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There Are 13 Left Handed And 21

There Are 13 Left Handed And 21

There are 27 players on the jv baseball team. Out of all of the players, 1/9 of them are left-handed. Of those left-handed, 2/3 of them are over 6 feet tall. How many players of the jv baseball team are left-handed and over 6 feet tall?​

Daftar Isi

1. There are 27 players on the jv baseball team. Out of all of the players, 1/9 of them are left-handed. Of those left-handed, 2/3 of them are over 6 feet tall. How many players of the jv baseball team are left-handed and over 6 feet tall?​

Jawab: 2 players

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

S = overall players

A= Left-handed players

B = 6 ft tall players

we need to know how many A and B

S= 27

A = 1/9 of S = 3

B = 2/3 of A = 2

because B is part of A who also left handed. So, there are 2 players who left handed and over 6 ft tall

2. Erika : Are there any pencil left in the box? Taufiq : No,________________________. a. there is one pencil left b. there are three pencils left c. there are two pencils left d. there are no pencils left​


mengapa? karena si Erika menanyakan apa ada sisa pensil di dalam kotak, lalu si Taufiq menjawab tidak, (berarti sudah tidak ada lagi pensil di dalam kotak tersebut)

3. 22Mother: How many eggs are left in thefridge?Kiki 2 ..., Mom.a. there are two eggs leftb. there is no egg leftc. there are five eggs leftd. there are ten eggs left​




C.There are five eggs left


pada gambar terlihat 5 telur

4. and-arrived-at 06.00 a.m-we-there-left-at 08.00 a.m

we arrived there at 06.00 a.m and left at 08.00 a.m We arrived there at 06.00 a.m and left at 08.00 a.m

5. after the student had comleted the, they handed in their paper and left the room. we can also say .... the test. the students handed in their paper and left the room.a. completedb. completingc. having completedd. to have completede. to have been completing​

a. ) completed

ੈ✩‧₊˚ semoga membantu yaa! 彡

6. Apa keuntungan dan kerugian bermain voli jika pemain itu left handed atau kidal?​



1.pola pertahan daerah sangat baik untuk melawan tim yang lemah dalam memainkan bola.

2.menyulitkan penyerang yang memasuki daerah pertahanan tersebut.

3.meningkatkan kekompakan tim dan mengurangi kesalahan idividu.


1.melawan penyerang yang terbiasa dengan memainkan passing yang cepat.

2.susah menjangkau lawan yang sering menggunakan penembak jitu dari luar garis three point.

3.perhatikan pemain terpecah antara pemain lawan dan pola pertahanan yaang telah ditentukan.

7. there is/are only one piece of cake left for three people​


Then the cake must be divided into three

Maaf kalo salah ya ...


there are only one piece of cake left for three people

8. 1. There are scars in my leftright handsA. butB. andC. SOD. for​




Semoga membantu

Dan jangan lupa follow

9. there are only ......few seats left for...tonight musical at ......univercity

there are only a few seats left for our tonight musical at the univercity

10. 6. There.... beautiful flowers in my garden.A. isB. areC. isn'tD. aren't7. The kids are starving, but .... no food left them.A. there isB. there areC. there's noD. there aren't8. There .... five students in the garden but there .... anybody in the classroom.A. aren't / aren'tB. is / isn'tC. are / isD. are / isn't9. He is very rich. .... much money in his savings.A. There are notB. There is notC. There areD. There is10. ..... many guests in the hotel. There is no room left.A. There isB. There areC. There is notD. There are not​


6. A

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. A

semoga membantu

6. Jawaban : C.

7.Jawaban : C.

8.Jawaban : D.

9.Jawaban : C.

10.Jawaban : A.

maaf kalo salah

kalo bener jadi jawaban mu

yang di foto itu diatas jawaban tapi pake

bahasa. Iggris.

11. Peter is at the cinema. There are 10 seats on his left and 11 seats onhis right. There are 8 rows in front of him and 12 rows behind him.How many seats are there in the cinema altogether?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:






maaf kalo salah

12. SMAN 10 Malang. Along the left and right of the bus, there are dark-glasses windows with which passenggers are enable to see outside.di transelet

SMAN 10 Malang. Di sepanjang kiri dan kanan bus, ada jendela kaca hitam yang bisa diakses orang di sana.SMAN 10 Malang. Di sepanjang sisi kiri dan kanan bus, ada kaca gelap dimana memungkinkan penumpang untuk bisa melihat keluar

13. There are....... Eggs in the basket There are.... Boys in the class There isn.... Money in the wallel There isn.... Waler in the bucket There are.... Girls in the Hall I have..... Story books at home Huny up there isn l.... Time left Don't eat you.... Condies and sweets There are.... Buttons on your shirt There are.... Frees in the park


1 ada.sebuah.. telur diatas keranjang

2 ad ..anak laki laki di kelas


maaf saya hanya jawab segitu soalnya saya ngk tau bagaimna maksudnya .. ap yg di kejain kh atau hanya artinya saja

14. Fill in the blanks with much or many There are...... Eggs in the basket There are..... Boys in this class There isn..... Money in the wallel There aren.... Girls in the hall I have..... Story books at home Huny up! There isn.... Time left Dont eat you.... Condies and sweets There are.... Buttons on your shirt There are.... Hees in the park

Many eggs
Many boys
Much money
Many girls
Many story books
Much time
Condies apaan dah?
Many buttons

15. I bought 100 sweets I shared with my friend 50 and to 29 there are how many candies left ​

100 - 50 - 26 = 24


Saya membeli 100 permen yang saya bagikan dengan teman saya 50 dan keSaudarasaya 29 ada berapa permen yang tersisa

16. Jelaskan perbedaan prinsip gerakan pemain right handed dan pemain left handed


kaki kanan selalu berada di ujung,atau setiap melakukan langkah selalu di akhiri dengan kaki kanan


Maaf Kalo Salah,Dan Jadikan Yang Terbaik Yaaa

17. tambahkan much, many1. there is .... water in the sea2. how .... children are there?3. mother needed .... apples and .... flour4. you don't have .... tea left5. are there .... glasses of milk?​

Many biasa digunakan untuk benda yang bisa dihitung seperti air, pasir dst. Much sebaliknya

No 1. Much karena air tak bisa dihitung banyaknya

No 2. Many karena anak2 bisa dihitung jumlahnya

No 3. Many apples and Much flour

No 4. Much

No 5. Many

18. ....any sugar left? The sugar jar is empty.a. Is there b. There isn't c. Are there d. There aren't​




maaf kalo salah


jawaban A

penjelasan :
is there any sugar left?
(apakah disana masi ada gula yang yang tersisa? )

19. terjemahan dalam bahasa indonesia it is a zoo,in the zoo there zebras elephants money cro codiles giraffes snakes lions tigers and many more look there are two elephants five zebras and three camels on the right there are two lions and twelve moneys on the left

ini adalah kebun binatang. di dalam kebun binatang ada zebra, gajah, buaya, jerapah, ular, singa, macan, dan masih banyak lagi. disini ada 2 gajah, 5 zebra, dan 3 unta. di sebelah kanan ada 2 singa dan 20 monyet di sebelah kiriitu kebun binatang, ada zebra gajah uang buaya jerapah ular singa harimau dan lebih banyak melihat ada 2 gajah 5 zebra dan ada unta di sebelah kanan ada 2 singa dan 12 uang di sebelah kiri

20. there is/are only one piece of cake left for three people​


there isonly one piece of cake left for three people

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