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Which Polynomial Lists The Powers In Descending Order

Which Polynomial Lists The Powers In Descending Order

Fill in the blanks of the number order descending ....20th... 18th,​

Daftar Isi

1. Fill in the blanks of the number order descending ....20th... 18th,​



simpel sekali

2. arrange the following in descending order. 1/3 , 23/70, 0.302302... , 0.30202. . . , 0.30222 ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



smoga membantu ya kaka


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1/3 = 0,333333333....

23/70 = 0.32857142857....

Maka, urutannya adalah :

1/3 ; 23/70 ; 0.302302.. ; 0.30202... ; 0.30222...

3. The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?


The arrangement of the following numbers 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 in descending order is?

(Susunan bilangan berikut 0, 1, -8, 10, -10 secara berurutan adalah?)

answer :

-10, -8, 0, 1, 10,



4. which is the correct order?​

Yang mana adalah pesanan/urutan yang benar?

5. 5. The motorcycle, the chain ............. is severed, is mine. 1.whose 2.that 3.of which 4.which 5.whom6. Dan waters the flowers everyday ........ grow well.1.in order that2.so3.because4.in order to5.because of​


gatau sih gua kan bodo

maaf kalo salah

6. which arrangement is the correct order of the day?

The correct order of the day in a week :

Monday (Senin)Tuesday (Selasa)Wednesday (Rabu)Thursday (Kamis)Friday (Jum'at)Saturday (Sabtu)Sunday (Minggu)


In a week, there are seven days.  Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.

In a month, there are four weeks.

In a year, there are twelve months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

What day is today ? (hari apa hari ini?)

Today is Saturday (hari ini adalah hari sabtu)

What day is tomorrow ? (hari apa besok?)

Tomorrow is Sunday (besok adalah hari minggu)

If today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday (jika hari ini selasa, maka besok adalah hari Rabu)

Pelajari lebih lanjutThe days of the week https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3634236What is tomorrow ? https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25538110Second day of the week https://brainly.co.id/tugas/31138767-------------------------------Detil jawaban

Kelas: 6

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Holiday, Days of the week

Kode: 6.5.2


7. 2.Grammar[b]Put the verbs from the box in the past simple and write them in the lists.​



regular verbs:






irregular verbs:








8. Which arrangement ia the corrent order of the day

The correct order of the day in a week :
Monday (Senin)
Tuesday (Selasa)
Wednesday (Rabu)
Thursday (Kamis)
Friday (Jum'at)
Saturday (Sabtu)
Sunday (Minggu)
In a week, there are seven days. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.
In a month, there are four weeks.
In a year, there are twelve months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
What day is today ? (hari apa hari ini?)
Today is Saturday (hari ini adalah hari sabtu)
What day is tomorrow ? (hari apa besok?)
Tomorrow is Sunday (besok adalah hari minggu)
If today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday (jika hari ini selasa, maka besok adalah hari Rabu)

9. tolong dibantu! 20.which is in ringht order? ​


B. It is number five hundred forty six (546)

D.it is number forty six hundred

semoga membantu:)

10. which arrangement is the correct order of the day?

aturan yg mana yang merupakan hari yang benar?

11. Which sentence is in a good order!


could you please order me some food?


maaf klo wrong




12. Write the words from the box in three lists.​

places in town: market, railway station, bookshop, post office, newsagent, library, chemistfamily: parents, aunt, father, daughter, cousin, uncle, mothernumbers: twenty-one, fourteen, thirteen, seventeen, eight, two, thirty

13. Write the words from the box in three lists.​

Jawaban di gambar yaa..

Tulisan Saya ketik dikarenakan terdapat kata yang kasar menurut brainly nya jadi tidak bisa di kirim kecuali melalui gambar .


Menggolongkan jawaban sesuai jenis nya

1. Parts of body ( Yng tergolong anggota badan)

2. Hewan

3. makanan

14. 1.what are the axis powers in 1945 2.what are the allies powers in 1945


Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union).

penjelasan : jika salah komen nya

15. The books in the library ___ in alphabetical order

The books in the library are arranged in alphabetical order

Semoga membantu :)

16. Which sentence is in a good order!


Dimana foto kalimatnya?


mohon maaf mana kalimat nya ya

17. Arrange : -12, 11, 3, -5, 0, 7, -20 in ascending order!Arrange: 10, -15, 6, -23, -22, 5, 9, -2 in descending order!​


-20, -12, -5, 0, 3, 7, 11

10, 9, 6, 5, -2, -15, -22, -23

semoga bermanfaat

18. The waitress serves you the wrong order." Which word is the subject in this sentence? * 4 poin


The waitress.


Subject adalah kata berupa orang/benda yang melakukan pekerjaan.

Di kalimat tersebut, the waitress serves you the wrong order, berarti the waitress melakukan pekerjaan yaitu "serve" (melayani).

19. Which one is the best order of the letter above?​


Berikut ciri – ciri surat yang baik :

Ditulis dalam bentuk yang menarik dan tersusun dengan baik sesuai dengan peraturan menulis surat.Tidak mengandung kata atau kalimat yang tidak berguna. ...Menunjukan budi bahasa, pertimbangan baik dan bijaksana. ...Tidak terlalu panjang. ...Bersih dan format yang menarik.



20. 1. Using the Sort feature in a table allows you to sort selected content in which of the following orders? a. Ascending b. Descending c. Alphabetical order d. All of the above Mohon jawabannya

Jawaban:D. All of above. Semua nya termasuk ascending, descending, alphabetical order.

Maaf jika salah

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