see you my Good. are You. bye !

11. Lengkapilah petunjuk berikut Steeps: 1. Put two slices of bread into the toaster 2. Press the starter 3. Lower the bread into the toaster 4. Leave them for a few minute

Complete the following instructions


1. Put two slices of bread inside
2. Press the starter
3. Lower the bread to the toaster
Leave them for a few minutes
4. Tap off when the toaster has sounded
5. the bread is ready to serve

12. whats the meaning of brave​

Jawaban: Berani

Penjelasan: Just remember the letter in front of it 'B' then u can easy to remember it

Im sorry if Im false

I hope it will usefull

13. Ringkasin cerita merida atau the brave dong!!










14. Lengkapilah petunjuk berikut Steeps: 1. Put two slices of bread into the toaster 2. Press the starter 3. Lower the bread into the toaster 4. Leave them for a few minute

Maaf klo salah

15. How to operator a toaster1. Plug in the toaster to an             electric plug2. Insert two pieces of bread into the slot3.Select the darkness of food in toaster using the adjustment knob. It is located on the front of toaster.4. Lower the lever to start the toasting cycle5. Depending on how dark you select the food in the toaster to be, it will take a minute or two        6. Take food out of toaster and put jam, honey or anything else you may want to add onto it. Then, start to eat delicious meal you made.Tolong artikan!

cara untuk menggunakan panggangan :
1. pasang panggan pada stop kontak
2. masukkan dua potong roti pada lubangnya
3. pilih kematangan pada makanan di panggangan menggunakan tombol penyesuaian. terletak di samping panggangan
4.turunkan tuas untuk mulai memanggang
5. sesuai kematangan yang kamu pilih, itulah yang akan jadi. ini membutuhkan satu atau dua menit.
6. ambil makanan dari panggangan dan letakkan selai, madu, atau apapun yang kamu inginkan. lalu, mulai makan makanan lezat yang kamu buat!Cara mengoperasikan pemanggang roti:
1. Colokkan pemanggang ke stopkontak.
2. Masukkan 2 buah roti ke tempat yang disediakan di pemanggang.
3. Pilihlah tingkat kematangan roti di tombol penyesuaian. Yang terletak di bagian depan pemanggang.
4. Turunkan tuas untuk memulai pemanggangan.
5. Tergantung dari tingkat kematangan yang kamu inginkan, proses tersebut akan selesai dalam satu atau dua menit.
6. Ambillah roti dari pemanggang dan oleskan selai, madu atau apapun yang anda inginkan. Kemudian makanlah makanan lezat yang telah anda buat.

16. The ball was being kicked by a little girla. A little girl kicks the ball.b. A little girl was kicking the ball.c. A little girl is kicking the ball.d. A little girl kicked the ball.​


The ball was being kicked by a little girl

a. A little girl kicks the ball.


c. A little girl is kicking the ball.

d. A little girl kicked the ball.




17. 47. What will happen if you cook the food for too long?A. The food won't be edible.B. The food won't be damaged.C. It will make the timer malfunctionedD. The toaster oven will be directly broken.48. What should you do first when the timer rings?A. Unplug the toaster oven.B. Remove the food from the toaster oven.C. Clean the toaster oven from the food spills.D. Wait for the toaster oven to completely coo tolong di jawab kk, please Jan ngasal, makasih;)​


47. A

48. B


18. Arrange the sentences to be a right sequence operation of a toaster.1. Lower the level to start the toasting cycle.2. Plug in the toaster to an electric plug.3. Take food out of toaster and put jam, honey or anything else you may want to and onto it. 4. Insert two pieces of bread into the slot. 5. Depending on how dark you select the food in the toaster to be, it will take a minute or two. 6. Then, start to eat the delicious meal you made. 7. Select the darkness of food in toaster using the adjustment knob. It is located on the front of toaster.​


2 , 7 , 4 , 1 , 5 , 3 , 6 .


plug in the toaster to an electric plug ,

select the darkness of food in toaster using the adjustment knob. It is located on the front of toaster.

Insert two pieces of bread into the slot.

lower the level to start the toasting cycle ,

depending on how dark you select the food in the toaster to be , it will take a minute or two.

Take food out of toaster and put jam honey or anything else you may want to add onto it ,

then , start to eat the delicious meal you made

maaf jika salah , semoga membantu ✨

19. In my opnion, l think he was brave. The antonym of"brave" is


The antonym of brave is fear, terrified, scary, etc


Brave artinya berani, jadi antonimnya ketakutan

20. The kids were saved the brave policemen


Anak-anak diselamatkan polisi pemberani


maaf kalau salah;)

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