The diagram below shows the parts of a bicyclewhere a cyclist applies contact forces. Which ofthe labelled parts should not make use of theturning effect of a force when the bicycle is inuse by a cyclist?
1. The diagram below shows the parts of a bicyclewhere a cyclist applies contact forces. Which ofthe labelled parts should not make use of theturning effect of a force when the bicycle is inuse by a cyclist?
artidarisoal:Diagram di bawah ini memperlihatkan bagian-bagian sepeda yang pengendara sepeda gunakan untuk melakukan kontak. Bagian mana di antara bagian-bagian yang berlabel yang tidak boleh memanfaatkan efek balik suatu daya sewaktu sepeda digunakan oleh pengendara sepeda?
sumpah gak paham dgn soal nya mungkin yang di maksud bagian" sepeda ??
2. write a caption explaining that the table shows the features of four classes of anthropods
Saia tidak tauuuuuuuuuu
3. If a cyclist in the Tour de France traveled southwest a distance of 12,250 meters in one hour, what would the velocity of the cyclist be?
Kita tahu bahwa kecepatan diartikan sebagai laju jarak yang ditempuh per satuan waktu, jarak / waktu, serta memiliki kecepatan dan arah. Di sini, kita diberi tahu bahwa dalam waktu satu jam, pengendara sepeda menempuh jarak 12.250 meter. Jadi, kami tahu bahwa:
t = 1 jam
d = 12.250 m
Kita juga tahu bahwa ada 60 detik dalam satu menit dan 60 menit dalam satu jam, dan kita mungkin menginginkan kecepatan dalam satuan meter per detik, m / s. Jadi, mari gunakan persamaan yang relevan dan masukkan angka dan konversi unit kita:
v = d / t
= 12.250 m * 1 jam * 1 menit
1 jam 60 menit 60 detik
= 3.403 m / s barat daya
Jika Anda perlu melaporkan arah dalam satuan derajat atau radian, buat timur 0 ° atau 0 radian, dan putar 45 ° atau π / 4 radian 5 kali berlawanan arah jarum jam untuk mendapatkan 225 ° atau 5π / 4 radian.
4. terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesiathesis: introduces the topic and shows speaker or writers position: outlines of the arguments are presents
tesis: memperkenalkan topik dan menunjukkan posisi pembicara atau penulis: garis besar argumen disajikan
#maaf kalo salah
5. the following table shows the stundents' data of their height, weight, and age. fill in the blank by writing the correct compararison form.
the following table shows the stundents data of heigth their are nob
6. Figure 2.34 shows the floor plan of a room. The side of each unit square represents 0.5 m. Find the following. а Floor area of the room b Length of the wall cabinet im c Approximate area of the corner table top d Width of the sofa set e Approximate area of the coffee table top
Figure 2.34 shows the floor plan of a room. The side of each unit square represents 0.5 m. Find the following. а Floor area of the room b Length of the wall cabinet im c Approximate area of the corner table top d Width of the sofa set e Approximate area of the coffee table top
7. describe the position of the picture below
the answer is b where is the window
8. the underlined sentence shows the Expression of
the reason is because Alyais not sure that she's able to do it
9. the position of the heading leter is
ini gak jelas .
10. which of the following the shows gratitude
Yang berikut ini menunjukan rasa terima kasih
#semogamembantu Gratitude adalah ucapan terima kasih.
Thank you
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much
I am grateful for
Nah arti dr prtnyaan d atas adalah "dibawah ini manakah yg menunjukan ungkapan terima kasih". Jika tu soal plihan ganda, mka bsa plih yg da ucpan thanks atau grateful nya.
11. The underlined sentence shows the expression of
you must compliting your question,ok?
12. The underlined sentence shows the expression of...
maaf saya cuma bisa mengartikan
semoga membantu
13. the underline word shows the expression of
pake bahasa indo napa
14. The table shows the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in some atoms and ions. Complete the table. Jawabb plss dikumpulin sebentar lagi nihhh
Li = 3 4 3
S = 16 16 18
K = 19 22 18
15. The underline sentence shows the expression of
Expression of Opinion
Semoga membantu.
On Instagram || @dhinrsky
Meminta pendapat (Ask for opinion)
"What do u think of diving?" artinya "Apa pendapatmu tentang menyelam?" Terus Rico menjawab (pendapat dia) "I think diving is very fun to do" artinya "Aku rasa menyelam sangat menyenangkan untuk dilakukan."
16. What is function of prepostion? * 5 poin a. To describe the place of the adjactives b. To tells the place of the adverb c. To tells the position of the verb d. To describe the position of the noun.
17. The response of the students shows that?
students as students must obey school rules and respect teachers
18. What is the antonym of illuminates?a. Lightsb. Showsc. Darkensd. ExplainsWhat is the opposite of towards?a. Movementb. Relationc. Positiond. Purpose
a. lights
d purpose
sorry if the answer is wrong
19. The next above shows theexpression of
i dont knoww
you must compliting your question
20. 1. Days of the weekThe table below shows the days of the week in English together with their commonabbreviations.
Minggu: Sunday - Sun
Senin: Monday - Mon
Selasa: Tuesday - Tue
Rabu: Wednesday - Wed
Kamis: Thursday - Thur
Jumar: Friday - Fri
Sabtu: Saturday - Sat
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